Peaceful Living in 2016

Stay peaceful this coming year. You owe it to yourself to enjoy a delightfully peaceful and happy life. To incorporate peace into your everyday living, do follow these simple things in your everyday life and enjoy the happiness of a life without any strife!


1. Celebrate yourself and indulge in giving yourself some time, and perhaps, some attention. If it takes a day at the spa, or some retail therapy, or a good round in the pool or perhaps even a jog, do it. Give yourself the chance to reconnect within, and to forget the myriad pressures that hold you back, so that you can breathe easy.
2. Don’t take on more things when you know you can’t handle it. Part of the problem with feeling stuck is biting off more than you can chew, and being encumbered with the need to prove one’s worth vis-à-vis the deliverance accordingly.
3. De-clutter, de-clutter, de-clutter!
4. Say no if you should. Don’t feel burdened or forced to say yes for whatever reason – remember, you are in charge, and you remain so – so if you feel that you cannot do something, be frank and say so. Remember, it makes more sense for everyone involved to be forthright and candid, rather than to have empty promises and resentment.
5. Start your days on the right note – do something for yourself every morning and set the tone for your day happily. It maybe something as simple as working out or having a cup of tea, or watching nature before the madness of the day unfolds. Whatever it is, give yourself that freedom and time.
6. Make sure to do some physical activity – workout, run, go for a swim, or even dance. The more physically active you get, the better it is for your wellbeing.
7. Always indulge in a hobby – and keep dabbling with variations. The more you’re able to do, the more you indulge in, and the more you gather as a pursuit of passion, the more creative and less stuck you feel in life.
8. Switch off every now and then. It is important to disengage – we are always so connected that there is a tendency to feel a pressure, a sense of jealousy of social happiness and a tendency to compare with others who we think are living it up – but actually may not be!
9. Don’t be negative about yourself and dismiss yourself. You deserve your critique only if it is constructive.
10. Always make it a point to eat healthy and keep yourself hydrated – because your energy levels, your mood and your tendency to indulge in habits are all related.


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