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The Best Ab Exercises for Women in 2018

What motivates you to do your ab workout? Sure, it would be nice to have a sculpted stomach or six pack abs, but we all know that the real motivator is being able to pull off that summer swimsuit with confidence!  Since women tend to be wider through the pelvis and have a longer waist compared to men, this can make it challenging for them to get flat, firm abs. So how can you do it? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Muscles to target:



  • External abdominal obliques – These muscles are present on your sides. You can feel them just beneath your arms, along your ribcage.
  • Internal abdominal obliques- These muscles lie underneath your external obliques.
  • Transversus abdominus –  These are the deepest muscles. They run horizontally around your midsection.
  • Rectus abdominus – They help flex your spine and help you walk.



How do you work out these muscles? Here are a few exercises for some serious ab strength building that will target all these muscles.


Plank Crawl Out


  1. Stand up tall and keep your feet together.
  2. Bend your hips and touch the floor. Walk your hands out until you reach a push-up position.
  3. Crawl your way back up to the starting position by inching your hands backward. Bend at the hips again and lift yourself back up to the standing position, when your feet are flat on the floor.crocodile-walk

Side Plank


  1. Begin from your left side, place your elbow directly below your shoulder and your forearm perpendicular to your body.
  2. Contract your abs and lift your hips off the floor until your body makes a diagonal line from your shoulder to your feet.
  3. Try to hold this position for 30 to 45 seconds.
  4. Switch sides and repeat.sideplank-thumb-960x540

Boat Pose


  1. Sit upright with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Lean back and lift your legs off the floor.
  3. Extend your arms out straight, palms up. Your body will form a V shape.
  4. Hold for 30 secondstoned-woman-doing-the-boat-pose-in-fitness-studio_13339-202921

The takeaway

Exercises like these will help you strengthen your ab muscles and improve your posture. These workouts are only effective when combined with a balanced diet. Have any favourites? Let us know below!


What can cause sudden speech problems?

We are a society based on shared experiences and social mingling; talking forms a large part of this. And it is often something that we don’t consciously think about. A lot of adults face minor speech issues that can build up over time, it can start out as a simple slur or mixing up of words.


Here are a few reasons why this happens.


#1 Do You Suffer From Migraines?



Transient Aphasia, or slurring and loss of words, can be off-set by migraines.


Migraines can be very painful and take a toll on ones physical and mental health, sometimes evening leading to changes in the senses. For around 25% of people suffering from this condition, auras are commonplace; where they see flashing lights and have blind spots. A side effect of this phase can also be difficulty in speaking, due to the resulting numbness, dizziness and confusion.


While the exact cause of migraines isn’t always fully clear, and mostly varies depending on the person, the symptoms can be prevented and treated. Making changes to your lifestyle and diet, along with taking prescription medication and vitamins can help.


#2 Are You Constantly Stressed or Tired?

employee-sleeping-in-office_23-2147717288 (2)


Fatigue can make it hard to form thoughts and as a result, may play a part in sudden speech difficulties. A stressed mind is tired and clouded, especially in situations where we are worried about being judged or feeling embarrassed. Stumbling over your words and dry mouth are also caused by anxiety, especially in social situations.


It is essential to take the pressure off yourself. There is no need to be perfect all the time and it is ok to be nervous. Taking steps towards your self-care via therapy, support groups or just opening up to a friend or relative may go a long way in making you feel better.


#3 Have You Had Too Much to Drink?



Alcohol slows down the brain, causing slurred speech. A lot of people attribute this to a momentary side effect, but over time, this slurred speech crops up even when you haven’t had a drink. This is due to the side effects of large quantities of Alcohol on your brains.


Moderation is key when it comes to Alcohol. Talk to your friends, family and doctor if you are concerned about your drinking.


Now that you a few potential causes for speech problems, keep a look out for early signs. Whether it is for you or a friend, early detection can always help you prevent things from getting worse. Have you noticed any other factors that lead to speech problems? Let us know in the comments below!

3 Drinks to Lower your Blood Pressure Naturally


Cutting salt and calories from your meal is a very one-dimensional way of looking at controlling your blood pressure. It isn’t just about reducing and cutting out unhealthy items; adding healthier foods is more effective in the long run for overall health.


This can be made easy by just adding any of these drinks to your diet:


#1 Hibiscus Tea


Anthocyanins and other antioxidants in hibiscus tea make it a perfect drink to lower your blood pressure! These work together to resist damage caused by the narrowing of the vessels. A whole range of herbal teas have Hibiscus in them; these brew to a light shade of cherry red. Make sure you soak the tea for at least 6 minutes. You can enjoy this tea hot or cold!



#2 Cranberry Juice


Cranberry is a superfruit! Its high anti-oxidant properties go a long way in reducing blood vessel damage. Apart from this, cranberry juice has also been known to reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels and increasing blood flow. With its abundance of vitamin C, cranberries are a super friend in the fight to lower blood pressure. You can drink the stuff until your heart’s content because there is no set standard or recommendation for the amount of cranberry juice necessary as part of a daily regimen. However, because many varieties of cranberry juice can have high sugar and calorie content, it is best to opt for an unsweetened version of the juice. Also, adding sparkling water to a cup of cranberry juice is another way to make it a lighter, refreshing drink!



#3 Milk


Low-fat/Skimmed milk contains potassium and calcium, two nutrients that are associated with healthy blood pressure, and are fortified with vitamin D—a vitamin that new research suggests promotes healthy blood pressure. Experts  have found that high blood pressure is linked to calcium deficiency. So, the more calcium you consume, the more you decrease your risk for developing hypertension




A healthy diet and lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Include foods like fruits, vegetables, oats, nuts, lentils, herbs, and spices. Including these into a balanced diet and engaging in physical activities can treat hypertension and improve overall health and wellbeing.


Top 4 Strengthening Exercises after Shoulder Dislocation


Shoulder Dislocations are caused when the ball and socket of the shoulder joint are dislodged. Once the shoulder has been restored to its normal position by a professional, you can do the following exercises to strengthen and maintain the fitness of your shoulder.


Note: Start off each exercise slowly and ease off in case of pain.


#1 Shoulder Flexion


For this exercise, you will need a pipe/stick about 30 cms wider than your shoulders.

  • Lie down on your back, holding the stick/pipe with both your hands (palms facing down). Make sure you hold the stick/pipe near its end on both sides, so that your arms are slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Keeping your elbows straight, slowly raise your arms over your head until you feel a stretch in your shoulders, upper back, and chest.
  • Hold 15 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat 2 to 4 times.

#2 Wall Push-ups

Stand against a wall with your feet about 30 – 60 cms away from the wall. If you feel any pain when you do this exercise, move closer to the wall.


#3 Isometric Extension

Stand with your back against the wall with your arms down by your side

  • Keeping your elbows and wrist straight, push into the wall and hold for about 5 seconds
  • Repeat this a couple of times and slowly build up to holding the position for 10 seconds
  • Repeat the process with a 10-second hold for about 5 rounds 

#4 Isometric Adduction

You will need a newspaper or a small pillow

With these simple exercises, build back your shoulder strength in a safe and easy way. If you feel any discomfort, be sure to consult with your doctor to ensure you don’t cause additional damage.

Mindful Eating : 3 Steps to Achieving Zen!

Running out of the house with a sandwich in hand; Sipping on a cup of soup while making those last minute edits to the presentation; A wrap in one hand, the steering wheel in the other, rushing to pick your kids up from school.


These scenarios are all too common today. Our lives are moving faster than the train that you just missed. Our schedules rule us; our meals have become just another box that gets checked at the end of the day. A busy schedule negatively impacts us in many ways – the most common among these is the way we consume our food. Savouring a meal is a rarity, a thing saved for that special occasion.


Here is a list that can help you become a more mindful eater. Because eating full and healthy meals should be at the top of your priority list.


#1 Slow and Steady Wins (It’s never a race)


10 mins into your meal, do you look down and wonder where the food went? Do you inhale your food?


Eating slowly and consciously is the first and easiest step to a healthier body. It helps your brain sync up with your stomach; telling you when you are full and when you are hungry. This doesn’t just help your body digest the meal better, but also helps you take a much needed breather from a crazy day.




#2 Food Wanderlust is Bad


Do you find yourself rummaging through cabinets? Do you open the fridge everytime you walk past it? How often do you sit down and have a meal and not just a snack?


Eating at consistent times and places doesn’t just create a healthy habit, it also creates cues for your body, elevates your mood and makes sleep cycles better! So make a habit of always putting your food on a plate, sitting down and eating comfortably. Eating at specific times also helps you eat with people, which gives you not just conversation, but also helps you slow down and savour your meal.



#3 Rekindle your Relationship with Food


Getting to know your food; where it comes from? What nutrients it has? What are the ways it can be cooked?


These are essential to achieving mindfulness. Connecting with your meal on this level ensures that you are aware of what you are eating and why. It helps you plan your meals better, and appreciate your meal.



Mindfulness is not a tough nut to crack. All it takes is patience and the willingness to put an effort into your own self-care.


So, will you?


4 Nutrition Facts that you Need to Know!

Every morsel of food that we eat is carefully and laboriously broken down by our digestive tract and juices to extract the gold – NUTRIENTS – hidden in them. As we become more health conscious as a society, to combat the negative effects of excessive snacking, here are a few essential facts you should know about the little globules of gold that run through your body!



Sunbathe for that essential Vitamin D  


Vitamin D not only helps promote bone strength (owing to the role it plays in Calcium uptake in our bones), but also plays a crucial role in regulating our immune and neuromuscular systems. The largest source of this vitamin comes from the UV rays of the sun. Our body produces this vitamin when exposed to sufficient sunlight. So, remember to soak in some sunshine – it’ll also make you happier!


Our body was not designed to digest Trans Fats


Also known as hydrogenated oils, Trans Fats are one of the worst things you can subject your digestive tract to. The process for making it involves a metal catalyst, a highly pressurized chamber, hydrogen gas and extremely high temperatures. That process ends with the birth of a sludgy oil that is toxic and solid at room temperature. Studies have shown that Trans Fat is the key culprit in a host of diseases including heart disease, depression and Alzheimer’s.


Raw and Unprocessed Foods are Nutrition Powerhouses


Salads are not just a dieting fad. Unprocessed foods like raw fruits and vegetables are the best and most natural source of nutrients for your body. They are easily broken down by the body and don’t overload your digestive tract. Make them a regular part of your meals, even if it just starts with a couple of slices of cucumber or a fresh juice with every meal.


Small and frequent meals are not a one-way ticket to weight-loss


Making healthy and nutritious food choices are the key, along with eating when you are hungry. Nibbling at mini meals are not as effective as you may think in the long run. Several studies have found no relationship between the two, and for cases where there has been a change, it has usually been the inverse; weight gain and feeling heavy.


Carbs don’t make you fat, nor does fat


Context is everything when it comes to a balanced and nutritious life. Even though fat-rich foods have a higher calorie count per gram, when balanced with a protein and vitamin-rich diet, these calories energize your body as opposed to becoming deposits of fat. The same goes for carbs. It is essential to try and understand the food that you are consuming, not in isolation, but as a mix.


Ultimately, the best way to support long-term and overall wellness is to make informed and healthy choices about the nutrients that you consume.

5 Brain-Foods for Kids – Nutrition to help kids stay sharp!

We’ve all seen kids whiz from the classroom to the playground and back again with ease. It’s quite obvious that their brains are sharp and growing.


Experts believe that the foods children eat are important for brain development. What children eat can have a major impact on their cognitive skills.


When the kids are given the right nourishment with the right foods, it can improve their brain function, memory, and concentration. Just like the body, the brain too absorbs nutrients from the foods we eat. Let’s look at 5 great brain-foods for kids:



Eggs are a very good source of protein and nutrients and can help children in improving their concentration skills.

How to serve it: Serve scrambled eggs,  egg salad or egg sandwiches can be served for breakfast or late afternoon snacks.




Loaded with vitamins and folate, they are packed with antioxidants that help brain cells grow.

How to serve it: Add spinach or kale in smoothies or add them to an omelette or lasagne.




Fish is a good source of vitamins and omega-3s, which improve mental skills and memory.

How to serve it: Grill it and offer your kid his or her favourite dip. Add fish to tacos, or make tuna sandwiches.


Nuts and seeds


Packed with vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals, they boost your mood and keep your nervous system in check.

How to serve it: Can be added to milkshakes or can be added to pesto whole grain pasta.




Protein-rich oatmeal can keep brain arteries clear and boost memory.

How to serve it: Sprinkle cinnamon or add fruits and nuts to your child’s oatmeal.



A growing child needs many kinds of nutrients in the right amounts. If you want to boost your child’s brain growth, these foods will help them get the most from school and other activities.



Healthy Eating in Modern Society

‘Health is wealth’, goes the saying! In our busy, modern day lives, health is frequently overlooked.


Our health affects every part of our life, so why aren’t we making it our #1 priority?


Most often we find  ‘C.R.A.P’ (Carbonated, Refined, Artificial and Processed) foods convenient for our fast-paced lives. However, these foods leave us overfed, starved of natural nourishment and in less than optimum health.


What influences our eating choices?


Society – The kind of  food we eat in social situations can be different than the food eaten when a person is alone.  At a social gathering, people tend to eat more, or less, than when they’re alone. Studies have found that when we eat with others, we tend to eat foods that contain more carbohydrates, fat, protein, and total calories.



Culture – Eating trends are pushed by advertisements. Many people, especially young adults, are susceptible to how the media portrays the “perfect body” that in turn, encourage unhealthy habits and causes eating disorders.


What can you do to make healthier eating choices?

Plan your diet based on the nourishment your body needs to maintain perspective &  make the right eating choices. Keep the following checklist to stay on track:


  • Make home-made meals
  • Store healthy treats at home
  • Have fast foods and treats for special occasions
  • Choose real foods over highly processed foods
  • Practice mindful eating


Can you think of a way society or culture has influenced the way you eat? Have you overcome any trends you weren’t even aware you were following? Share your thoughts below!



4 Ways to become the Parent and Role Model your Kids really need

You don’t have to be a “perfect” parent to raise happy, healthy, well-adjusted children.

But you do need to think about what your kids need.


Kids need love. Kids need boundaries. Kids need someone to look up to and learn from- a role model!


If you want to be a role model for your child, it means taking a close, honest look at how you live your own life. If you’re ready to step up to the plate, here are a few ways to lead by example:



Check in with yourself

Evaluate your own behaviour – this can be healthy for your child to see and hear you do too.


Am I watching too much TV?

I need to stop eating cheese and make better health choices!

Yesterday I felt too angry, I need to learn how to stay calm!


Invite your children in the conversation and ask them if they want to improve as well.


Be your best self

When it comes to your kids, they pay attention to everything you say and do, and they imitate your words and actions. They get influenced very easily, so always be your best self.


Be Attentive

As your child gets older, he or she will naturally push for more independence.

‘Mom, don’t come into my room.’


Even if your children find it annoying, make sure to be attentive and ensure they are fine.


Enforce consequences when your child has done something wrong

So many parents are hesitant to enforce consequences when a kid breaks a rule, but it is very essential to do so. When your child does something unacceptable, you must implement an appropriate consequence. Eg. If you don’t take granny for a walk,  you can’t go to the playground.


No matter how old your kids are, it’s never too late to be a role model for them. If you want to be a good role model for your children, then you’re already on the right track. Hopefully, some of our tips can help you along the way!

Drawing a picture


Have any other tips? Let us know what has worked for you by commenting below!



A Few Ways to Use Ginger (& Get Its Amazing Benefits)

Ginger root: One of the most ancient and most popular natural remedies for almost every problem. Isn’t it?

Ginger root is very easy to find in most places, and is highly beneficial for health in both its raw and dry form. It can be used as a natural remedy for upset stomachs, respiratory issues, and even skin problems!

Why is everyone such a fan of this particular root? Let’s find out!


Health Benefits of Ginger Root


  • Improves your digestion naturally
  • Reduces nausea especially during  pregnancy
  • Reduces fever
  • Treats menstrual pain
  • Eases respiratory troubles
  • Stimulates the circulatory system
  • Relieves muscle aches and pain
  • Helps get rid of dandruff
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Lowers blood pressure and cancer risk
  • Can help fight bacterial and viral infections
  • Gives glowing skin


In the Kitchen – Ginger Recipes


  • Ginger Root Tea – Add 3/4 teaspoon (0.5 to 1.0 grams) of chopped fresh ginger in a cup of hot water for five minutes. Strain and serve.


  • Golden Milk – Add ¼ tsp of ginger powder to milk with turmeric, cinnamon and enjoy its health benefits


  • Soups – Add chopped ginger to your soup to enjoy its glorious benefits.


What is your favourite health benefit of ginger?

How do you use it? Let us know!



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