5 Quick and Easy Tips for Those Computer-Strained Eyes

Computers and cell phones have become inevitable parts of our daily lives these days – thanks to the growing digital world. It is almost impossible for the white-collared professional to avoid looking at the computer screen for long hours. This gradually results in straining and drying of our eyes. Fatigued and overworked eyes are a result of the high usage of computers for work, school and entertainment. Eye strain is a common problem across all ages due to the extensive consumption of digital media which starts at a very early age these days. In this article, we show you 5 simple and quick ways that will help you tackle this problem without the usage of pain relievers or eye drops.
- Blink, Blink, Blink: While blinking is a sub-conscious activity, your eyes sometimes forget to blink while working under extremely focussed situations where you are forced to look into the computer screen for a long time. Aim for a blink every 15 seconds to stay away from dryness and itchiness of the eyes.
- The 20-20-20 Rule: A break is all your eyes need. After every 20 minutes of work on the computer, look at an object for 20 seconds which is 20 feet away from you. This will give the necessary refreshment and lubrication that your eyes require.
- Read a virtual book: Book reading has always been an appreciated concept and now you will know why. When you read a book, your eyes move slowly from left to right creating a soothing effect on the eye muscles that will help reduce the strain. So start by imagining like you are reading a book that is being projected on a wall. Move your eyes slowly from left to right across the wall for 30 seconds to calm your eye muscles.
- Eye Rolling: Eye exercises are pretty simply but the difficulty arises when you realize that you need to remember to do it from time to time. It is natural that when your brain focuses on something a lot, it has the tendency to change the regular movement of the eyes, thereby creating a sore eye muscle like any other muscle in the body. It is for this reason that it is advised to close the eyes for 15 seconds every hour and roll your eyes from left to right, up to down and in clockwise and anti-clockwise motions.
- Simply Yoga: Palming is a very effective technique that is suggested by yoga experts. All you have to do is to rub your hands together for 10 to 15 seconds until they feel warm and place your hands over the eyes with the fingertips resting on the forehead, the palms over the eyes and the heels of the hand resting on the cheek. Do this and see it work like magic for your stressed eyes.