5 Ways to Help Fight Obesity in Kids

Childhood obesity has become a serious problem in the last few years. Being overweight usually has a huge impact on a child’s physical, mental and emotional health and also hinders his or her overall social development. The present day digital world has impacted the lives of kids to a great extent and has resulted in reduced social and physical activity. Children find digital devices more entertaining and hence are losing interest in playing outdoor. Another main reason for this problem of obesity is the widespread accessibility to fast food which is completely unhealthy for the child’s overall body development.
Here in this article, you will find a few ways in which you can keep a check on your child’s weight and help him/her lead a healthy and active life.
- Outdoor is the mantra : Encourage the kids to move outdoor instead of staying at home and start exposing them to various activities like cycling, swimming, tennis, etc. for an hour everyday. This will also refresh their mind and give them time to interact with people. Always remember to allow the kid to choose from a couple of options instead of forcing them to take one simply because it is easily accessible.
- Create a schedule:Nothing works like scheduling the activities. Through this you will not only be able to keep track of the child’s activity but you will also be able to help him/her understand the importance of leading an organized and healthy lifestyle.
- Watch their diet:You are what you eat- and this holds good for children as well. You can control their diet by packing food for them and restricting their spending on food outside home.
- Lead by Example:Asking a child to do something you are unwilling to do yourself will usually yield poor results. Spend considerable time in educating them on proper nutrition, safe exercise and making intelligent choices when it comes to food.
- Fun workouts:Enroll the kids in some fun training sessions that is in line with their interest. It works even better if a group of kids join such classes and workout together. Considerable level of strength training and cardiovascular training under professional supervision works wonders for kids with obesity.