6 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Winter blues are SAD. Like really SAD – where SAD means Seasonal Affective Disorder.  It is a form of depression that is usually seen during early winters. One in five people across the world experience serious mood swings, depression and anxiety during the winter season. Although in India winters aren’t as bad as they are in the West, there’s still the incidence of winter doldrums in a certain population making them feel sad, lethargic, exhausted, grouchy, unmotivated or pessimistic every year around the same time. SAD affects more women than men (4:1 ratio) and the number increases as we move to northern latitudes. The good thing about winter blues is that they tend to fade away with the onset of warm weather and is not a serious disorder to be worried about. However to keep yourself going, it is imperative to take a few steps to lift your spirits up.
1. Sleep near windows: Every night before you sleep, make sure your curtains aren’t closed. You need the morning sunlight that’s rich in Vitamin D to activate your body cells and to build a healthy immune system.

2. Move out of your house: It is going to be hard, but it is going to be great for your day. Step out of the house within two hours of waking up, however cold it is and soak yourself in the natural breeze and sunlight.

3. Switch to brighter alarm clocks: Light therapy is a successful treatment for SAD. There are alarm clocks in the market that tend to emit bright light when they go off. Look for these and keep them on your bedside table.

4. Join communities: Become a part of welfare communities or other volunteering associations and start engaging in social activities. This will help you interact with more people and help kill the blues.

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5.  Dawn Simulators: These little devices tend to mimic sunrise inside your room. By adjusting the light intensity level appropriately it can emulate a perfect summer.

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6. Switch to peppy music: Avoid listening to slow melodies as much as possible. Create a peppy playlist and turn it ON the moment you wake up. Shake your body and sing along- this will trick your body into thinking you’re in a happy environment.
http://time.com/3692785/beat-w inter-blues/

https://www.buzzfeed.com/jessi camisener/simple-tips-tricks-f or-beating-the-winter-blues?ut m_term=.xwvywN9Z7#.ln5a5Z7Ww