Eat Right Before You Workout

The last thing you would want while working out is to feel  hungry or queasy.  A pre-workout meal is therefore inevitable to gear up your body by supplying the required amount of energy. Starving before a workout usually does more harm than good by burning the useful fat that is actually required by the muscles. Eating heavy meals before a workout is also equally harmful and tends make you feel nauseated while working out. A pre-workout meal is a whole foods meal that has to be taken 30 minutes prior to your workout session. This meal should be carefully balanced with the right proportion of the right ingredients. In this article, we throw some light on the best foods that have been proven to have a positive impact on the body while working out.

1. Eggs: This little source of protein has always been an integral part of a body builder’s diet. Eggs have been proven to contain multiple micro-nutrients that help in the growth of strong tissues and muscles. These are recommended not only for adults but also for kids whose bodies are constantly breaking down cells to form newer and stronger ones.



2. Bananas: These are natural energy bars that are packed with potassium and digestible carbohydrates. The potassium in bananas doesn’t get stored in the body for very long and hence it is advisable to eat a medium sized banana with half a cup of yoghurt to keep the nerve and muscle function healthy.

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3. Baked Potatoes: Potatoes are low in calories (110 calories for a medium sized raw potato) and are rich sources of vitamin C and vitamin B6. When baked with zero oil, these starchy vegetables prove to be the healthiest sources of fibre and also protect the body against cardiovascular diseases and cancer.


4. Oat meal: Oats are loaded with dietary fibre and have a range of healthy cholesterol–lowering properties. They tend to release carbohydrates into the blood stream and as a result help in maintaining steady energy levels. A cup of oats each day supplies the necessary carbohydrates for your workout.


Always remember that carbohydrates are an essential part of a pre-workout meal but proper care has to be taken to ensure that they are simple/natural sugars and not artificial sugar substitutes. So eat healthy and stay fit!


References: nutrition/what-to-eat/best- pre-workout-foods?page=2 01/24/pre-workout-meal/