No-Allergy Diwlai

Bursting crackers is characteristic of Diwali – young and old alike, cherish the adventurous side that it nurtures. As streets fill up by the hour with cracker-bombs and the skyline is peppered with beautiful fireworks, your lungs might be in trouble. Save them the difficulty of breathing in smoke and struggling with the allergies. Here are a few things you should understand:


1. The reason why smoke allergy sets in is because heavy metals like potassium chlorate, sulphur, arsenic sulphite, aluminium and copper are spread abundantly in the air post-Diwali, from the use of fire crackers.

Indian Boy/Teenager coughing sneezing

2. The smoke released around Diwali can cause a lot of lung and breathing issues, and skin issues – which in turn are allergies.


3. Your best bet would be to avoid coming in contact with firecrackers actively. If you know you have a tendency to become allergic, there is a need to keep away from bursting crackers.


4. If you know that your exposure is inevitable, make sure that you wear a surgical mask, or cover your nose and mouth with a thin dupatta. This will not obviously take away the smoke, but it will create a temporary filter.


5. Always carry a nasal spray so that you can clear your nasal passageways. As for your skin, keep aloe vera gel or calamine lotion handy, especially because they help dispel allergic reactions.


6. You may also take a few handkerchiefs which have a few drops of lavender essential oil in them – and keep smelling them to avoid the impact of the allergic reactions from inhaling smoke.


7. In general, keep a regular practice of yoga and pranayama as a vital part of your fitness regimen, as it expands your lungs’ vital capacities, and also helps your body breathe in better.


8. Drink a lot of water – especially in a day packed with the festivities that Diwali is. By hydrating yourself, your lungs are less prone to dehydration. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Drinking water will also help by clearing up your skin and gives healthy glow.


9. Pollution and smoke from crackers can irritate your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. Always make sure that you cover your face with a cotton cloth while watching or burning crackers. Make it a point to wash your face after you are done, and pat dry your face.

What is your preferred allergy-management routine? Share it with us, as you and your family go onto have a happy, safe and prosperous Diwali.
