20 Minute Workout for Flat Tummy

How many times have you looked at models and thought that their flat and toned tummies are such a far cry from yours? It is true that your tummy is the storehouse of stubborn fat that refuses to vanish easily. You need to do targeted core muscle exercises to burn that extra fat away. While finding an activity that you enjoy doing regularly like walking, jogging or cycling is great, it is also necessary to target the specific areas of your core muscles and engage them to give better definition and shape to your body. The abdominal muscles are quite significant when it comes to providing flexibility, support and posture to your body since they are directly connected to the spinal cord with tissues and muscles. Losing weight in the tummy can be quite tricky but once you know how to target those specific areas, you can feel the burn and see results in 2-3 months.
So here we have listed a few exercises that you could try from home everyday for just 30 minutes and say goodbye to your bulging paunch.
1. Ab crunches: This is a very good exercise for the upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles. Lie flat on the ground with your feet placed firmly on the ground and your hands clasped behind your head. Now raise your upper body from this position to the extent that you can feel the muscles in your abdomen getting worked and try to stay there for 3-5 seconds. Then bring back your body to the original position. Repeat this 30 times.
2. Planks: Planks are by far the best form of exercise to tone the body holistically. To carry out this exercise lie on the floor with your face down and upper body supported on your forearms. Now slowly raise your entire body off the floor and ensure you get a good amount of support from your forearms and toes when you do this. Carry this out for 3 repetitions, holding the raised position for about 15-20 seconds.
3. Touch your toe: This exercise might sound very simple but it is one of the most strenuous and effective workouts. All you need to do is to stand straight and lift both your hands up in the air above your head and bend slowly and touch your big toe. While doing this you will be able to feel your abdominal muscles and thigh muscles getting worked.
4. Cycle in the air: Bicycling engages a lot of muscles associated with the tummy and hence is considered one of the effective exercises to lose tummy weight. Carry out this exercise by lying on the floor, placing your hands behind your head and bring your knees off the floor. Simultaneously bring your left elbow towards your right knee while performing a cycling motion and then switch your elbows and legs alternatively. Repeat this 30 times.