Are you getting enough protein in your diet?

Protein is a very important nutrient that is essential for all of us and here is the sad truth – Most of us are not getting enough protein! As an important building block in your body which gives you energy and also helps repair your body, it is vital that you get enough protein.
Here are some signs that you might not be getting enough protein:
1. Food Cravings If you are craving for something to eat constantly, especially in between meals and if you have a strong sugar craving after every meal it is probably because you are deficient in protein. If you fix your low protein diet, you will see that your cravings gradually disappear.
2. Pain in muscles or joints and slow recovery If you feel that you are weak and you constantly have muscle or joint pain, it is a clear sign of protein deficiency. Since protein is the nutrient that helps your body to recover, slower signs of recovery from an injury means that you have to include protein rich foods in your diet. 3. Do you have healthy hair skin and nails? Brittle hair, skin that is peeling out and nails that break often are signs that there is a nutrient deficiency. Ever wondered what is the secret to looking young? It just might be protein because it ensures that your skin, hair and nails are shiny and stay in great health.
4. Do you fall sick regularly? Feeling tired and exhausted all the time or are you are constantly falling sick and in need of medical attention? It is your body’s way of asking you to relook at your diet – often the solution is just adding more protein to it!
5. Mood swings If you find yourself a victim of mood-swings that leave you feeling happy and enthusiastic to tired and unwilling to work, all in a matter of a few hours, it probably has more to do with what you ate than who you are. Mood swings are a common side-effect of protein deficiency!
Eating more protein might be something really simple that we all read in our middle-school textbooks but it truly is one of those fixes that can go a long way to fix your health!