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Random acts of kindness that boost self esteem!


Yes, random acts of kindness can boost your self-esteem. Make it a habit to do at least one kind deed every day – however small it may be – so that you can reflect at the end of the day and feel content that you made somebody’s day a little better.

#SliceOfHealth lists some random acts of kindness that you can try out.


1.Compliment Someone


Saying nice things to people, complimenting them can really brighten up their day.There is an added bonus to complimenting someone- it makes you feel good to say something nice to someone. It could be to anybody: your family or friends, your partner, a colleague, an acquaintance, or a complete stranger; it doesn’t matter who it is.. You could compliment a person on what they are wearing, their new haircut, your favorite qualities about them, and so on.


2. Buy a thoughtful gift for someone you care about:

You don’t have to wait for a special occasion to show someone that they immensely matter to you. Think about that person’s likes, interests, hobbies, and passions, and if you randomly think of something or see something you know they would like or need,surprise them with a gift!

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3. Offer help in any way you can.

Don’t all of us struggle in all different kind of ways? But a lot of the time we tell ourselves it’s none of our business and keep our heads down. And that just doesn’t seem right. If someone is struggling with heavy bags, you could help carry them. If someone looks lost, ask if they need directions. Talk to an elderly people if they seem lonely because unfortunately, we tend to ignore those the most who suffer the most.



Thoughtful acts make you a thoughtful person, and it’s a great way to help you feel better about yourself. Plan to do one kind act everyday, for the sake of others and for your own sake.


Is Butter Healthy? The Butter Truth


That yellowy goodness that comes from cream can turn bland meals into masterpieces.  A lot of people love butter but they can’t enjoy it because of the guilt over the pounds it can add. There are a lot of (health) reasons to love butter and to eat it often.

#SliceOfHealth gives you 5 reasons why butter may be good for your health in moderate amounts.


Do you know that butter contains a lot of fat-soluble vitamins? Grass-fed butter in particular is rich in Vitamin K2, which can has potential health benefits.



Butter is a good source of the 4-carbon fatty acid butyrate, that has many health benefits. It prevents weight gain by increasing energy expenditure and reducing the intake of food. It also improves digestion.


Butter, especially if grass-fed, contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) which has anti-cancer properties and improves body composition.


Butter has been shown to help with gastrointestinal health, arthritis, and helps protect the immune system.



Butter is also a good dietary source cholesterol.

The Bottom Line

All that being said, there is no reason as to why one must fear having butter. Consuming butter in moderate amounts is fine, it may cause problems if it’s consumed in higher amount.

Do you love butter? Tell us how you eat it.



Love your lower body workout!

Most of us have hang-ups about an area that we’d love to tone. Lower body seems to be a problem area for a lot of us. Try these simple workouts and experience a total lower body transformation.


Ice Skater

Targets: Abs, lower back, hips, butt, and outer thighs

  • Stand with feet a little less than shoulder-width apart, arms extended, holding the back of a chair for support.
  • Keeping abs engaged, bend left knee slightly while extending right leg to right side, toes pointing toward floor and rotated outward.



Lunge Hinge

Targets: Lower back, abs, hamstrings, and quads


Butt Burner

Targets: Abs, glutes, and hamstrings

  • Begin on all fours, knees under hips and hands under shoulders, back straight, abs tight and head in line with spine.
  • Without arching back, raise right knee to right side. Extend leg straight back so toes are in line with hip.
  • Bend knee to bring heel toward butt; lower and repeat.
  • Do 16 reps; switch sides.


Bottom Line


Targets: Lower back, glutes, and inner thighs

  • Lie faceup on floor with hands at sides, palms down, knees bent and feet on floor.
  • Engaging abs, lift hips, keeping feet on floor (don’t overarch back).
  • At the top, bring knees out to sides as far as possible; return to center, lower, and repeat.
  • Do 12 to 15 reps.







Easy DIY Hair Detangling Spray You Can Make At Home


If you have long hair, then you would know the battle of the brush all too well. Save your energy for other, more important battles. We have all had long and wavy hair at various points over the years..  How do we make it work? Only with a good detangling spray!girl-combing-tangled-hair_23-2147798554


There are detangling products on the market, but this will hardly even cost you anything because it is made with stuff you already own! And it works!


You Will Need


  • Empty spray bottle
  • 2–3 Tbsp. regular conditioner
  • Hot (not boiling) water
  • Essential oil of your choice (Optional)




  • Put 2–3 tablespoons of your favourite conditioner in your squirt bottle.
  • Fill up the bottle the rest of the way with hot water. This helps the conditioner to melt into the water quickly.
  • Add 2–3 drops of essential oil for scent if you like.
  • Shake!
  • Spray on dry hair to untangle and comb through. You can also spray on damp hair to use as a leave-in conditioner. Both options will leave hair silky, soft, and shiny.woman-doing-hairstyle-for-client_23-2147769860

Didn’t know about this DIY One-Minute Detangling Spray until now?  Make your own today and tell us if this worked!

5 non-confrontational ways to convey your emotional needs

There is nothing wrong with having needs and wanting to have them met. Be it emotional, physical, or mental, everyone deserves to be with a partner who understands their needs. Reluctance to discuss these needs puts strain on a relationship and can cause permanent damage.  

The simple trick is to talk. Communicate your feelings and pave the way for a healthy relationship. Here are five non–confrontational methods that will help you get your emotional desires met.

1.If you want to bring a change in your partners behaviour, get good at making observations. Be prepared to discuss your thoughts as openly as possible with your partner with all the kindness you can muster.  


2. Ask yourself what you need. Do you want a change? Do you want to be understood better? Whatever your need is, asking for it directly will greatly improve your chances of getting it. If your partner doesn’t know what you need or if you expect him or her to read your mind no changes can happen.

3. Tell your partner what you want, not what you don’t want. Be honest, be clear and be kind. By letting your partner know exactly what you want it will make his or her job much easier.


4. Greatly value the contribution your partner has made to your life. If someone feels valued he or she will do the best they can to keep you happy. Reminding your mate that you know your life is better because he or she is in it is very encouraging and very loving.

5. Balance is key to maintaining an emotionally fit relationship. Even though things may not be exactly as you would like them, feeling that life with your mate is balanced will help you to maintain a loving environment.


It can be a hard thing to find balance in relationships but it is one of the most important acts we can strive for to make it work. Hope these tips will heal your love life and make your relationship feel magical.




Eating healthy on a budget!

We often hear that eating a healthy diet is simply very expensive. It’s trickier when you have a tight budget and you’re dedicated to eating healthfully. Slice Of Health offers you five smart tips that make eating well easy on your pocket!

#Tip 1Buy fresh produce when it’s in season and freeze it

Fresh produce is always wonderful, but its cost can add up fast especially when it is rare to source in any particular season. Stick with buying what’s currently being produced and start stocking it up if you find a good deal.


#Tip 2-  Always plan your meals

This can make a huge difference in reducing your food budget and staying on track eating healthy meals. Planning your meal will allow you to make some food ahead and have them available for lunches or to repurpose for dinners. This tip saves not only money but also time.



#Tip 3- Shop at local market

Consider checking out local grocery store. Not only are you likely to find a bargain on certain foods, but you’ll also find some really interesting local ingredients.


#Tip 4- Grow your own food

With foods growing more expensive every year, we think it’s best to grow your own food. Now with easy gardening methods, there is no reason that we all can’t grow something!


#Tip 5- Use Cash for Grocery Shopping (& Eating Out)

One of the certain ways to become aware of spending is to use cash. When you really have to count your pennies, decide upfront what you have to spend on groceries for the month. When the budget comes in on target and you still served your family healthy meals — it’s great








Got 10 Minutes? 3 Fat-Blasting Bodyweight Workouts

You have got 10 minutes after all! We thought so.. Which is why we’ve put together three 10-minute fat blasting workouts that are simple. Choose one today, another tomorrow, and you’ve got an easy way to burn your calories.


Try these three 10 minute workouts:



How to: Everyone’s new favourite exercise… burpees. Stay in a standing position (a). Squat down and put your hands on the floor, about shoulder-width apart (b). Keeping your hands there, jump your feet back to be at the push-up position (c). Next jump your feet back towards your hands (d). Reset your body into the squat position and jump straight up. Once you land, repeat.(e)


2.Bird Dog Crunches

How to: To begin this, keep your hands flat on the ground directly beneath your shoulders (a). While keeping a flat back, reach your right arm out while pushing your left leg back. Think of flexing your left glute and your right shoulder as you fully extend (b). Hold that position for a second before using your core to pull your leg and arm back into

your body so that your right elbow comes close to your left knee (c). Complete 10 reps and then switch sides.(d)


3.Rotational Push-Ups

How to: Start in the push-up-position. Hands should be about shoulder-width apart and make sure your body should be in a perfectly straight line (a). Perform a push-up (b). Then while keeping your feet in place, twist your torso to the right and lift your right arm straight above your body so your left and right arm are in a perfect line (c). Return to starting position. Repeat and alternate your left and right sides (d).


4 Superfoods that can boost immunity


You have heard countless times about superfoods, and we think it’s worth getting to know some of them.


What are Superfoods?

Some foods due to their heavy amount of raw nutrition, low-calorie content and high antioxidant activity are health promoting. Since they are loaded with immunity building supplements, they may be fighting disease, delaying the ageing process, promoting cardiovascular health, beneficial in weight loss etc.


Slice Of Health introduces you to four Superfoods that will give you a health boost.

1.Chia Seeds-


Chia means ‘strength’ in the Mayan language. Chia seeds are one of the most popular superfoods for many good reasons. They are virtually tasteless, easy-to-digest (when prepared properly), super nutrient dense, and full of energy-boosting power. Chia has also nicknamed “runners’ food” because runners used chia seeds as fuel to run long distances. Did you know that just 1 spoonful of chia could sustain them for 24 hours?

Chia seeds (salvia hispanica). Chia seeds benefits include promoting healthy skin, reducing signs of aging, supporting the heart and digestive system.




This dark yellow powder is referred to as potentially the most powerful plant on the planet in its power to fight and reverse disease. Liver issues, skin conditions, cholesterol regulation, and mood stabilization can also all be cured by the power of turmeric.




Moringa tree leaves, also known as  ‘Drumstick tree leaves’ have various healing properties, health benefits. Back in the day, this miracle tree used to treat a variety of ailments including: edema, swelling, stomach disorders, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, thyroid disorder, anaemia and sickle cell disease, and bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections.




Blue-green algae, known as spirulina, is truly the earth’s biological gift to vitamin supplement takers everywhere.

Spirulina is packed with protein, fuels our metabolism as well as promotes heart and hair health. Antioxidants are also important for anti-ageing effects. So think of the glowing, young looking skin you’ll get as a result of taking spirulina, as a bonus.


Is your ‘Me Time’ really healthy?


Me time is a very important part of everyone’s life. Its a time to focus on yourself, and take a break to mentally relax and escape the stress of everyday life. Me time can be extremely beneficial to your mental health, and can significantly boost your productivity. However it is important to know the difference between healthy ‘me time’ and indicators of depression.  


Though isolation can contribute to your happiness and health, it can also be dangerous for people suffering from mental illness. Isolation often encourages cyclical thoughts, and can keep us from recognizing love in our lives.



So how does one tell the difference?


Sometimes people use time to themselves as an excuse to avoid situations and keep from facing their problems upfront. Though it is important to approach your problems with a steady head, you should always make sure that they are addressed and not avoided.


Sometimes people say they prefer to be alone, as they feel their presence is a burden on their friends and family, but many times this is not the case. Our emotions can cloud our judgement and cause us to feel this way, but it is important to remember that our loved ones are always there for us.


‘Me time’ should be used efficiently. This doesn’t mean that you should meticulously plan out a ‘to-do’ list for this period, but you should ensure that you are focused on what you need at that time. If it is relaxation, then make sure you spend the time doing something that truly relaxes you – whether that is watching a movie, going for a walk or reading a book.



So, how do you know you are spending your ‘me time’ the right way? Focus on how you feel afterwards – are you recharged, energized and revitalized, or do you find yourself feeling exhausted? These may be indications that you need to make a shift in the way you are spending your time.


There is not a single solution for everybody, so it is up to you to decide what works best for your mental state.

4 Foods that lower blood pressure naturally!


Did you know that one in three Indian adults suffer from high blood pressure?  World Health Statistics 2012 report shows that in India, 23.10% of men and 22.60% of women above 25 years are likely to experience hypertension.

Most risk factors for high blood pressure are out of your control, such as age, family history and gender. But there is one factor you can control- your diet.


Read on to learn which foods can help you fight high blood pressure.



Tomato paste, juice, and sauce deliver the most lycopene, an antioxidant that has long been studied for its heart health benefits, including reducing inflammation and possibly lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow.



Sweet Potatoes

One medium sweet potato contains 11 percent of the daily recommended amount of potassium. The lack of potassium leads to high blood pressure.




A research found that strawberries and blueberries three days per week had a 32 percent reduced risk of heart attack as they contain powerful antioxidant anthocyanins.



Virgin Olive Oil

Four tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil per day for a year had much better HDL function, meaning better plaque removal and more relaxed blood vessels.



The bottom line

Making healthy eating diets is the most effective guideline when it comes to fighting high blood pressure. Through a heart-healthy diet, you can reduce your risks for hypertension, promote good health and make yourself stress-free.

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