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3 Desi Dishes You Didn’t Know Were Keto-Friendly

The keto diet might be strict with carbs, but it’s generous when it comes to flavors! There are tons of simple and tasty keto (Indian) recipes. On this blog, check out some of our most popular keto meals for inspiration:

Palak Paneer

Palak, or spinach, is a low-carb superfood. The combination of Palak with Paneer, is a delicious desi combo that makes it a perfect meal if you are following a keto diet.


Sarso Ka Saag

Sarso ka saag- cooked with mustard, another low-carb ingredient with a variety of spices makes it delicious.  A 100-gm of raw sarso has a mere 4.7 gm of carbs. Adding a little bit of ghee to your saag/curry, add some good fats to it and make it keto-friendly.

South India Veg Sabji

Marinating (low-carb) veggies in this spicy tomato pureé gets you a tender and juicy dish that can easily hold its own as a main. It’s substantial enough to fill you up for lunch or to be eaten over eggs with breakfast—you won’t even miss the grains.


From North to South Indian dishes, this list of keto-licious foods is sure to spice up your home-cooking while keeping you centered to your diet plan.




4 simple ways to a healthy scalp!

Sometimes, especially after a sweaty workout, you may feel great but your hair may feel sweaty and itchy. If that has you thinking you may wonder that washing your hair is the best option; hold tight: You may actually be washing your hair too much after working out, which can cause your scalp to swing from dry to oily.

OK, so wash less: check. What else for this itchy, flaky scalp?

  • An oil for hydration

Warm up olive, coconut, or jojoba oil, and add few drops of lavender or rosemary oil. Massage it into your scalp before sleep. 


This helps in proper blood circulation to the hair follicles as well as ensures deep nourishment and removal of dirt and toxins.

  • Take steam on the hair

This helps in opening up the pores and thus flushes out the dirt and toxins from the scalp.

  • Brushing your hair frequently

This will help in blood circulation, prevent hair loss and keep the sweat away.


The takeaway

If your scalp ain’t happy, your hair probably isn’t either. “Scalp skin is one of the thickest on the body, and it carries more blood than the rest of your skin. It might take a little experimenting to find the remedy that works for you. So, try out these remedies and tell us what worked for you.



4 ways to stop overthinking and take heart-led decisions!

Let us begin with a simple question. Think of a time you purely used your head. A time when your brain entirely led the way. What happened?

Now… Think of a time you used your heart. When your heart led you fully. What happened then?


Reflecting on that for a moment, do you think the heart-driven decision gave you more joy?

Here are a few ways you can sprinkle in more heart-led decisions in your daily life.


  1. Imagine 2019 is your last year to live.
    What are the three things you’ve been meaning to do? Proposing to the love of your life? Writing a book? Climbing a mountain? Make them real!
  2. Fight your fears
    Whether you’re afraid because you’ve failed in the past, or you’re fearful of trying, just remember that there’s always a place to start fresh again and fight your fears.young-caucasian-man-sitting-biting-nails-nervous-very-anxious-scared-futu_1187-10668
  3. Accept your best
    Once you’ve given an effort your best, accept it as such and know that and success will follow!group-business-people-showing-thumb-up-sign_23-2147857241
  4. Be Grateful
    Be grateful for what you have even when it’s not easy. Even when things get tough, try to find things to be thankful for.


Everybody has the tendency to overthink. Hope these tips help you deal with it by warding off some of the negative, anxious, stressful thoughts and turn them into useful, productive, and effective ones.



Proven Ways To Set Goals And Achieve Them

Goal setting is by far one of the most important things anyone who wishes to accomplish anything in life must do. But, why is goal setting so important?


Goals are essential to your development and success. If you’ve tried setting goals and it hasn’t worked for you, here are a few tips.


Tip #1  

Set Goals, aligned with your Purpose

When you set your goals, always ask yourself ‘why’ you want to acheive it. If you know the ‘why’, following through won’t be difficult.



Tip #2  Spend some time alone

Ask yourself what is it that you value, what those values look like in your life and how they manifest into aspirations.


Tip #3  Determine the difference between your short-term and long-term goals

All it takes is taking out a sheet of paper or making a note on your device and organizing everything you hope to make happen into these two categories. This way you will know where to focus most of your energy.


Tip #4  Create a plan of action for each goal

When we desire a particular outcome, we can’t afford to be idle – actions have to be taken! With each of your goals, take the time to orchestrate an action plan. A small step every day is a great way to pace yourself.



Tip #5  Keep daily reminders of your goals

Some of us like to keep post-it notes on our work desks or on mirrors, while others appreciate a daily alarm on our phones – whatever form you choose, constantly reminding yourself of these goals is ideal.


Ultimately, the key to achieving your goals is to be proactive and believing in yourself. So, buckle up and get on it!



World Water Day 2019- Water For All!

World Water Day falls on 22nd March every year, and is a global event that focuses on the importance of water, and reaffirms our commitment towards conservation and development of water resources. This year’s theme, ‘Leaving no one behind’, adapts the central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with the goal of providing #WaterForAll by 2030.


Even today, billions of people are still living without safe water – households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories are struggling to survive and thrive. How can we tackle water crisis?


Here are some easy tips you can follow to save water in your own home.


  1. In toilets and shower- Install low or dual flush models, take shorter showers, install shower timers, and low-flow faucet aerators.
  2. Faucets and sinks- Opt for the dishwasher over hand washing, check faucets and pipes for leaks and turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush.


Extending your conservation measures:


  1. Trap rainwater by installing rainwater harvesting systems in your house or locality
  2. Reuse waste water wherever possible. For example, water drained from RO filters or air conditioners at home can be used for mopping the floor.


So start water conservation at home and make saving water part of your everyday family practice. Remember, every drop counts! Small changes can make a large impact, and we can leave a better future for the next generation.

Happy Water Day!


5 Holi Colours You Can Make At Home, The Natural Way!

Holi Hai! It’s the festival of colours, joy, and fun! Holi is a festival that is celebrated not just in North India – its spirit evokes joy and has encouraged people worldwide to celebrate it. However, the use of synthetic and chemical-heavy colours might cause more damage than they do fun. Here are 5 colours that are eco-friendly, completely natural and can easily be made at home!

  • Pink:

Grind up some beetroots and let them dry in the sun for an intense pink colour! You can also boil them in water for a wet colour.

  • Yellow:

Brighten things up with yellow! Mix turmeric and besan powder in a 1:2 ratio for a vibrant dry yellow colour. For a wet colour, mix turmeric with water.

  • Red:

Fire up the fun! Grind dried up red rose petals or hibiscus to a fine powder for a brilliant dry red colour. You can also use vermillion (sindoor) for red. For a wet colour, you can mix these powders with water.

  • Green:

Dry, powdered, 100% pure henna makes for a great green! Henna is safe to use dry and can be easily brushed off if not mixed with water. For a wet green colour, mix mint leaf or spinach paste with water.

  • Brown:

Brown is a good alternative to black. Mix henna powder and dried amla powder in a 1:4 ratio for a rich brown colour. It can also be used as a wet colour if you mix it with water!

Hope you use these tips to celebrate Holi in a natural and safe way! If you know ways to make more colours, comment below!

4 Simple Rules For A Healthy Life!

You don’t need to spend a fortune to get life’s greatest gift – good health! It’s not about keeping up with the latest diet obsession or having protein shakes five times a day. Here are four simple rules for a hearty and healthy life!

  • Don’t skip snooze time!

Sleep is how your brain recharges for a brand new day. The body needs an average of 6-8 hours of sleep every day. People who don’t get enough sleep are more prone to metabolic disorders and heart disease. So no matter how much of a whirlwind your life may be, make sure you get enough snooze time.

  • Eat anything, but eat it right.

No single food has all the nutrients you need – so it’s actually recommended that you mix it up. The trick, though, is to eat in moderation. Indulge, but don’t overindulge!

  • Listen to your body.

There will be certain days where you feel like you’re on top of the world, and some days where you feel down in the dumps. This is your body trying to tell you that something is askew. You need to listen to your body to figure out what it is. It could be as simple as pulling on a sweater because it’s cold or taking a break because you’re overworked!

  • Work out hard, party hard.

It is recommended that the average person exercises at least 3 times a week. This is only so that you have more time and the ability to do the things you love – be it watching a movie on Netflix or going on a hike! So, the next time you’re feeling like skipping on exercise, just remind yourself how much more active and stronger you’ll be if you do!

Hope we’ve simplified the secrets to a healthy life for you! Keep following these four rules and experience the positive changes in your own life. Let us know what works for you in the comments below!

Will 10,000 Steps A Day Do The Trick?

10,000 seems like a nice round number to achieve a fitness goal, doesn’t it? This figure actually dates back to the 1964 Olympics when a Japanese company marketed a step-meter device to those that were health-conscious. It was called Manpo-kei, which literally translates to ‘10,000-step meter’.

10,000 steps roughly translates to burning off 500 calories in a day. This tactic was later picked up by modern fitness companies like FitBit. Walking is by far the activity that almost everyone does in one day, and that is why these companies give you the 10,000-step goal to achieve as a daily target.

However, is 10,000 the right number for you?

While it’s a good starting point, most trainers and nutritionists would recommend that you slowly keep increasing the number of steps you take in a day for a non-sedentary lifestyle and a healthy body. Even for those whose lifestyles and jobs do not accommodate walking long distances, experts recommend aiming for anything between 8000-14000 steps.

How can you achieve 10,000 steps?

Here are a few activities you can do to hit the 10,000 step goal:

  1. Walking your pet
  2. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  3. Go on hikes
  4. Designate a time for walking/running
  5. Park farther away from your destination so that you walk more steps.

Tell us some of the activities you would do to hit the 10,000 step mark! And remember, this number is just a start – keep increasing your steps gradually to feel more healthy and active.

Digital Detox – How To Do It And Why Is It Good For You?

A recent study has established that an average person spends more time on devices than he or she sleeps! The average time spent on devices is 8.5 hours, while the average time of sleep is 8 hours. This is a glaring testament to how much the human race has become reliant on technology in our daily lives. This is exactly why a ‘digital detox’ – an extended period of time without the use of digital devices – is recommended!

Let’s see the steps needed to take to embark on a digital detox:

  • Assess: The devices you spend the most time on in a day are the ones that need to go! Set a time period for your detox and resolve to not using any of the devices in that period.
  • Begin: This is the toughest part. You need to find alternatives to the things you use your devices for – be it checking in on your friends or just spending some time alone. Go hang out with your buddies or pick up that old forgotten hobby again!
  • Reflect: During and after the detox, it is important to reflect and think about what you could do better after your detox is over. Your perspective towards social interactions and life altogether might change for the better!

What the detox will do for you:

  1. It will help you sleep better.
  2. It will give your eyes some much-needed rest.
  3. You will feel more productive.
  4. It will improve your interpersonal relationships.
  5. It will help you understand and plan your daily life better.

The above-mentioned benefits are only a few of many! Go on a digital detox, and let us know what other benefits you’ve experienced in the comments!

5 Mind Tricks for Self-Motivation!


Self-motivation is something you have to do for a healthy relationship with yourself. If you aren’t your own cheerleader, you’ll find that others will soon pick up that they have nothing to cheer for either. Be your own motivator and finish tasks efficiently with these five simple tips!


  • Smart Starts:

A task isn’t doomed for failure if you don’t feel motivated enough to start it. It helps when you break a task down to subtasks and focus on the parts that are the easiest to finish. The positive energy that you receive from each accomplished subtask will motivate you!


  • Praise yourself:

Acknowledge your own capabilities and achievements. Self-validation is an important step towards self-motivation. This causes a surge of dopamine, the happiness hormone in your brain, and nudges you towards completing a task.


  • Reward yourself:

We all like a little incentive to things! Motivate yourself to look forward to completing tasks by promising yourself a reward or a treat after you finish. This could be as trivial as watching an episode of your favourite TV show or as great as a shopping spree!


  • Set deadlines for deadlines:

Set yourself deadlines for tasks a while earlier than the due date by which they need to be completed. This motivates you to start tasks well ahead of time than when required, allowing you to spend more time on things that need fine-tuning.


  • Take quick breaks:

If you feel stuck doing something, it’s always a great idea to take a step back to see why. The best way to do this is to let your brain relax for a while. Take a five-minute break or as much time as needed to refresh your brain and get back to focusing on the task at hand.


These are simple tips you can do on an everyday basis to feel more motivated and efficient. If you have any more tips on self-motivation, comment below!

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