7 Easy Eye Care Tips

Imagine being blindfolded for one whole day. This is the best way to make anybody go crazy especially when you’ve been naturally gifted with good vision. Eyes are definitely a prized possession that should not be taken for granted. Your eyes are naturally capable of protecting themselves but when they are subjected to an unfavourable environment; they might start giving you trouble. Hence protecting your eyesight, especially as you age is an essential part of your healthcare.
Here are 7 easy tips to help you guard your vision:
1. Avoid direct AC: However sweaty or hot you may feel, avoid directing the cool air from the AC towards your face and especially your eyes. This may result in drying of the cornea, since the air from the AC is capable of ripping the natural moisture off your eyes.
2. Wear sunglasses: Did you know that the harmful ultra violet rays from the sun speeds up ageing of your eyes? This results in early cataract formation and other such complications. By wearing quality sunglasses, you will be able to guard your retina which is primarily responsible for vision. Ensure that you buy sunglasses capable of 100% protection from UV-A & UV-B rays. Use safety eye wear when you have to get into the swimming pool.
3. Take care of your lenses: If you have been using contact lenses for a while, make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Never sleep with your contacts on. Also, refrain from using saliva (gross, right?) or water as a solution. Contact lenses should not be used if they have crossed the expiry date or have been damaged due to external wear and tear.
4. 20-20-20 rule: These days, a lot of people sit in front of the computer as part of their everyday job. Follow the 20-20-20 rule – look up from your computer screen every 20 minutes at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Always keep a safe distance from electronic screens and gadgets.
5. Eat fish regularly: Eating fish once every 3 days gives you enough omega-3-fatty acids that serve as a nourishment to the eyes. If need be, in consultation with your doctor, you can pop vitamin pills to give the adequate amount of vitamins that your eyes require.
6. Foods to eat: Red onions, carrots, oranges, spinach have the necessary nutrients to keep your eyes healthy. Also, avoid using too much salt in your food; instead use herbs and a little less salt. As we always say it’s high time you give up smoking and alcohol.
7. Never share a towel: For hygiene reasons, we advise you to say a loud NO when someone asks for your towel. Keep a towel for yourself which you wash once every 3 days at least.
http://www.aao.org/eye-health/ tips-prevention/top-10-tips- to-save-your-vision-2
http://www.allaboutvision.com/ over60/ways-to-protect.htm