6 Habits You Can Emulate From Emotionally Strong People

Ever looked at someone who always seems calm and put together and wondered if you can be like them? Are there certain habits that emotionally strong people have that make them different from others?
The good news however is that these practices are not difficult to imitate – with conscious effort you can easily bring these habits in your life and become an emotionally strong person.
In a world where your emotional quotient has equal if not more importance than your intelligence quotient, these are some things you can always remember to stay happy and healthy.
1. Remember to be grateful
The first step to becoming mentally strong is by staying positive and what better way to stay positive than practicing gratitude and appreciating the things you already have in your life. Maintain a gratitude journal or spend some time every day thinking about all the things you are grateful for.
2. Don’t worry about things you cannot control
There are only two kinds of problems: The ones you have control over and the ones you don’t! Learn to stop worrying about the things over which you have no control as this only drains your emotional energy.
3. Live in the moment
Unless you are able to make peace with your past and not incessantly focus on regrets, being emotionally strong will be a great challenge. Learn to leave behind what has happened and live in the moment with hopes for a better future!
4. Learn to Say No
Emotionally strong people know how to say “No” while still remaining positive and polite. Only when you say “No” to the things you don’t want to do, you will find enough time for yourself and all the things you want to do. Learning to say “No” is an important way to control how your emotional energy is used.
5. Spend time alone
Only when you spend some time with yourself and reflect on your actions you understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses. Apart from this, every emotionally strong person knows that solitude is just a step towards betterment and growth!
6. Practice perseverance
What is emotional strength if you cannot get right back on your feet when you fall down? Perseverance is a very important quality because we cannot avoid set-backs that come in our way but what we can avoid is getting bogged down by them for too long.