5 Foods You Should Be Eating Raw

Since the time men discovered fire, we have got used to cooking our food. From breakfast to dinner, we pressure cook, sautée, broil, fry, boil and steam the food we eat.
But consume certain foods raw, though, and you could open up a whole range of health benefits from them. A temporary diet won’t do; you’ll need to embrace a lifestyle that includes lots of the 5 raw foods, we’ve listed below.
Raw Food #1: Coconut
The white portion of the coconut (its ‘meat’) is easy to digest. Plus, it is loaded with proteins, foliate, iron, potassium and the all-important fiber.
Raw Food #2: Fruits
Sure, they may be great in a number of dessert recipes. However, to harness the nutritional treasure in every fruit, eat it raw.
Raw Food #3: Onions
Onions are rich in allicin, a substance that helps you fight cancer and builds your immunity. They also contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant. Both of these are lost when you cook onions.
Raw Food #4: Garlic
This is down to the same component you lose in onions: allicin. You can pop a chopped clove of garlic for relief when you have a cold, so long as you don’t cook the allicin out of it.
Raw Food #5: Assorted Seeds and Nuts
Roasted nuts may be tasty, but doing this increases their fat and cholesterol content. It also lowers magnesium and iron content—both vital nutrients.