10 Ways in which you can deal with Anxiety.

A little anxiety is something that is very common if not human – everyone feels it at some point. However, is anxiety interfering with your everyday activities? Do you feel so much anxiety that it goes to the extent of disrupting your work and social life?
Here are 10 ways in which you can deal with it!
1. Limit Stimulants
Any kind of stimulant like coffee, alcohol or cigarette can make your anxiety worse. Make sure you cut down or even better, completely avoid them.
2. Eat a balanced diet
It is important to eat a nutritious diet without skipping meals to ensure that you don’t feel stressed out which in turn causes anxiety and depression.
3. Meditate
You don’t have to learn any special kind of mediation – Just closing your eyes, taking mindful breaths and staying in one place for about 10 minutes a day can greatly improve concentration and help reduce anxiety.
4. Exercise
Exercise helps release a hormone called endorphin which keeps you happy and relaxed. Getting enough exercise is the first step to tackling feeling frustrated, helpless and anxious!
5. Understand what triggers your anxiety
By spending time on thinking about why you feel anxious you learn how better to manage anxiety. Self-awareness is key to managing any mental stress and anxiety is no different.
6. Take time off
The first step to manage anxiety is to know that it is okay to take some time off. Whether it is to take a few minutes off during the day when you are feeling on the edge or a weekend off when you think it is too much, make sure you remember to take the time you need!
7. Make check-lists
A large part of anxiety involves panic around not knowing what to do – Have a clear check-list of what you have to get done during the day so that you don’t allow space for panic.
8. Practise mindful breathing
A good technique to control anxiety is to practise mindful breathing whenever you are stressed. Taking a couple of deep breaths helps you to de-stress and think clearly.
9. Practise positivity
Imagining the worst case scenario in every possible situation will only increase your anxiety. Maintain a positive and try to think of good things in order to stay happy and healthy.
10. Talk to someone
Last but not the least, let your friends and family know that you do have anxiety troubles. It would make it a lot easier to deal with anxiety when there are supportive people around.