5 Essential Ways  to Keep Your Bones Healthy

Bones are the strongest parts of your body and a perfect supporting mechanism to help you engage in everyday activity. Your body’s bone composition is constantly changing as old bones break down to form & build new ones. On an average, an adult requires about 1000 mg of Calcium everyday. You should be able to give your body all the calcium that it needs both in terms of Vitamin D as well as Calcium itself. Both these organic compounds help in the growth and strengthening of the bones.  Here are 5 essential ways to keep your bone healthy and strong:

  1. Eat Calcium rich foods:Bones and calcium are like two sides of a coin. Nature offers this calcium in abundance in the form of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits like apple, kiwi and pears and also an array of dairy products like cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. If you’re a person who loves nuts, go for almond and other derived products like almond butter.
  2. Say ‘hi’ to the morning sun:The body starts producing Vitamin D the moment it is exposed to sunlight. Doctors suggest that 10-15 minutes of sun exposure, three times a week is required for the body to produce the Vitamin D that it requires.
  3. Use Olive Oil:Olive oil is a key ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and a study shows that incidence of bone problems is lower in the Mediterranean area. Its extensive health benefits make olive oil an excellent addition to your everyday diet.
  4. Avoid corticosteroid medications:Extended usage of corticosteroid medicines might increase the risk of bone damage and deteriorate the mechanics of the bone. So check for medicines that have complex names like prednisone, cortisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone and stay away from them.
  5. Go easy on caffeine:Caffeine definitely has some health benefits but unfortunately not for the bones. Research has shown that drinking more than two cups of coffee per day accelerated bone loss in people who don’t consume enough calcium. It’s therefore good if you have it in moderation.

Always remember to follow a healthy and balanced diet coupled with 45 minutes of exercise everyday to keep yourself in the pink of health.


