7 Everyday Foods to Avoid that Can Cause Cancer

Curing Cancer is not in your hands, but preventing it to a certain extent is! Will you believe it if we tell you that you tend to eat Cancer inducing foods on an everyday basis somehow or the other?

Research has estimated that more than half the cases of commonly occurring Cancer are preventable with proper lifestyle changes. The commonly occurring Cancers in males are prostate, colon, lung, stomach and liver. The commonly diagnosed Cancers in females are breast, lung, colorectal, cervix and stomach. Eating Cancer causing foods regularly can also lead to heart disease, chronic disease, and other such complications.

Here are 7 foods that tend to be a part of your day-to-day diet and have the ability to trigger Cancer:

1. Canned foods: The lining of most canned foods is made up of a chemical called Bisphenol-A (BPA). Some foods stored inside the cans are capable of ripping this lining off and it ultimately ends up getting mixed with the food that’s inside the can. So it’s always better to avoid tinned/canned foods.

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2. Genetically Modified Foods (GMF): These days, due to the restricted supply and the increasing demand of certain foods, one find s a lot of genetically modified foods in supermarkets. It is always advisable to look for GMO-free labels when you shop.

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3. Farmed Fish: You may think that fish is a very healthy alternative for meat but the fact holds true only if you use wild fish that grows in its natural habitat. Farmed fish have been found to be 16 times more carcinogenic since they are fed with contaminated fish meal and are bred in a restricted artificial environment filled with chemicals.

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4. Fast food:  Need we talk about this? They may be delicious but definitely harmful. AVOID!

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5. Microwave Popcorn: As yummy as these popcorns could be they are also an evil snack. The microwave bags are lined with a chemical called Perflourooctanoic acid, a compound that is known to cause various types of Cancer including liver, testicular and pancreatic Cancer.


6. Refined sugar: Refined sugar is harmful in every way and is found to be the biggest Cancer inducing food. It acts as a stimulant for breast Cancer inducing cells. Remember that mutated Cancer cells love sugar!

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7. White flour: Research has shown that people who get more than 57% of their energy intake from carbs like white flour are at a 220% higher risk of developing breast Cancer. This is because the body releases excess insulin to help process the meal which is detrimental to the body as it has the capacity to fertilize tumour cells.

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