7 Simple Ways to Deal with Deadline Panic

Everybody around you is running and the race seems to heat up day after day. It’s a competitive world today which involves nerve-racking deadlines. People are forced to deal with pressure – be it at work or on the personal front, and very often tend to forget to care about their health. Most often it’s a trying day at work which leads to chronic impatience inevitably setting in.

Research has proved that people who face constant deadlines tend to panic and are therefore significantly more prone to heart diseases. There are a lot of ways that have been proven to be effective while dealing with work related panic:

1. Do your to-dos everyday: Start your day at work by checking the previous day’s mails and jotting down the tasks that you’re supposed to complete for the day. Learn to prioritize tasks and keep them on top of the list. Keep tasks that demand time for approval spread across the day. Always ensure you tick everything off your list before you leave for the day. The ones that get missed have to be carried over to the next day’s to-do.


2. Set your time blocks right: Things won’t always go as per your to-do list. Always keep a buffer especially while committing to meetings.


3. Have a strong relationship with your client: At the end of the day it’s your client who is going to bring revenue to you and your company. Most of the time, a disagreement with your client might ruin your time with them. It’s always important to create a strong relationship to pre-empt last minute pressures.


4. Sticky-notes to the rescue: Pick out your favourite quotes from the internet and write it down on a sticky note. Post them on your workplace station and make it as colourful and bright as possible. Research has proved that the workplace set-up has a major influence on the employees’ moods.

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5. Keep everyone in the loop: Creating regular checkpoints for your project helps clients know when to expect a status update and also be aware of the progress of the task.

6. Avoid e-distractions: We agree that it is difficult to stay completely away from social distractions but ensure that it doesn’t pull you in so much that you start neglecting your to-do list.


7. Set SMART deadlines: Last but not the least, set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reliable & Time-bound. Understand the dynamics of your goals before setting time limits to it. If need be, sit with your client/boss to discuss the time frame that is ideal.



https://www.sitepoint.com/step s-to-meeting-deadlines/

https://www.goal-setting-guide .com/9-ways-handle-work-deadli nes/