7 Brain Foods for your Kids

We all know that kids these days are very smart. They are exposed to a lot of things at school and at home giving their brains a massive boost. Although such exposure enables them to look at things in a different and better perspective, it is the responsibility of every parent to keep their mind and body healthy while they do so. Brain development is a continuum from birth till they turn 20; however, the critical period in the development of the brain is from the time of birth up till age 8.  During this period – the brain tries to take in and process as much information as possible, thereby accentuating the activity of its neuro-receptors.


With Children’s Day being in the recent past, let’s vow to feed them with healthy food and help in the process of brain development. Here is a list of brain-healthy foods that your kids shouldn’t be deprived of.


1. Eggs: Eggs are rich in proteins and this facilitates the pocess of building their concentration. Proteins are also essential for development of strong and healthy bones. It is advisable to serve one egg per day in the morning along with a whole-grain supplement.

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2. Fish: Fish, especially salmon and tuna are packed with amino acids and omega-3-fatty acids like no other food and are the most ideal source of such proteins. Omega-3-fatty acids stimulate the brain receptors and aid in improved memory power.

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3. Peanut Butter: If you haven’t tried a sandwich made of peanut butter and banana, you are making a serious mistake. Kids not only enjoy eating it but also the Vitamin E in peanuts acts as a potent antioxidant that helps the brain to breakdown the glucose for energy.


4. Oats: Oats is a nutritious cereal for a kid’s brain. The fibres loaded in an oats based breakfast, keeps a child’s brain fed every morning thereby making them very active at school. Oats are also good sources of potassium and zinc that pushes our brain to work in its fullest potential.

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5. Spinach: Popeye was right! Spinach is really good for a child’s development. Kids may definitely throw tantrums to eat spinach but the trick herec is to secretly hide it in an egg sandwich or lasagne or a smoothie.

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6. Strawberries & Blueberries: These two juicy berries are extremely high in antioxidants and have been proved to stimulate the cognitive functioning of the brain. They play an important role in preventing the long term effects of oxidative stress on the brain.

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7. Milk and yogurt: Dairy products like milk and yogurt have essential fat that is required on an everyday basis. The proteins in yogurt tend to make the brain stem cells flexible thereby making it easier for the brain to communicate with the outside environment by sending and receiving information.

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http://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/ childhood-adhd/features/brain- foods-kids#1

http://flintobox.com/blog/ nutrition/health-top-7-brain- developing-foods-for-kids