7 Diabetic-friendly Tips

Did you know that around 371 million people are affected by diabetes globally and half of them are undiagnosed? The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has predicted that around 552 million people will have this disease by 2030 which is quite a significant number. Today being World Diabetes Day, it is imperative for each and every one of us to be aware of this disease which is the seventh leading cause of death in the world.
Diabetes if not treated properly can lead to a lot of health complications including stroke and heart disease. To tackle diabetes – follow a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.
Here are a few diabetic-friendly tips to stay happy and healthy:
1. Do not skip meals: Diabetes mainly occurs due to an increased blood sugar level in your body and it is a reflection of what you eat. When you skip meals, the insulin production will decrease thereby making it difficult for the body to metabolize sugar.
2. Curb your craving: Binge eating is also not good for people with diabetes. Keep track of your psychological hunger and think twice before giving in to cravings.
3. Identify the GI: Glycemic Index (GI) can be found on food packaging. Low GI foods cause a lower and slower spike in your blood sugar level.
Here’s a small guide to help you decide:
· Low GI (55 or less): Legumes, lentils, oats
· Medium GI (55-69): Cookies, brown rice, fruit cocktail, wheat spaghetti · High GI (70 or more): White bread, rice, carrots, honey, pasta, popcorn, alcohol (except red wine)
4. Know your fruits: Fruits like ripe mangoes, jack fruits, bananas, melons, pineapple and raisins should be avoided at all costs since they are rich in sugar levels.
5. Bitter guard juice: Beat the sweet with bitter. Drink bitter guard juice at least twice every day and see the difference in your blood sugar level yourself.
6. Watch your feet: Your feet become very sensitive when you have diabetes and can show various warning signs based on the blood circulation level. Make sure you watch your feet every day and check for its sensitivity and blood circulation levels.
7. Stay Active: Exercise can never be compromised when it comes to diabetes. One needs to boost the body’s metabolism level by exercising for at least 30-45 minutes a day.
https://www.organicfacts.net/ home-remedies/15-ways-to-keep- diabetes-under-control.html https://www.purelyb.com/be- well/get-informed/12-ways-to- keep-diabetes-under-control