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​How Much Cardio Do You Need To Do To Lose Weight?

If you plan on hitting the gym to burn calories and shed a few kilos, it’s good to have a game plan in mind. But if you’re trying to figure out how many minutes on the treadmill you’ll need to clock before seeing a difference on the scale, here is what you should know!


Before we get there, the golden rule of cardio is that you should be expending more calories than you’re taking in. So if you’re not already tracking the cals you’re consuming, start doing it.



Health experts believe that 3,500 is the number of calories in a single pound of fat and therefore the number required for you to burn in a week to lose one pound a week.

To achieve this, you have three options:

  • 7 days of 30-minute cardio sessions + a diet of average calorie intake
  • 5 days of 30-minute cardio sessions + a light calorie-restricted diet
  • 3 days of 30-minute cardio sessions + a medium calorie-restricted diet

It is important to keep in mind that overdoing cardio can be unhealthy as it can leave people famished. When your body has done too much cardio it can result in adrenal fatigue, which can result in weight gain.

Couple running together in a race

Also remember that a healthy diet, strength training and cardio go hand-in-hand. No matter which way you choose to do cardio, it will help you shed a few kilos and help you maintain a healthy weight.




Tired all the time? It’s likely adrenal fatigue

Do you wake up feeling tired? Do you feel that you need your morning cuppa to help you keep going? You could be suffering from adrenal fatigue that affects millions of people.

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What is adrenal fatigue?


Adrenals are walnut sized glands located on top of the kidneys. Don’t go by their size; they look small but they have a big job. They are responsible for secreting hormones necessary for life, including epinephrine (adrenaline), cortisol, DHEA, estrogen and testosterone.


Adrenal fatigue is a stress- related condition that results in symptoms like  exhaustion, weakened immunity, sleep disturbances, and food cravings.


How would you identify adrenal fatigue?


Take a look at the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue, and check how many of them apply to you.


After you have read them, you can learn how to treat this condition.


Symptoms of adrenal fatigue


  • If you have difficulty waking up in the morning; even after a long sleep
  • If you experience high levels of fatigue -almost everyday
  • If the slightest amount of stress leaves you feeling overwhelmed
  • If you crave salty foods
  • If you feel energetic at the end of the day
  • If you tend to overuse sugar and caffeine
  • A weakened immune system
  • If you develop dark circles under the eyes
  • If you experience frequent urination
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low sex drive
  • Joint pain and lower back pain


How to treat or prevent adrenal fatigue?


  • Follow a balanced diet

An adequate supply of nutrients are essential to keep your mind and body healthy. Eat at right times and include proteins, low GI foods and healthy fats in your diet. Include seafoods, organic meats, eggs, olive oil, and nuts and seeds in your diet.


  • Try some mind-body exercises like meditation

Regular practice improves your ability to respond to stress in the future


  • Get better sleep

De-stress before bed and follow your natural sleeping pattern. Avoid taking caffeine before bed. Make sure you have good sleep (at least 7-8 hours) to keep you going the next day.


Healing adrenal fatigue may take months depending upon its severity.  By tending to the adrenals through diet, supplementation, lifestyle adjustments, and stress reduction, adrenal health can be restored. It is advised to get it treated by an expert if the condition is severe.


6 Tips For Staying Fit While Traveling

For many of us, we rely on our exercise routine to help us stay fit. But what happens when we can’t stick to our routine? What happens when we have to travel?


Travel can throw even fitness fanatics off track. But once you learn certain tricks, you’ll realize you can stay fit anywhere. Travel is just another excuse!



So what are these tips?


  1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast – This will kickstart your metabolism first thing in the morning, and give you energy to last the entire day. Many hotels also offer complimentary breakfast as well, helping you save money on an entire meal for the day.
  2. Include some form of yogurt in your diet – Yogurt is a natural probiotic, and regulates your digestive system, preventing diarrhea and bloating
  3. Drink lots of water through the day – Water will help you stay full, hydrated, energetic and will keep you from drinking unhealthy products like sodas.
  4. Commute by walk whenever possible – If you’re going somewhere nearby, walk and whenever you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator. You’ll save money on cabs in the process!
  5. Keep a stock of healthy snacks – When you’re traveling, you may not always make it back to the hotel on time to eat. Instead of eating out, keep granola bars, protein bars, or dried fruits and nuts with you at all times. Snack on these until you can get back, and eat a proper cooked meal.
  6. Buy groceries and cook your meals – Rent a hotel with provisions for a refrigerator and a stove. This way you can buy simple groceries, and cook small meals to ensure you eat health.


Not too bad right? Try out these tips during your next trip, and you’ll realise that it’s not too difficult to stay fit during your travels. Have any other helpful tips? Comment below and let us know!




The surprising health benefits of arguing!


Could arguments actually be good for your health? Well, that seems to be the case! Let’s see what science has to say about it.


It has been proven that relationships with no conflict are the least healthy. Most often these typical ‘no-conflict’ relationships end with a whisper.


Growth in a relationship arises when there is disappointment. Disappointments arise when there are discrepancies between expectation and outcome. Though it is true that most of the time, your expectations will be met– sometimes they won’t be. When the latter happens, conflict occurs.

It can be very destructive if you fight dirty because you’re destroying each other’s trust, respect and confidence. When you fight in ways which are constructive, you’re literally constructing and building trust, confidence and encouraging real acceptance.


Here’s are a list of reasons why it is sometimes ok to fight.. in constructive ways!


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Fighting renews courtship



When disappointment or conflict occurs, apologies are often (i.e. pretty much always) in order.  A solid apology comes with feelings of warmth and connection. While you are in the apology process, you reaffirm all the qualities you appreciate about your partner. If the apology is really on point, your partner will open up to you and help you become aware of how your choices impact them.

Boosts confidence in handling stress together



The best team building exercises are built around stress. Not coincidentally, what occurs next is creative problem solving, in which some next level of bonding takes place. It is an assurance that will take you to the next level of bonding.


Provides an opportunity to be deeply known and understood



These hot-button issues more commonly arise during sensitive moments – moments of hurt, moments of disappointment. If something has bothered you, there’s an opportunity to explain why it bothered you. It is an opportunity for both of you to be understood by each other.


Arguments are about listening as much as they are about speaking. At the end of the day arguing is one of best tools for a healthy relationship. Just remember that not every argument is worth having- be wise!



Diabetes Diet – Best and Worst foods


You need to pick right foods when you are diabetic to help keep your blood sugar low and stable. Read this article to find out what to put on the menu when planning your diabetes diet.

Following a diabetes diet doesn’t mean that you will have to give up the foods you love. While on a diabetes diet, nothing is off limits, but some food choices are better than others.

Hand holding a blood glucose meter measuring blood sugar, the background is a stethoscope and chart file

Creating a diet for diabetes is a balancing act as it will include a variety of healthy foods to cater to your daily requirement of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The trick is ultimately to choose a combination of foods that will help keep your blood sugar level in your target range.

Here is your helpful guideline to keep in mind!


The best and worst diabetes choices by food group



Best options:-

  • Plant-based proteins like beans, nuts, seeds and  tofu
  • Fish and seafood
  • Chicken and other poultry (Choose the breast meat if possible.)
  • Eggs and low-fat dairy


Worst options :-

  • Regular cheeses
  • Fried meats
  • Poultry with skin
  • Higher-fat cuts of meat
  • Bacon




Best options:-

  • Water, unflavored or flavored sparkling water
  • Unsweetened tea
  • Small amounts of wine, or non-fruity mixed drinks


Worst Options:-

  • Regular sodas or energy drinks
  • Alcohol
  • Sweetened tea or coffee
  • Flavored coffees and chocolate drinks



Best options:-

  • Whole grains, such as brown rice, millets or oatmeals
  • Baked sweet potato
  • Items made with whole grains and no (or very little) added sugar



Best choices:-


  • Cruciferous veggies, like broccoli and cauliflower
  • Cucumbers
  • Jicama
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Onions
  • Artichoke hearts
  • PeppersCan be consumed in moderation:-
  • Corn
  • White potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Yams
  • Peas
  • Beets


Best choices:-

  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Oranges
  • Kiwi
  • Cherries
  • Banana
  • Apricot
  • Grapes


Worst Choices:-

  • Canned fruits
  • Fruit Punch
  • Sweetened sauce
  • Jelly, jams


The Bottom line-

Knowing which foods to avoid when can make things for you a lot more easier. Just remember that your main goals should include staying away from unhealthy fats, liquid sugars, processed grains and other foods that contain refined carbs.



Shea Butter- An all-star superfood for skin and hair!

We’ve all heard of using coconut oil to keep our skin and hair moisturized. Another commonly-found natural moisturizer you can use is shea butter! Something about the name just sounds luxurious, doesn’t it?

What is shea butter?

Shea butter is a superfood that comes from the seeds of the fruit of the Shea (Karite) tree and is naturally rich in vitamins A, E and F. It’s Vitamin E content makes this butter a good anti-ageing agent.It offers UV protection (it is SPF -6) and keeps your skin in optimal health.

Check out the benefits shea butter has on your skin and hair below!

Shea Butter

Benefits of Shea Butter for the Skin


  • Moisturizes Dry Skin
  • Treats Acne And Blemishes
  • Reduces Skin Inflammation
  • Is an Anti-Aging And Anti-Free Radical Agent
  • Provides Relief To Itchy And Peeling Skin
  • Reduces stretch marks
  • Helps Soothe Skin And Baby Diaper Rash
  • Excellent for lip carePortrait of white woman doing her daily skincare routine

Benefits of Shea Butter for Hair


  • Repairs Damaged Hair
  • Prevents Hair Loss
  • Treats Split Ends And Breakage
  • Effective Natural Conditioner
  • Keep Rebel Curls In Place
  • Soothes Dry And Itchy Scalpbeautiful-woman-shakes-her-hair-on-white-background_8353-1698


Additional Benefits of Shea Butter


  • Soothes Muscle aches
  • Wound healing
  • Treats Insect bites
  • UV Protection

Ask your dermatologist or a skin specialist before using shea butter – especially if you suffer from skin conditions. Store it out of direct light or heat, because shea butter normally expires within 12-24 months.


Have you ever used shea butter? Did it work for you? Let us know in the comments below!



Good fats and bad fats: Know the basics!

Indian food is known for its diversity. The variety of masalas, spices and ingredients we use make it the most wholesome cuisines in the world. Most often, Indian food is categorised as unhealthy as it contains high carbs and high sugar content.


Unsaturated or natural fats are necessary for you as they keep your heart healthy and help your nervous system function at its best. On the other hand, saturated or trans fat are categorised as unhealthy.


In this article, we try to help you understand the difference between the two to better assess your nutrition habits. Are you ready?


Good fat and bad fat: The difference


Good fat:

Also known as unsaturated fats, they come in two forms: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Polyunsaturated fats consists of omega-3 and omega-4.


They keep your arteries clear, improve heart health and produce good cholesterol that moves around the body.

Vegetables Salad on wooden table


Bad fat:

Also known as trans fat, produces bad cholesterol and reduces good cholesterol in your body. If consumed in huge quantities, this can increase the risk of obesity and heart disease.



Good fats: Where you get them


  1. Monounsaturated: Olive oil, lean meat, nuts and seeds
  2. Polyunsaturated: Fish, soy products, tofu ,vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables and legumes


Bad fats: Where you get them


  1. Processed foods
  2. Full dairy products
  3. Take away foods
  4. Ready-made meals
  5. Snack foods like chips,biscuits, donuts etc
  6. Energy bars


Quick facts:


  • Trans fats are important to include as part of your diet, but should be consumed in less quantity.
  • Replacing saturated fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can improve blood cholesterol levels.
  • Vegetarians can opt for other foods fortified with omega-3 to get enough essential fatty acids in their diet.


Knowing the difference can help you determine which foods to eat frequently and which to consume in moderation. Try replacing unhealthy fats with healthy fats to improve your health in the long run. Its an investment that’s definitely worth it.



Does stress cause grey hair?

Have you ever looked at photos of a president? Any president?


At the beginning and the end of their terms, have you noticed something common in all of them? — They have gone grey, haven’t they?

Part of this could be due to ageing. But could it also be due to stress? Are the two related? Let’s find out!


What causes grey hair?


As hair grows, a group of cells called melanocytes creates melanin that comes in two colors — dark brown or black (eumelanin), and yellow or red (pheomelanin) — and combines to create our hair colors.

If melanin does not get delivered to your hair, it triggers the growth of grey hair.


Does stress also cause grey hair?

Greying of hair normally happens due to ageing. The rate of this progression is largely influenced by genetics and inheritance.


However, another major cause for the onset of grey hair is due to stress. Stress hormones can impact melanocytes and as a result melanin will not deliver pigment to your hair. Stress is likely to cause hair fall and hair damage as well. Any stressful event in the body is perceived as a burden that includes physical, mental and emotional stress. Anything that interrupts your well-being or causes mental and emotional stress can cause non-pigmentation of your hair shaft.


In addition, a recent study has found that a lack of Vitamin B and the presence of grey hair is correlated. Lack of Vitamin B can be influenced by stress.


How can you prevent the premature growth of grey hair?


  • Stop stressing, start living
  • Oil your hair frequently
  • Follow a healthy balanced diet
  • Quit harsh shampoos
  • Check your thyroid levels


Try these tips to control the premature growth of grey hair and let us know if they worked for you. If you have any tips that you have used to fight grey hair, let us know by commenting below!



Walking vs. Running – Which is Better?

Looking for the best types of cardio workouts? Walking and running are probably the best types of exercise you can do when it comes to staying fit. If you want to keep your heart healthy, make sure you do cardio on a regular basis. Not only does it help you stay healthy, it also helps uplift your mood.


But, which one is more beneficial – walking or running?



Comparing the two


While walking can provide many of the similar health benefits that running provides, running may be the better bet.


People expend twice as more energy running than walking – be it in a park, on a track or on the treadmill. A recent study has found that running is more beneficial for weight loss than walking. Even when runners and walkers expend same amounts of energy, runners see more results when it comes to maintaining their body mass index, maintaining their waist size and naturally regulating their appetite.


If running just isn’t in the cards for you, walking is the next best option for you to get a good cardio workout. Try walking with weighted vests to increase your metabolism rate and to shed some extra kilos.

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Building a routine


Before diving into a routine, try both to see how your body reacts each kind of exercise. Doing cardio regularly at your own comfortable speed helps keep your body healthy and active. Your routine can also include a mix of both types of workouts. This will help you stay motivated and by adding short sprints to your walking, you get a calorie-burning boost. Before you start your workout, always be sure to do a proper warm-up to keep your energy levels up and prevent any kind of injuries.



How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Easily

Do you have stretch marks on your body? Don’t worry, everyone gets them – models, celebrities, even Kim Kardashian posted on Snapchat about having her stretch marks removed!


So let’s have a look at what stretch marks actually are, how they are caused and how we can get rid of them.


What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks, or striae, develop when your skin suddenly needs to stretch beyond the limits of its natural growth rate. They initially appear as pink, red or reddish-brown lines on the skin. They may be raised or flat, and their appearance can vary depending on your skin tone.



What causes stretch marks?


  • Sudden weight loss/ weight gain
  • Genetics
  • Puberty
  • Certain medications


Where do stretch marks appear?


  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Breasts


How can you get rid of them?


1. Aloevera

Apply aloevera gel onto your stretch marks twice a day and massage.



2.Egg Whites

Whip up the egg white alone and apply to your stretch marks. Wash it off with cold water after it dries.


3.Lemon Juice

Apply lemon juice. Let it dry for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.



4.Olive Oil

Olive oil is a great hydrator to massage onto your stretch marks.


5.Shea butter or Cocoa Butter

Commonly found these days at regular stores, buy a lotion and apply it on your stretch marks daily, twice a day.



As with anything, consistency is key! Make sure you incorporate a good moisturizing regimen into your daily routine to stay one step of those hard-to-beat stretch marks – always!



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