Always losing touch with exercise? Discover ways to embrace your workout sessions.

If you’re reading this article you’re probably one of those willful defaulters when it comes to workouts. Sometimes it’s because of the erratic schedules but mostly it’s because you lose the interest and motivation to get up and exercise. Now the question is : How do you make workouts fun and be consistent in your schedule? Here are a few tips that might help you answer this question:
- Start with realistic and easy targets: The last thing you would want to end up with is a muscle pull, a twitch or body ache. This is why it is necessary to understand your body’s natural capability and device a plan based on that.
- Try roping in a buddy of yours: A friend is all you need sometimes to stay away from monotony and engage in mutual motivation. Working out with a friend is a sure shot way to kill boredom/ workout fatigue.
- Habits first, equipment later: Exercising should become a habit and not a hobby. It should not be something you do when you’re free; instead it should be a part of your everyday life. Don’t get swayed by costly equipments; instead work on creating a routine first and then buy your favorite gym equipment.
- Schedule your workout according to your body clock: Some people enjoy working out in the morning and some people like it in the evening. It is therefore necessary to understand your body cycle and set your workout time accordingly.
- Commit for 30 days first: Solidify the exercise habit by committing yourself to a 30-day schedule and ensure that you take it seriously.
- Reward yourself with some goodies: At the end of the day, there’s nothing as good as positive reinforcement. Treat yourself with something you’ve been yearning to buy for a long time. (PS: By goodies, we definitely don’t mean fatty foods!)
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