Lara Dutta’s Fitness

Former Miss Universe of 2000, Lara Dutta, is busy making heads turn with her every role and public appearance. For one who has been in the limelight since she was rather young, the demands of her profession have been less adversely impactful, and Lara remains a substantial role model in terms of health, work and intellect. Here is a look at Lara’s fitness mantra:
– A self-proclaimed foodie, Lara enjoys following her mind rather than her heart. She enjoys fitness as much as she enjoys food. She watches her food intake in her everyday diet plans, and is vegan. She sticks to nature’s offerings such as fresh fruits, vegetables.
– Lara looks at breakfast as one of the main meals of the day lunch being the second and the dinner getting the least priority.
– In terms of her exercise regimen, Lara follows a regimen of yoga and follows a five-days-a-week regime is mainly conducted on cardio and strength training. She also accumulated her personal experiences into releasing a fitness CD called H.E.A.L with Lara.
– Lara Dutta is all about organic and eco-friendly products, and is quite often seen popping in a DIY mask every now and then. While she uses ice cube to reduce puffiness in her eyes, she also delights in sandalwood and aloe vera gel for healthy skin.
– Because if her career needs, she frequently needs to get her hair changed and dyed and this is why she makes sure she gets protein treatments every now and then. She fears alopecia and makes it a point to go in for a head massage or hot-oil scalp massage often.

Lara Dutta – Fitness and diet tips!’

Picture Courtesy: workoutinfoguru and