4 Natural Ways to Regularize Menstruation

Most women have experienced delayed or missed periods at some point in their life. Irregular periods and missed periods are the kind of stories that all women can relate to. Such problems are mostly benign and can be treated through oral medicines and by incorporating certain changes in lifestyle that will help regulate the menstrual cycle by checking hormonal imbalances. However common these symptoms are, it is always better to check these symptoms with a gynaecologist if they exist for a prolonged period of time or occur frequently. There are a lot of natural ways that you could try to regularize your cycle but before that it is important to understand why you’ve been facing this issue. In women who are in the early menopausal phase, these symptoms are quite common. Similarly for women who just underwent a surgery in their uterus or experienced a miscarriage, these symptoms tend to show up as well. In other cases, you can try the following remedies that will help you tackle the issue:

1. Say no to white food: Most natural foods are not white and look the way they do due to the chemical processing. These chemicals are known to disrupt your menstrual cycle and can also result in increased storage of fat.  This excess fat affects your ovulation and can cause irregular periods.

2. Eat unripe papaya:You can indulge in this fruit in the form of juice or just the whole fruit. Unripe papaya is more effective in being a cure than ripe ones. But ensure you don’t consume too much of it when you menstruate.

3. Dark Chocolates ‘only’: Yes you read that right. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids which help improve blood circulation by reducing platelet clumping, Make sure it has at least 70% cocoa solids and don’t confuse your hormones by eating too much of it.
4. Castor oil to the rescue: This magical oil has a tendency to balance your hormones. Dip a small piece of cloth in castor oil and spread it flat on your lower abdomen. Place a hot water bag on top of this and cover the entire set-up with a towel. Do this for an hour everyday for a few months to see results. Avoid this practice during menstruation.

Always remember that your body reacts in the way you feed it. What you eat is very important for the body to secrete the right hormones and maintain a healthy balance. So always watch what you eat. Go natural in every possible way!

