5 Brilliant Meat Substitutes for the Vegans

Haven’t most of us always associated proteins with meat? Animal proteins are not the only source of quality protein. Did you know that there are equally brilliant and healthy vegetarian options that have these proteins? Plant-based proteins are something that most vegans and soon-to-be-vegans are researching about to understand about meat substitutes. After all, nature isn’t that unfair to stock all the proteins in meat. In this article, we have thrown some light on the wide array of plant-based choices that will provide the necessary proteins for your body. Although these are good alternatives don’t stop yourself from experimenting by combining two or more of the following options and exploring your culinary skills.
- Beans:These little super-foods are full of fibre, protein and magnesium and are also low in cholesterol making them an excellent option for proteins. These can turn out to be brilliant add-ons in your soups and salads.
- Nuts:Nuts usually are packed with various nutritional benefits and are rich in calcium and proteins. Peanuts, Walnuts and Pistachios are exceptional sources of proteins. Cashew nuts also contribute to a good level of protein and are useful sources of minerals like iron and zinc.
- Seeds:Never tried munching seeds before? Now is the time to generously engage in pumpkin seeds, sesame and sunflower seeds. These seeds are not only good for your heart and liver but are also healthy snacks especially when you’re watching your diet.
- Legumes:Regular consumption of chickpeas, black beans and lentils offers special health benefits and help maintaining ideal levels of insulin in the body. Legumes are rich sources of amino acids and proteins and can boost your energy because of their high iron content.
- Tofu and other dairy products:The most appreciated and well-known meat-free protein, tofu, is made from soybean curds. This is considered one of meat’s versatile replacements, thanks to its spongy texture. Other dairy products like cheese and fat-free yogurt are also interesting alternatives that you can consider.