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Tone your arms in 3 moves!

Flabby arms are familiarly known as bat wings which are a common problem area, especially in women since they store more fat in their upper arms compared to men. Arm flabbiness can be a result of natural changes due to ageing. The occurrence of hormonal imbalances in women could also be one of the possible reasons.


Slice Of Health gives you three simple workout moves that can be easily incorporated into your normal routine and believe us you will have picture-perfect arms in no time!

Dumbbell Floor Press with Glute Bridge

Target-   Triceps, chest and shoulders

How to-  Stand straight on the floor holding dumbbells in your hands. Begin with the weights fully extended above you, palms facing one another and  Lower the weights towards your shoulders until your upper arms come in contact with the floor.



Bicep Curl with Static Hold

Target- Biceps, Forearms

How to- Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand at arm’s length, palms of your hands facing forward. Raise right dumbbell so that the elbow is flexed at a 90-degree angle. Then, curl left dumbbell to left shoulder.


Side Lying Triceps Push-Ups

Target- Triceps and Biceps

How to-  Lie on your left side (on a rolled towel or a mat ) with your legs straight and feet flexed. Bring left hand to right shoulder, place right-hand flat on the floor in front of your left shoulder. Bend your elbows to 90-degrees. Push up to straighten your right elbow while keeping your core tight.




These exercises will help you sculpt your rock-star arms and shoulders in absolutely no time and improve your overall balance, stability, and body alignment.


How Can Exercise Reduce The Risk of Heart Failure In Men?

If you want to live longer, exercising is a great way to improve your heart health. Regular, aerobic exercises are one of the best things you can do. Walking, biking and swimming are also the best workouts for your heart. Read this blog for tips that will help you enhance your cardiovascular health.


What type of exercises can I do for a healthy heart?

Any exercise that makes your heart beat a bit faster counts. Fortunately there are some exercises that can keep your arteries clear. We have listed down a few for you:


  1. Walking- It is a great exercise for a healthy heart. It is enjoyable, safe, inexpensive, and easy- going to fit into anyone’s busy day.
  2. Biking- The pedalling motion of the large muscles in your legs is a fantastic aerobic exercise for your heart. Either a road bike or a stationary bike will work for this exercise routine.
  3. Swimming-  Two and a half hours of swimming a week will give you all the heart health benefits you need. It can also be beneficial if you’re starting out to shed some kilos.
  4. Tai Chi-  Also known as ‘ moving meditation,’ Tai chi is an ancient Chinese form of exercise based on the martial arts. It uses slow rhythmic body movements combined with deep breathing and concentration.content-brunette-in-white-doing-tai-chi_13339-97234


How often and how long should I exercise?

It is recommended that one does at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week or at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week.

Researchers found getting the recommended amount of exercise over a span of six years during your middle-age may cut the risk of heart failure.




How hard should I work out?

Consult with your doctor on the intensity of your exercise. It’s much better to start out easy and work up to more challenging workouts. You can discuss the best exercises for you and what your target heart rate should be during activity.



How can I find my ideal heart rate?

To get the heart health benefit from any exercise, aim to reach between 50 and 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220.



If you have been sedentary for most of your life, beginning to workout to maintain your activity levels may lower your heart risk. Take care of yourself, get active and exercise safely.




Let’s talk about men’s mental health!

Young boys are so used to hearing phrases like ‘be a man’ or ‘don’t cry like a girl’. But depression doesn’t discriminate between men and women – it affects everyone, and it’s time we talked about it.


Untreated depression has emerged as an underlying condition in many cases of suicide. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), men are 3-4 times more likely to commit suicide than women. So let’s first learn how to notice depression in men, because the signs and symptoms may vary between men and women.


Depression in men commonly manifests in the following ways:


Feelings of anger, irritability or aggressiveness 

Many women show signs of depression with sadness, but men in depression often display aggressive behavior. If you notice a friend frequently acting more irritable than usual, make sure you address it and if necessary, point them in the direction of help.



Changes in sleep patterns

This can go either way – men suffering from depression either have a hard time sleeping or sleep more than usual.



Losing interest

If someone you know seems to be losing interest in things like work, family, friends, sex, or other activities they once enjoyed, they may be suffering from depression


Take part in high-risk activities

Research suggests that there is direct correlation between depression in men and over dependence on drugs and alcohol





Many men will experience only a few of these symptoms, but it is important to recognize them when you see it. Depression is a serious issue, and must be professionally addressed at the earliest. So make sure your loved ones are in good care by always keeping a close look out for these symptoms.

5 Recipes Every Gentleman Should Know

If you’re a man who lives on store-bought burgers and pizzas everyday, we’re here to tell you that cooking at home can save you money and health. We’d also like to tell you that it’s not a task that’s as daunting as you think!

Just make a note of these 5 things that we feel you should know about cooking and then go on, pop a bottle, put on your apron and get cooking.


Make an omelette worthy of a French man

Use plenty of melted butter and start the pan. After whisking the eggs with some salt, pepper and veggies, add the mixture to the pan. When the eggs are 60 percent cooked, pull off the heat and let stand for 30 seconds. It’s simple and healthy!


Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Make as many grilled cheeses as you wish. Make them when you are half asleep. Eat them for breakfast. Add ingredients. Make it slightly crunchy and munch on it.


A big pot of rice

If you’re really hungry, rice is great! You may as well eat two thousand of it.  Add a splash of beauty to your rice bowl with some greens and seasonal vegetables.



Chicken Noodle Soup

Just say no to canned chicken noodle soup. The homemade version is tastier and healthier, with less salt and fewer preservatives. Plus it takes less than 30 minutes to cook.


Tadka Bhaat

All you need is some leftover rice, onions and chilli powder. And, you are done! Add rice to the tadka of cumin seeds, mustard and chilli powder, add some salt and you’re done!



These recipes are the easiest! Learn it! Love it!



Top 4 Fitness Myths — Debunked!

Have you ever seen someone at the gym doing the exact opposite of what you thought? Chances are, one of you is doing things wrong.

To help you, put you and your family on track to a healthier, safer, and more fun workout, read this blog to know what’s true and what’s not when it comes to fitness tips.


Myth #1: The best time to work out is in early morning.

Truth: The best time for a workout is when you are most comfortable. Choose a time that is convenient which also allows you to exercise most consistently. Ideally, you want to make physical fitness a regular habit, so if late-night workout to the gym is your thing, stick with it. If you prefer a morning run, do that instead. 



Myth #2: Swimming is a great weight loss activity.

Truth: Swimming is a great exercise but unless you are swimming for hours a day, it may not be as effective in weight loss. Also, it may actually cause you to eat more than you normally would which will make it difficult for you to stick to your diet.




Myth #3: Exercise is the best way for weight loss

Truth: Weight loss almost always starts with significant changes made in your eating habits. In terms of weight loss, what you eat plays a much bigger role than exercise.



Myth 4: Weight training is only for men

Truth: Weight training is a great way to strengthen muscles, and has got nothing to do with gender. Also, studies suggest that hormone plays a role in determining the muscle strength.







How to start your own backyard garden?

Gardening used to be a normal part of life for most people. Not so many generations ago, neighbors exchanged freshly produced fruits and vegetables over fences and most of them knew their local farmer. Maybe you can bring back gardening?

Gardening for Beginners: How to Get Started

The thought of a garden can be amusing.There are so many options of what to buy, when and how to plant, and not to mention how to keep it all alive!


Decide What to Grow

It is wise to grow foods that:

(a) we consume the most

(b) are the most expensive to buy organical



Prepare the Garden

Make sure you get good quality soil, organic fertilizers, and enough sun and water (with a planned irrigation technique). Also, using organic pest control methods are recommended.


Make the most of your space

Stick with planting or sowing the seeds in rows and make sure you get the most production from small spaces. (Use a home-made compost kit to give your garden a boost)


Enjoy your organic garden

Knowing where your food supply comes from (and what wasn’t sprayed on it!) is finally so satisfying. The small investment of time and effort you put in will definitely be worth it.


Plenty of what you plant will grow, and nothing beats picking your own fresh produce from your own backyard garden. It tastes amazingly better and  different from what’s found in the store and what’s more, your kids will be excited to munch on their own garden produce.


4 make-ahead healthy breakfasts

We’ve all heard many times that starting the day with a healthy breakfast is great for both the brain and the belly. Why not begin the day with these great grab-and-go breakfast choices? We are quite sure that your alarm clock will thank you for this!



  • Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Breakfast


Yes, you heard right — cookies for breakfast are a thing!

Preheat oven to 350°F. Combine two mashed bananas and one cup of uncooked oats in a bowl. Fold in the chocolate chips and place a tablespoon of each on the cookie sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes.

Chocolate chip cookie on white background



  • Dry Fruit Oatmeal Parfait


In a small saucepan, combine the oats, water, vanilla and cinnamon. Let it cook on a  low-medium heat for about 7-8 minutes. To build the parfaits, spoon the oatmeal into the bottom of each glass, then layer on a spoonful of yogurt, strawberries, banana and almonds. Repeat layers until you have used all of the ingredients


  • Coconut Lime Strawberry Chia Pudding

Mix raspberries with a cup of coconut milk. Add 2 tbsp of chia seeds, 1 tbsp of shredded coconut, 1 tbsp of lime juice and 6-8 drops of honey to the mixture. Mix well and refrigerate overnight and top it with a few more berries before serving.




  • Cornflakes Almond Porridge


Add cardamom powder, raisins and almond paste in condensed milk. Cook on a medium flame. Add cornflakes and let it cook for 2-3 minutes.Serve chilled garnished with chopped almonds.





The ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ and its many benefits!


Vitamin D, also known as the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ is a unique vitamin your body can make from the sun.

The body produced naturally when exposed to sunlight. Despite the capability to get vitamin D from food and the sun, it is estimated that 40%-75% of people have a deficiency of Vitamin D.


Is Vitamin D really that important?

Vitamin D is an essential compound that promises great advantages to health, yet most adults fall short. Let’s look at a few advantages that Vitamin D provides:



  • Cancer- It is estimated that cancer risks can be prevented by 75% by adequate consumption of vitamin D.
  • Calcium Levels – Vitamin D maintains calcium and phosphate levels in the blood and contributes to the bone development and bone strength.
  • Your Immune System – Ever heard of those “t-cells” that protect your body against germs and diseases? Vitamin D is vital in their creation and function.


How much Vitamin D does your body need?


The recommendations for adults up to age 69 rose to 600 IU/day, and to 800 IU/day for adults starting at age 70. Senior people need more vitamin D because as they age, their skin does not produce vitamin D efficiently.



How to get enough Vitamin D?



  • Spend a safe amount of time in sun
  • Use a sunscreen for long sun exposure


  • Get blood levels of vitamin D tested
  • If necessary, use supplements . Make sure to consult with a doctor.




Does Water Expire?

Did you know that your bottled water has an expiry date? Does this mean that water goes bad over time, and can become unsafe for drinking?


Well, not exactly. Stored properly, water has the potential to last indefinitely. However, different factors can affect certain attributes of water.


Exposure to Air


Since water does not contain sugars or proteins, microbes do not consume it. However, exposure to air/dust does bring your water in contact with bacteria. Since commercially sold bottles of water contain small amounts of chlorine, exposure to bacteria will only be a problem after about a day or two.


The chemistry of water can also change slightly when exposed to air, as it absorbs CO2. The resulting chemical change causes the pH level of the water to reduce. This can change the taste of your water but is not necessarily harmful to you.


Exposure to Sunlight


Even if you are storing water in a closed bottle, make sure you do so away from sunlight. Certain plastics release the hormone disruptor bisphenol A (BPA) when they come in contact with heat.


So next time you go pick up a bottle of water, don’t let the expiry date stress you out. Just make sure you store your water safely and stay hydrated!

3 Exercises for grip building!

Remember how we used our fingers and hands in preventing injury the last time we fell down. Grip plays an important role in injury prevention and overall body development. Grip’s anatomy includes hands, thumbs, forearm, and wrist. We all exercise to keep our body fit, but do we exercise to build our grip?

Here are THREE exercises that will help you build your grip:


The hammer curl is very important for the improvement of the brachioradialis, a muscle in the lower arm. But the hybrid hammer reverse curl does just more than that, it not only helps you improve brachioradialis but it will also strengthen both your biceps and wrist extensor.

How to do it-

Lift your dumbbells like you usually do when doing your bicep exercises but this time bring them dumbbells closer to each other starting from waist to chest in an inverted- V shape and while doing this don’t forget to grip the dumbbells as hard as possible and do slow movements.



The row and pull up enhance grip quality, however including an isometric hold toward the finish of a set will help you enhance your grip quality while saving your elbows and shoulders.

How to do it-

Control the lowering of your body in the last rep of the draw up bar and keep up the strain and the position at the shoulder while pressing the bar as hard as possible. Remain in that position battling the urge to go slack at the shoulders.



On the off chance that you want to train your grip with continuous progress you should try the trap bar or farmer’s carry handles which can be stacked with weight plates as per your need and capability, these are the best for you.

How to do it-

Use a trap bar and get double your weight on the bar and try to do dead- weight lifts and walk a distance while holding the trap bar. Do a variety of sets and timings to improve your grip more.


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