Antibiotic Awareness Week

We’ve come a full circle. At least in India. Well, not really full circle, but we are slowly getting there. What is this antibiotic, anyway? Its simply something that prevents the growth of certain micro organisms. Why do we need an awareness week for that? It’s because rampant use of antibiotics has been a bane in our country. More than rampant use, improper and unmonitored use has been the problem.



Remember we evolved – from Stone Age, to industrial age, to digital age. Not everything went perfectly though. We defeated tuberculosis, and then HIV came in. We started defeating cancer, and then lifestyle diseases started coming in. We live a sort of paradox where we seem to be the best position in the history of time with cutting edge medical technology, but many studies have established that we have the highest percentage of unhealthy people in history. Paradox. Advanced medicines, but unhealthier people.

We are in a super fast mode. When we fall sick, we don’t want to give our bodies the time it needs to heal. So we decide to take the fast route and tell the doctor to give you a medicine and make you better in a few hours so that you can get to work and not use up a ‘sick holiday.’ Because ideally we’d rather save up those days to take that vacation! While it may not always apply, I’m amused when friends and patients abroad call me to ask what antibiotic to take. When I tell them to see a doctor locally to get examined, their quick response is, “Hey, the doctor here is not giving medicines. He is asking me to take leave for three days.” “So how will you buy in there without prescription?” “That’s okay. I brought lots of antibiotics from India.” – True maybe, but is it ok?


But what we forget, is this – bacteria and other microorganisms have evolved too! Don’t want to complete your five-day antibiotics course that your doctor prescribed because you got better on the third day? Does more good for the bacteria than for you! Since it was not eliminated completely, it started getting stronger. More virulent. And going to attack more people when you give it to them. And so we are now in an era of antibiotic resistance. Good old antibiotics are not working like they should. And that is leading us to newer and more expensive antibiotics.

So the next time you tell your doctor (or buy it straight off the pharmacy) to give you the most powerful antibiotic so that you can attend that meeting or the golf game, think twice.

There are times you need those antibiotics. So during those times, do not let this article (or any other source) prevent you from taking medicines that you need. Sometimes not taking medicines when you need it, is as bad as taking it when you need it! Usually the best person to decide is a good doctor who knows what he’s talking about.


*I’ve used the blanket term antibiotics for anti fungals etc, though really it means medicines that work only against bacteria.


The author,Dr. Wasim Mohideen is preventive care and wellness physician. A medical professional with an MBA and Post Graduate training in Allopathy as well as Alternative medicine, he strives to bridge the gap between modern medicine, traditional treatments and healthcare management.