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How the modern world is making you anxious?


Did you know that the right amount of anxiety actually helps you? Yes! It does.

But are we maintaining it at the right levels?

Every one of us deals with stress and anxiety on a regular basis in our daily life but we don’t consider getting help hence our brain gets wired for anxiety and this can affect our personal as well as professional lives in long-run. Hence one needs to be aware of the causes of anxiety so that they can either stay away or limit their interaction with such causes.

Ridiculously high standards

People are becoming more and more interested in posting their daily activities on social media and waiting for other’s to appreciate or talk about them. This trend is having a rather nasty effect on people’s self-esteem and is seriously affecting their mental health.


Increasing competition

There is a huge competition in all aspects of life, you’re not going to be relevant in today’s world if you’re not specialized in your relevant field and this constant notion that someone can replace you anytime is making people stressed out and frustrated.


Smart- Technology

Most of us get worried if we don’t find our gadgets or get tensed when they’re not around us. This un-needed attachment to devices brings anxiety and also fear of misusage of data online.


The diversity of people and Information

Due to global village lifestyle, we are required to deal with people and information from all parts of the world. Access to such kind of diversity gives people more chance to learn and hence helps them grow and when there is too much to learn and articulate it becomes stressful and hence leads to anxiety.



5 Ways to Make your Brew Better

Don’t you all think that making coffee with sugar and cream is just too passe? Here are 5 healthy ways to boost the flavour of your morning brew which will make you wonder why you didn’t think of them first. We bet each of these will transform your cup into a tasty joy ride.


#1 Raw Honey:

For those who want their coffee sweetened, opt for a teaspoon of raw honey for an added layer of soothing flavour in your cappuccino.



# 2 Pure Maple Syrup

While this one tends to be associated mostly with pancakes, using this as a sweetener will do wonders for your coffee.



#3 Ginger

If you have ever tried ginger tea, then you can see how unexpectedly superb this combo could be. Adding a few slices of fresh ginger or a tablespoon of ginger powder to your coffee can be both refreshing and soothing.



#4 Cardamom

Cardamom is usually added to coffee in the Middle Eastern countries. Adding a few seeds or sprinkling a dash in your coffee can give you an exotic taste.



#5 Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate can be used to sweeten and flavour your coffee. You can buy ready-made chocolate syrup or sprinkle the pieces and then blend them.



Who doesn’t love a good cup of coffee to lift their spirits up! Even if you aren’t a coffee person, we know for certain that these will take your morning coffee from boring to exciting!



3 ways lack of sleep is making you fat

We are all used to lectures on the importance of adequate sleep during the night. It can lead to all kinds of physiological problems including diabetes, heart disease and anxiety. However many of us disregard these reasons because we don’t feel the effects immediately, and therefore don’t give it much importance. Well, maybe this will change your mind – did you know there is a link between how much people weigh and how much sleep they get?


It’s true! A lack of sleep affects your appetite, physical activity and body temperature, and can lead to obesity. So how exactly are they related?

Appetite –

Sleeping and waking up at the right time has an immediate effect on your appetite. If you stay up late watching Netflix, you’re obviously going to be craving a midnight snack. And as far as midnight snacks go, let’s be honest, you’re probably NOT going to make yourself a salad. Breakfast is your most important meal, and you’ll end up skipping that because you slept in… again.


Metabolic System –

Our internal body clock determines your sleep cycle, hormone production and appetite regulation. Inadequate sleep increases levels of gherkin in your body, which is responsible for making you feel hungry. It also decreases levels of leptin, the hormone that tells you you’ve had enough to eat.


Physical Activity –

If you don’t get enough sleep, chances are you won’t have the energy to go for that morning or evening run. So that means your day is only filled up with hours at work at your desk, or at home on your couch.

woman running on morning

So make a change now. The first step to regulating your appetite is to sleep and wake up on time. Do this, and you will see an immediate change in your energy levels. This will help you get in a few hours of exercise every day, helping you maintain your weight and stay happy and healthy!

The Remedy for Joint Inflammation in Runners

Running is a great way to stay fit, get a daily dose of energy, and mentally relax. However, running is a high impact sport for your ankles, knees and hips. This generally results in runners often experiencing pain in these joints.


As much as it is important to stay active, it is also important to make sure you are not damaging your body. So take a few days between workouts to recover whenever needed.


Here are a few remedies we recommend to help runners experiencing joint pain & inflammation.


Healthy Running Practices – It is important for runners to invest in a good pair of running shoes that are suited for their feet. Visit an athletic store, and request assistance to find yourself the perfect shoe which takes into consideration your size, pronation, and unique running needs.



Cold Therapy – Use ice packs or cold compresses to reduce inflammation around these joints. This is recommended soon after joint pain occurs, as the cold temperature causes blood vessels to shrink, reducing the amount of blood flow into the area.



Heat Therapy – This is a great follow-up treatment to cold therapy. Warm baths, hot towels, or heating pads will help soothe the pain and improve circulation. This helps reduce joint stiffness and allows harmful toxins to be flushed out of the area.



Medication – If the pain persists beyond this, contact your physician. They will generally recommend non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs or over-the-counter painkillers to help you with the pain.



Rest – As much as possible, give your joints some rest. Make sure you stretch between your running routines. Avoid strenuous activities like running, squatting, or standing for long periods of time. Its ok to take a few days off from your regular routine. Instead, try exercising in a different form such as yoga or water aerobics to help stretch out your muscles and strengthen them.



If you try out these remedies and still experience pain, it is best to contact your doctor. Remember, people heal at different rates, so take it easy until you’re back to normal! After all, you want to make sure you don’t do any permanent damage to your joints.

The Skinny on Fats

What would you say if we told you that you need fat to lose weight? Shocked?


Well, it’s true! In fact, fats help you not only lose weight, but can also improve your mood, and boost your immune system. They are an essential part of your diet, and your body requires fats in order to function. They help you absorb vitamins, are vital for your nervous system, and can even help lower your risk of heart disease.


The key is in determining which fats are good for you, and which are not.


Good Fats (Unsaturated)


Unsaturated fats are good for your body. They help increase HDL (good) cholesterol and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol in your body. They protect against the buildup of plaque in your arteries, boost brain function, and strengthen your immune system. You can find these fats in certain oils, nuts, flaxseed, fish (like salmon and mackerel), and even avocados.


Bad Fats (Saturated)


Saturated fats & trans fats are the ones you want to avoid. They raise cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease. Trans fats are unsaturated fats that have been chemically altered to prolong the shelf life of packaged foods. Stay away from foods with unsaturated fats including products like cream, butter, coconut and palm oil. Also steer clear of foods containing trans fats like shortening, margarine, and processed foods like cookies, chips and cakes.



So the next time you’re planning your diet, don’t opt for non-fat options. Make sure you get a healthy amount of the good stuff, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results.

How to Cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Sometimes, living in India, we take our sunshine and vitamin D for granted. We forget that most of our time is actually spent in the office during daylight hours, and we are probably not getting the amount of light exposure we need. In fact, exposure to the right kinds of light throughout the day is crucial for sleep patterns, energy and your overall health. A lack of it can even lead to a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


People are generally diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder when they exhibit recurrent periods of depression that seem to coincide with seasonal weather patterns.


What causes SAD?


There are multiple factors that can influence the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder in a person.


  • lack of light – this generally leads to vitamin D deficiency which is linked with SAD
  • genetics – people with family members with a history of SAD are more prone to have it
  • gender – women are 4 times more likely to have SAD than men
  • stress – though there is not a clear causality between the two, stress has been found to be linked with cases of SAD)portrait-of-happy-beautiful-happy-youngwoman-relaxing-in-park-joyful-female-model-breathing-fresh-air-outdoors-and-enjoying-smell-in-a-flower-spring-or-summer-garden-vintage-tone_1423-707


Natural Remedies for SAD


We don’t have much control over our genetics or gender, but we can do something to control our light exposure, monitor our vitamin levels, and maintain our stress levels.


Light Exposure – Make it a habit to spend time outside in the morning before work. Go for a walk or even just sit next to an open window in the house where you get ample sunlight.



Vitamin Levels – Though sunlight is the main source of vitamin D in your body, some people have trouble processing it within their bodies. Consider taking a supplement, and discuss your options with a doctor. Vitamin B12 has also been linked to cases of depression, so eat foods that will help you meet your daily requirement (pastured eggs, shellfish, salmon, trout, etc.)



Stress & Mental Health – Make it a habit of spending time with friends, exercising, and doing whatever it takes for you to relax. If you’re mentally fit, you can take on the world!



So stay cool this summer, but make sure you stay happy as well! Depression is an extremely complicated topic, and should not be treated lightly. If you or anyone you know exhibits signs of depression, take the time to consult a doctor and find out what you can do to help.

Guide to healthy baby food

The only thing predictable about infants’ diet is unpredictability. Sometimes, as a mother, you just want a clear roadmap as to what to do when. Wouldn’t that make everything easier?


Well, don’t stress it. Infants follow more or less the same pattern. Just keep some basic guidelines, and you’ll figure out the rest.




The first year of your baby’s life is a crucial time for healthy development. A mother’s milk is essential during the first 4 months, as it builds your baby’s immune system. Make sure you don’t bypass this important step, and if you need to, make sure you consult your doctor about any issues you may be facing.






At this time, you can start your baby on mashed foods in addition to breast milk. Make sure you mash up the food into a fine paste. Use ingredients like bananas, avocados, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples and pears. These are rich in vitamins, proteins and iron and can be made into soups or juices as well.





At this time, you can start a semi-solid diet by not mashing up ingredients entirely. Introduce rice, pulses and vegetables into your baby’s diet at this time, making sure to mash it up into a semi-solid form.





Soft solid foods are ok for your baby now. You can even introduce external milk or dairy products into your baby’s diet at this stage. Just make sure that this diet consists of all the essential nutrients required for your baby’s development.mother-feeding-baby-in-armchair_23-2147711918





At this stage, you can start to include mild spices in your baby’s food. These can include turmeric, cumin and even cinnamon. You may even start to notice your baby reacting to all these new exciting flavours!



Make sure you supplement all these foods with milk, as it is one of the most essential foods your baby can have. Before you know it, your baby will happily be eating away at everything, including random things he or she finds on the floor – so be careful!!

Practicing self-compassion & why it is important

We all have that nagging voice in the back of our heads that dominate our thoughts, moods and actions. More often than not, we find this voice telling us what we didn’t do, what we don’t have and what we will never achieve. Many of us ignore this voice and push through the day, but what if we told you that you can take control of it instead?


Practising self-compassion can be a path to truly loving and accepting yourself, which is the first step in feeling loved and accepted by others. It’s a better motivator than critical self-talk and is so powerful that it can even rewire your brain to build feelings of calmness, safety, and trust.



So how do you get started?


  1. Observe how you speak to yourself. When you notice self-criticism, stop and think about how a friend might respond to you in that situation. What would you do if the roles were reversed?young-woman-posing-and-imaging_23-2147653640
  2. The next step is to stop yourself when you notice self-criticism. Say something positive about yourself instead, and notice how you feel.funny-girl-celebrating-a-victory_1154-164
  3. Keep a journal, and write in it every day – 2 things you are grateful for, 2 kind statements to yourself, and something small that made you smile that day. Make this a habit, and you’ll start to notice a difference in how you view the world around you.people-hand-writing-notebook-with-gadget_9563-1832
  4. Give yourself a break! When you’re stressed, anxious or worried, just stop and breathe. Take a minute to tell yourself you are doing the best that you can. After all, you’re only human!

sporty-woman-feeling-alive_1163-37 (1)

So make the change today. You’ll find yourself happier, more motivated and more empowered to spread love and form bonds with others. Why? Because you deserve it & so does everyone around you.


Natural Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

Blackheads, also known as clogged pores are made up of dead skin cells and are caused due to excess oil present on the skin. They are unsightly and we are sure that you would prefer not to have them! Luckily these natural DIY blackhead removal ideas can help you prevent blackheads without harming your facial skin.


  1. Consider the oil cleaning method as it is a great way to prevent blackheads. It keeps your skin moisturized throughout the day and doesn’t overcompensate with oil production.tray-with-natural-oils_1122-1513
  2. Splash your face with cold water 5-6 times a day. This helps close the pores so that dirt is less likely to get in there and cause blackheads.74aeffc725b08eabfb59c12152960f14
  3. Use raw, filtered honey on the area that is affected by blackheads. Honey’s unique antiseptic properties can help remove dead skin cells on the face.Honey-Mask1
  4. Beat or stir some egg white and apply it to your face. Soon after it feels tight and dry (about 10 minutes) gently rinse with warm water. It latches onto the dirt in the pores and pulls it out.egg-white_620x350_61518613128


These natural blackhead removal ideas will rid your skin of blackheads and reduce the oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells that cause them.

Bonus: You will Look good, feel good!

How to make a great grocery list in minutes

Even if you are the most organised person, making a grocery list may seem a difficult task. Tempting or unhealthy foods can threaten to offset your dieting or health goals. Keep a grocery list handy so that you can be in and out of the store in a jiffy.


Step 1: Plan Ahead

The first crucial step to creating a healthy grocery shopping list is Meal Planning. This can  help you make nutritious dishes that fit your eating plan.



Step 2: Be Realistic

If you’re willing to try out new foods, try incorporating one or two new ingredients each week to help you identify items that you truly like to eat.



Step 3: Organize your list

Divide your list into sections based on food types and include categories like:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Healthy fats
  • Dairy or non-dairy products
  • Beverages


Step 4: Focus on healthy foods

Don’t forget to include foods like fruits, milk and vegetables that are basics for healthy eating and stick to purchasing only the items included on your shopping list.



Step 5: Stick to the plan

Stay strong and sick to the plan. Avoid being drawn in by fast food advertisements or commercials.



An excellent way to stick to your nutrition goals is by using a grocery list that will guide you throughout .Plus, preparing a meal plan and shopping list can save you time and money.


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