5 Interesting Ways to Deal with Mood-swings

Good mood- bad mood – good mood – bad mood… Sounds familiar? What a common term ‘mood swings’ has become these days! Don’t we readily blame it for anything and everything? It is quite sad that most people fail to take steps to diminish its effects and just end up whining about it. Anything to do with your mind can be controlled by you if you diligently work towards it. Millions of people across the globe take pills to temper their mood swings, which has detrimental effect to your vital organs. Calming your mood and keeping it relaxed is inevitable since it influences your decision making significantly. Mastering the art of controlling your mood takes practice. You will have to watch your thoughts and take necessary steps or you might end up getting agitated for even the smallest of issues. Research shows that if our bodies move in a particular way, our minds also automatically align the very same way. Hence it is important to take care of your body language to work your way out from the spell.
Here are 5 interesting ways that will help you even-out your moods:
1. Think before you speak: Do you easily get hurt or offended? Then you might want to focus on thinking before you actually say things out. Always take a moment to think from the recipient’s point of view and see how well it can be drafted so as to get your point communicated in a diplomatic and healthy way. This by itself will solve most of the problems since you don’t have to worry about the consequences of the conversation you had with someone and worry about it.
2. It’s okay to indulge: Food never ceases to make people happy. If you feel sad or terrible, it’s ok to grab that whole jar of ice cream and indulge in it. Also, binge eating once in a while has been proved to have quicker effects on people with mood swings. Always remember that this should not always be your first choice since it can directly affect your health in the long run.
3. Preserve a diary: It’s always good to vent your feelings out at some point. Most of the time we are not comfortable in sharing things that disturb us, with other people. In such cases, all you need to do is grab a pen and start writing what you feel. It’s ok if your diary almost takes the role of your best friend. After all, you know for sure that you’re not being judged!
4. Breathe in & breathe out: Every time your mind feels irritated, take a moment to close your eyes and take in deep breaths. This increases the supply of oxygen to the brain which in turn releases feel-good hormones called endorphins and you will instantly be able to see the results.
5. It’s ok to fake a smile: Research has proved that simply putting a smile on your face, even when you don’t feel like doing it, tricks the body into thinking that you’re experiencing something nice and good and diminishes the effects of the stress hormones. Now this gives you a reason to stand in front of the mirror and put up a broad smile or even spend some time in taking selfies!