7 Simple Ways to Improve Memory & Focus

Strong memory depends on the health and vitality of the brain. Be it a student, a young professional or a senior in his old-age, everybody wants to enhance the capability of the brain and not let it diminish. Memory is one thing that cannot be compromised in day-to-day activities. Poor memory is a result of either increased brain fatigue or other natural phenomenon that results in poor processing of information. Improved concentration and focus makes life easier and more productive and anyone can make it happen using the following simple techniques and incorporating a few lifestyle changes.
- Put your eyes to rest:Sleep and food are inevitable parts of leading a healthy life. Adults require 7-9 hours of sleep to stay focused in their work and increase productivity of the brain. It is also important to fix a bedtime routine to be followed everyday as a habit. A proper sleep routine regulates the body’s functioning and rejuvenates the cells of the brain.
- Try mnemonic devices: These are memory tools that will help your brain remember and retain information in specific formats e.g. acronyms, visualizations, rhyming words and chunking (splitting of numbers to remember a phone number).
- Dietary Changes:Cutting down on carbohydrates and sugar and introducing other healthy sources of fat like coconut oil into your diet can help reset the brain cells. Also restricting your meals to a 6-7 hour window helps a lot in restoring the healthy functioning of your brain.
- Avoid multi-tasking: Multitasking is now a fancy term in the corporate world which is appreciated, if aced well. In most cases, the brain finds it difficult to accommodate too much simultaneous information about multiple things at the same time. One effective solution to this can be to maintain a handbook with a list of things that need attention, prioritized & executed based on their respective deadlines.
- White noise to the rescue:The noise that we hear while switching between radio stations is called white noise. Some apps and websites freely provide this white noise generator. Research has proved that this white noise actually works for certain people who reported improved memory and concentration.
- Soothing Music:Sometimes all you need is a pair of headphones with the music that you love. This is one of the main reasons as to why certain people choose to work with their headphones on. Just make sure that your music is soothing and not distracting and more importantly, not very loud.
- Do puzzles and read more: Your brain loves to explore. Do not deprive your brain of those interesting math puzzles, crosswords and sudokus you find in daily newspapers.
Different people’s brains work differently. Only you will be able to tell which of the above works the best for you. So try these techniques and stick to one that helps you feel the difference.