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Are protein shakes safe for children?

Parents are used to getting advice from all directions. Ever heard this one – “Your son is looking very weak, have you tried giving him a protein shake?”


This is a common one, and it can be exhausting trying to sort the good tips from the bad ones. Don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you!



Protein shakes may seem like an easy nutritional solution, but only if you find the kind that is right for your child. Make sure you consider the following factors when choosing a protein shake for your child:


Your Child’s Diet – Make sure your child has a balanced diet. A protein shake is only safe as long as it acts as a secondary measure for your child’s basic needs.


Your Child’s Protein Requirements – What age is your child? Is your child a boy or a girl? Various factors play a role in determining your child’s daily protein requirement. Studies suggest that children on average require the following amounts of protein a day


between ages 1 – 3: 13 g

between ages 4 – 8: 19 g

between ages 9 – 13: 34 g

teenage boys: 52 g

teenage girls: 46 g



Type of Protein Shake – The source of protein generally varies between types of shakes. They usually come from whey or soy. Make sure your child does not have any allergy to these ingredients.

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As long as you consider these various factors, your child should be safe from any adverse effects. Talk to your doctor if you think your child is getting too much protein. You know your child best, so make sure you trust your instincts first!

What your mother really wants for Mother’s day


What are you getting your mom this Mother’s day? Jewelry? Flowers? Chocolate?


These are great go-to options, but how about we amp it up this year, and get our mothers something they really want and will cherish?

A Day Off –

There’s nothing your mother would like more than a day off from the usual ‘mom-routine’. Take over for the day, and make sure the house is clean & chores are taken care of. Cook your mom’s favourite meals, and let her take the day off to do some of her favourite things.

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Alone Time –

Even though you might want to spend the day with your mom, let’s try not to focus on ourselves for once! Mom’s spend so much time in loud, noisy and crowded environments, that they might want a day to themselves to relax. Send your mom to a spa, and make sure she gets pampered. She deserves it!



Appreciation –

Mothers are incredibly selfless, and most of the time, they never expect anything in return. That’s why it is SO important to make sure your mother knows she is appreciated. Take the time to let your mother know how grateful you are for everything she does.

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Quality family time –

Spend some REAL time with your family. Put your phones away, play a board game, and have amazing food. Quality time is all it takes to make some unforgettable memories.

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So put a smile on your mother’s face this Mother’s Day with these simple gifts. After all, it’s the small stuff that counts!


4 Tips for Moms on Finding Time for Exercise

If you are a busy mother, it may seem that you are unlikely to even find five minutes of free time for yourself, and it could be a possibility that you are letting things go because you are busy or tired like healthy eating and exercising. Here are a few tips required for every mother to add exercise to her daily routine.

Work Out With Kids

Kids keep you occupied for the most part of the day. So, why not make them join you in a fun workout?  This can prove to be a stress buster for you and a good stretch workout for your kids.


Online Workouts

If you don’t have the time to hit the gym, allocate one hour of your day to check out some of the many YouTube workout videos, and find one that you can do at home.


Change Everyday Activities

Everyday activities such as taking the stairs instead of an elevator, cleaning the house, etc. are the best workouts without having to schedule time for exercise. It’s like a win-win situation, where you can finish the work and simultaneously work out.


Plan your work out schedule

It is not easy to find the time, but it is crucial that you make use of free time to be on the move. To have a productive workout, plan accordingly and get it done when your child takes a nap or when they are going for some extra classes.



When there is so much in your to-do- list, there is not much time to think about exercise but it is very crucial to stay fit and healthy. If you create a schedule to work out every day and if you set a goal to achieve then there is no one or nothing that can stop you!


6 Simple Dishes for Mother’s Day

Mother’s day is around the corner, and while everyone is wondering how to make this mother’s day memorable, we put together a list of 6 simple dishes you can make to blow your mom away! After all, there’s nothing that makes mothers happier than to see their children take over in the kitchen.


Pongal is one of the most prized South Indian delicacies. With the morning filled with smells of buttery Pongal and fresh filter coffee, trust us, your mother will be beyond impressed!


Aloo Paratha

For lunch, Aloo Parathas are a go-to choice. Simple to make, with few ingredients required, you can never go wrong with it. Pair it with curd and pickle of your choice, and you’re good to go!



Aapam & Coconut Milk

A speciality dish of Kerala, Aapams are an extremely light and tasty dish. Paired with the subtle flavours of coconut milk on the side, it is easy on the stomach, and even easier to make!


Pani Puri

Of course, we can’t get through a special occasion without Pani Puri! A great item to have on the menu when you have lots of people at home, Pani Puri is a fundamental must-have, and the perfect mouth-watering snack. 


Vegetable & Cheese Quesadillas

Switch things up a bit with Quesadillas for dinner. Just sauté some vegetables with refried beans, add cheese, and grill it all together on a soft tortilla, and you’re done! With guacamole and sour cream on the side, this dish is a winner. Pro tip: Add lots of cheese for increased satisfaction. 


Chocolate Fudge Brownies

No day can come to end without something sweet! Give your mother the perfect ending to her day of stardom with the ultimate fudgy chocolate brownies. You can never, ever go wrong with chocolate! 


So make this mother’s day perfect. Take over the kitchen, and impress your mother with your culinary skills. Rest assured, she will never forget this one!


6 Soft Foods to Eat After Having your Wisdom Tooth Removed

Having your wisdom teeth removed is a painful process. As if the surgery is not enough to deal with, you end up being deprived of your favorite foods as well! Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here’s a list of delicious foods that are comfortable enough to eat, and makes sure you get all the essential nutrients you need to make a quick recovery.

1.Fruit & Yogurt Smoothies

Fruits are an essential part of your diet. They give you the energy you need to start off your day. Add some yogurt for a dose of protein, and you’re set with a healthy and delicious breakfast item!



2.Creamy Vegetable Soup

Soup is the perfect comfort food. There’s nothing that a hot, buttery soup can’t fix. With options such as roasted carrot, butternut squash, and broccoli-cheese, you will get your requirement of vegetables for the day, and something to soothe your senses.



3.Idli & Chutney

An Indian staple, idlis are one of the healthiest foods found across the world. Steamed idlis are a soft option, and can be paired with an assortment of chutneys – coconut, coriander, onion, peanut… the list is endless!



Buttery Scrambled Eggs

Another breakfast favourite – scrambled eggs are a versatile dish. They can be cooked to a creamy, soft consistency, making them perfect for your post-surgery trauma. Add an extra dollop of butter for added happiness!



Another Indian speciality, Khichdi is a delicacy made with rice and lentils. Interestingly, it is known to be one of the first solid foods Indian parents give their babies, so you can be sure it will not cause you any discomfort during your recovery.


6.Rich Chocolate Mousse

Of course you need to treat yourself once in awhile – after all, you have been through so much! Chocolate mousse is a universal favourite, and an added bonus – no chewing involved!




          So kick back and relax – you’ll be back in shape before you know it!



Why is breakfast called the most important meal of the day?

Ever heard of the age old saying ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper’? Well, however old it may be, this message still holds true today more than ever. In the fast-paced world we live in, skipping breakfast becomes one of the easiest things to do. You may be under the impression that you are saving time, but in fact you are preventing yourself from working up to your potential.


Benefits of Eating a Healthy Breakfast


Breakfast kick-starts your metabolism by providing your body with fuel after an overnight fast. A good breakfast should contain a mix of essential nutrients such as calcium, iron and B vitamins as well as protein and fibre.



In the long-term, eating a healthy breakfast has been proven to help


  1. reduce obesity
  2. control diabetes
  3. reduce high blood pressure
  4. reduce risks of heart disease


It is quite a misconception that skipping breakfast will help you lose weight. In fact, eating foods rich in protein and fibre supplement your diet by keeping your appetite in check for the rest of the day.

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On a daily basis, eating a healthy breakfast has been shown to


  1. improve mood
  2. improve memory skills
  3. increase concentration levels
  4. decrease stress levels1 (1)


On top of everything else, breakfast is a great excuse to get together and spend some quality time with your family before all the chaos of the work-day sets in. So, no more excuses – start every day with a healthy and wholesome breakfast, and we guarantee you will see a difference in no time at all!




Microgreens:All you ever wanted to know

What are microgreens?


These 1–3 inches tall ,young vegetable greens are also known as micro herbs or vegetable confetti. Quite apart from being aromatic, microgreens are rich in flavor and add a splash of color to a variety of foods.

Containing higher nutrient levels than more mature vegetable greens. This makes them a good addition to any diet.

Different Types of Microgreens


  • Brassicaceae family: Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage,
  • Amaryllidaceae family: Garlic, onion
  • Amaranthaceae family: Amaranth,  beet and spinach
  • Cucurbitaceae family: Melon, cucumber and squash

Microgreens can be cultivated from a variety of seeds. Their taste varies greatly depending on the variety.

Health Benefits of Microgreens


  • Fights heart disease
  • Good for diabetes
  • Lowers risk of cancer
  • Good for diabetes

How to include microgreens to your diet?


  • Can be incorporated into a variety of dishes such as sandwiches or salads.
  • Can be blended into smoothies, Example- Wheatgrass juice

  • Garnish on warm dishes like pizzas, soups,omelets, curries and other dishes.

The bottom line

Microgreens are easy to grow and harvest at home. They can easily be included into your diet in many ways. They are generally very health-giving and are a worthwhile addition to your diet.


5 Fascinating things that happen to you while you are sleeping!

Whether you have imagined it or not,  we spend around a third of our lives (around 25 years) sleeping. A good 8 hours of sleep helps us to recover from the previous day’s exertions and prep for a new day. But do you know what actually goes on while you’re conked out?

Your Brain Is Active

Our brains are “on” throughout the night. The brain is actually very active during sleep doing important things. According to a study, the brain is processing the information we gained during the day and shutting out the information we don’t need.

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Your Heart Rate and Breathing Slows Down

Physiological processes during bedtime slows down and so does your breathing and heart rate.Also the liver quites down from trying to detoxify.


And so does your body temperature

While we sleep, core temperatures drop a bit. Furthermore, keeping your room cool before bed can help you sleep better.

Your blood pressure plummets

Total body relaxation leads to something called a “nocturnal dipping” of your blood pressure. It’s normal for people if the blood pressure can drop by about 4 to 7 points while you are having  a good night’s sleep.


You pump out growth hormones

We’re talking about HGH, or human growth hormone which is a protein that fights aging and injury for which you need to sleep deep for seven to eight hours. Even if you’re not growing taller, you’re always growing: building muscle cells.


When it comes to staying healthy, we put a lot of attention nutrition and fitness, which are both very important. But we should put sleep on that same level.

What is ‘text neck’ and how can you avoid it?

Remember when you used to read about all the risks of sitting hunched over a desk all day? Today, our lifestyles are even riskier.

Even when we walk, we are continuously bending to look at smartphone screens. This causes ‘text neck’ a term  coined by doctors to describe a bent neck, slouched shoulders, and a rounded upper back.

These techniques are designed to set things right.

Raise the phone

Try to hold your cell phone at the eye level as much as possible so make sure your head is on straight.  The same must hold true for all screen devices—laptops and Ipads, should also be positioned such that screen is at eye level.


Take frequent breaks

It is recommended to take frequent breaks from your phone and laptop all through  the day. For example, set a reminder or alarm that reminds you to rouse yourself and walk around every 30 to 40 minutes.


Stand up straight

Maintain a good posture, pull your shoulder back and arch the neck and upper back frequently to relieve your muscles.


Stay Fit

Did you know that you must  have strong core muscles—the abdominal and lower back muscles—to look after  your upper body, including your neck. It is advisable to learn certain neck exercises with the help of a health professional.


You likely to not even notice as to how often you’re looking down at your mobile phone to respond to an email, shoot out a text or checking directions each day. As overall guidance, engage in exercise regularly to save yourself from symptoms of a text neck.

How to avoid junk food at work?

We all know that at work,  you’re faced with all sorts of temptation with vending machines in the hallway, candy jars and coworker birthday parties around every corner. Here are simple ways to cut your calories and avoid all the junk food at the office!

Pack Your Lunch

Pack a lunch! Establish a habit of bringing your food in, instead of telling yourself you’ll “figure it out” later in the day. By doing this you wont feel tempted by the steady stream of brownies and cookies.


Track What You Eat

There could be junk food floating around all the time and it can be hard to resist.The best thing to do is by tracking your calories.Keep a food diary or use a calorie counting app.line-notepad-on-chopping-board-with-wooden-fork-and-spoon-and-the-measuring-tape_25381-294

Be mindful of your habits

Do you eat if you are feeling bored? Or reach for samosas if you have skipped your meal? Take time to observe yourself and follow a routine


Keep Your Stress In Check

Stress can trigger unhealthy eating. Try to step away from stressful situations or you might just end up raiding the office pantry for cookies or donuts. If you feel like you need to expend stress, chew some sugar-free gum


Easy, isn’t it? As long as you keep your health goals on top of your mind, you can avoid indulging in junk food at the office!

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