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4 Easy, Delicious Pre-Run Snacks

Just like your treasured car or bike needs high-octane fuel to perform at its best, your body also performs better with the right nutrient-loaded meal.

When it comes to your early morning run, you also need qualities ‘easy to make’ and ‘tasty’ in addition to ‘loaded with nutrition’. That’s why we’ve put together this quick list of pre-run snacks that are as tasty to eat as they are easy to make.

Snack #1: Biscuits And Honey

Eat cookies like Marie biscuit with a teaspoon of honey for flavour. Loaded with carbs, you’ll have the energy you need for a sprint or intense training session.

stroopwafel original Dutch dessert surve with hot coffee on wood table top  background. Stroopwafel is traditional dessert of Honland country. Stroopwafel made from syrub dough

stroopwafel original Dutch dessert surve with hot coffee on wood table top background. Stroopwafel is traditional dessert of Honland country. Stroopwafel made from syrub dough

Snack #2: Banana And Peanut Butter

If you’re planning on running up to an hour or so, you’ll need something more substantial. The potassium and fluids from the banana keep you hydrated, and the nut butter supplies healthy fat and carbs for energy.


Snack #3: Energy Drink

A 500-ml sports drink can keep you hydrated and fuelled for an hour-long workout. Drink it before or during your run.

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Snack #4: Peanut Butter And Banana Whole Wheat Toast

All 3 ingredients fuel your workout with their carb content, and the potassium in the banana keeps you hydrated and protected from muscle cramps. Additionally, the peanut butter has protein to keep hunger away.


Use these simple snack ideas, and you won’t have to struggle before your next run!


3 Surprising Uses For Aspirin

Everybody knows that aspirin is a great quick fix for a headache.

But did you know that there’s more to these pills than headache-relieving abilities? They can do a number of things, like even making your garden grow!

Use #1: Helps With Bug Bites

Specifically, aspirin can take care of the swelling caused by insect bites, given its anti-inflammatory properties. Simply crush a couple of pills with water to make a paste, then smear it on a stinging bite to take away the pain.


Use #2: Takes Care Of Dandruff

Salicylic acid, a common ingredient in face wash products, is also present in aspirin. When mixed with shampoo, an aspirin paste can reduce dandruff and exfoliate your skin.


Use #3: Removes Stains

The same salicylic acid can help fight sweat stains in your favorite T-shirt. Mix crushed aspirins with water in a bowl, and soak the stained portion of your T shirt in this bowl to remove stains.


Interesting, and quite handy too! Who knew aspirin could be so useful!


Habits That Make For Great Relationships

Your don’t often notice your habits, but they can have a profound effect on your everyday life. Learn how to make the most of this—by cultivating the right set of habits, you can build a positive relationship.

Certain habits can have a positive, uplifting effect on relationships. Learn which these are, and how to use them to better your love life!

Method 1: Put Away Your Phone, And Your TV Remote

When the big screen at home constantly bombards your senses with programming—or the smaller smartphone screen with notifications—you can lose touch with your partner. Instead of spending entire evenings drowning in TV or your phone, develop the habit of really talking to your partner.


Method 2: Clean And Cook

They say the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but they don’t say that cleaning the dishes is the quickest way to show your partner how much they mean! Plus, washing dishes together is a bonding act of domestic intimacy.

Who knew tying on an apron had such wonderful benefits?

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Method 3: Stay In Touch Through The Day

Prioritize your relationship so that it thrives even through your tight daily schedule. It doesn’t take much: a simple text or two with those three easy words, for instance. When you show your partner that you’re thinking about them even when stuck in busy, busy work, your bond grows deeper.


These simple habits can foster a deep, meaningful relationship. Embrace a culture of affection and expressing it: that’s the secret to one happy relationship!


5 Crucial Tips For Trail Running

Running off road can be a great thing. It breaks the monotony of walking tracks and jogging parks, plus there’s no traffic like roads have. However, it’s a little tricky too.

Before you start your trail running routine, here are a couple of helpful tips.

Safety Is A Priority


Running on populated roads is relatively much safer. When you’re  running up a lonely mountain path, keep your phone handy in case of emergencies. Take your dog, if that’s an option, Or carry pepper spray.

Don’t let muggers and petty thieves take advantage of the lack of safe crowds.


It’s Okay To Run Less


You probably won’t run as much as you’re used to running, especially when you begin trail running. Instead of unwisely forcing yourself to run the same distance you run on other terrain, pace yourself.

You will find your own rhythm.


Eyes On Your Path!


Running and biking trails are usually on quite scenic paths near rivers, lakes, mountains and such. But when you’re on a run, keep your eyes on the path. You don’t want to trip and fall on your face just because you were taking in the awesome view!


Adjust Your Speed


Maintaining a constant pace even as the terrain keeps changing under your feet is not only unwise; you’ll end up hurting yourself. Instead, if your climbing up, slow down to accommodate the slope. If you’re running through a series of bumps that could twist an ankle, slow it down to walking pace.

There’s no competition; make safety your top priority.

Take Some Water


As a human being, there is only so much dehydration your body can handle. Do not overestimate your abilities, and carry water. You can take a bottle in your hands, carry a multi-bottle waist strap, or hydration pack with shoulder straps.


With these 5 tips, you can keep safe even as you run towards better health and fitness, off the beaten track!


4 Foods To Avoid When You’re Pregnant

Your body goes through a host of changes when you’re pregnant—there’s an entire other human being living inside you, for one! This does mean that you’ll have to adjust your diet accordingly. If you’re with child, you’re better off avoiding these 4 items in your daily diet.

Fish With High Mercury Content

A highly toxic element, mercury can be especially dangerous to a pregnant woman and her child. Not all fish have high mercury contents, though. Just some: shark, swordfish, tuna and mackerel.

Do eat low-mercury fish, though. This will give you a healthy supply of Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for your baby.


Raw Eggs

A major no-no. Give all these items a rest: lightly scrambled eggs, poached eggs, Hollandaise sauce, cake icing and salad dressing. Symptoms usually affect the mother alone, but salmonella in raw eggs can affect childbirth too.

Eat eggs that are thoroughly done, or check the labels of egg-containing products to ensure that Pasteurized eggs have been used.


Organ Meat

Here, it’s a question of quantity.

Organ meat in the right quantity is good, even recommended, for expecting mothers. Iron, vitamin B12, vitamin A and copper are all good for you and the baby.

Too much, though, can cause vitamin A and/or copper toxicity.



Every mother has probably heard that coffee is bad, but it’s not just your morning cup of steaming coffee you need to avoid. Caffeine is found in soft drinks, cocoa, and even tea. There isn’t a blanket ban on coffee, though—just limit your intake to less than 200mg per day.


If you’re pregnant, you’ll want to do your best to keep yourself and your baby healthy. For this reason alone, it’s important that you avoid these foods.


Suffering From Major Anxiety? Learn How To Get Through A Panic Attack

Sadly, our changing lifestyles have made stress and anxiety statistically much more common. And panic attacks are something a lot of us need to deal with. Sudden anxiety, couple with fear, dread, and sweat—that’s a panic attack.

They key to dealing with this disorder—which affects 3% of the general population—is that they often give you a bit of warning before they ‘hit’ you.

Get A Good Distraction

This can be as simple as calling a trusted friend. This distracts you from building things up in your mind, rapidly losing control—which is how a panic attack occurs. If you don’t have this option, try mental exercises—consciously filling your mind with other thoughts can help you avoid the mental onslaught of a panic attack.

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Watch Your Breathing

With the onset of a panic attack, you often start hyperventilating—breathing much faster than you normally would. Learn to control breathing through a slow mental counting. This serves a double purpose; the counting controls your mind, and helps you breathe evenly.

Nervous Great British Baking Show GIF by PBS - Find & Share on GIPHY

Learn To Conquer Your Fears

Sometimes, you have to get through obstacles, and not around them. This is especially true of facing your fear. Get professional help with your deepest fears, as this is what often causes a panic attack.

Janelle Monae International Women'S Day GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Know That It Will End

However bad a panic attack is, there’s no denying that it will end—knowing this is powerful. When you are constantly aware that the end of the attack is definitely coming, this soothes your anxiety a little.

Relaxed Yoga GIF by Hannah Bronfman  - Find & Share on GIPHY

Armed with this knowledge, you can learn to ‘ride the wave’ of an unavoidable panic attack.

All these methods are great ways of getting through an anxiety-triggered panic attack.


3 Nuts That Are Great For You

Nuts can be a little confusing—they are full of fat and calories, but most ‘healthy diet’ guidelines recommend that we eat them to stay lean and healthy. The key is that they are loaded with the right fats and nutrients, which our bodies need.

Aside from being so tasty, nuts can actually lower bad cholesterol, and lower your risk of diseases, even cancer. These nuts aren’t the most popular in India, so we thought we’d introduce them to you!



Although a little less popular in India, pecan nuts are low in calories (200 per serving), and supply you with fiber and over 19 vitamins and minerals. They are also renowned for their antioxidant property.

Plus, they’re really tasty in desserts like the classic pecan pie!




Praised as a nutrient-packed powerhouse, pistachios are rich in vitamin B6, copper and manganese. A Harvard study showed that eating nuts like pistachios can help you live longer. Another thing that makes pistachios good for you is that shelling them takes a while, which ensures that you don’t overeat .




These add a great flavour to everything from main course dishes to desserts, and are rich in fiber, copper, magnesium, vitamin E and thiamin. They help reduce dangerous LDL cholesterol. Proanthocyanidins, found in hazelnuts, have anti-inflammatory properties.


Say hello to these nuts, and goodbye to bad cholesterol and diseases!


4 Ways To Workout on the Way to Work

Most of us spend considerably more time traveling to work and getting back home than we spend in the gym or doing some physical activity. Given our busy schedules, it’s easier to catch up on some exercise during the commute, than finding actual time to head to the gym!

Here are 4 simple exercises you can do home and work.

Calf Raises

Traveling by bus/train means a lot of waiting around. When you wait, stand on the tips of your toes. Then, slowly come back to a ‘feet on the ground’ position. Easy, but repeat for a 100 times and you’ll work your calves out—results will show up in a week or two!


Leg + Core Workout

This one is simple to describe, but a little tricky to execute.

Stand on one leg, and raise the other knee to your chest or as high as possible. Hold this position and balance to boost leg and core strength.



Crunches—The Commuter Version

On the seat of a bus, train or plane, keep your feet planted on the floor a hip-width apart. Start by contracting your lower abs. Now, round your lower back and try ‘moving’ your rib cage downwards towards your hips. Hold this position for 10 seconds, and then repeat the whole process.

Crunches work your abs and boost your all-important core strength.


Chest Boosters

In a seated position, place your arms in your lap and interlock your fingers. Then, try to get your elbows to meet. Squeeze and contract your chest this way, to strengthen it over time.


Armed with these quick, easy exercises, you can transform all your commutes into mini-workouts. Imagine the (fitness) possibilities!


Keeping Yourself Healthy And Fit On A Beach Holiday

Planning your destination holiday to Goa, the Andaman islands or (lucky you) a exotic international location like Bali or Ibiza?

First off, congrats—everyone deserves some fun in the sun! If fitness is important to you, though, you can’t spend the entire holiday drinking cocktails and sleeping on deck chairs! Here are a few simple ways you can keep yourself stay healthy and fit on a beach vacation.

Swim Your Love Handles Away!

Well, you are at the beach, so you might as well make swimming your chosen workout while on your holiday. A nice dip just before breakfast will get your metabolism rate going, and keep your body in shape.


Take Care Of Skin And Hair

A day spent in the hot sun can cause some real damage to your hair and your skin; extended exposure can cause flaky skin and split ends in hair. Omega-3 fatty acids can keep both skin and hair hydrated.


Try The One Plate Rule

When buffet breakfasts and barbecue dinners are the order of the day, you can get carried away by casual conversations and eat too much without realizing it. The one plate rule is simple: you eat as much as you can fit on a single plate.

It’s not a hard-and-fast rule, but it helps you stay aware and avoid overeating without meaning to.


Try Walking Everywhere

Chances are that you’ll see a number of pristine sandy beaches, picturesque ocean boulevards, and other such sights. Try to take it all in on foot, if you can. You won’t miss the finer details, plus you’ll be keeping yourself healthy.


The next time you’re on holiday, make sure your body stays healthy. This way, you’ll make the best of an enjoyable experience!



The 5 Do’s And Don’ts When Helping Someone Through Depression

Depression can easily rob us of hope, energy and passion for life, stealing our peace of mind and happiness.

Getting out of it isn’t a quick fix, but it can definitely be done. Here are 5 tips to follow when you’re helping a loved one out of this mental challenge. Remember, they key to helping them lies in love and a lot of patience.

Do: Know That Depression Isn’t Sadness


Fatigue, confusion and sleep deprivation—these are all symptoms, and not the actual problem. If your loved one is going through depression, they can’t simply ‘snap out of it’ at your request.

It can be hard to be nice to someone who keeps snapping at you, but that’s the only way you can help them get better.


Do: Help Them Eat Right


Someone going through depression needs a diet to combat it—this means minimal skipped meals, low sugar and refined carbs, and a boost in vitamin B12 and Omega-3 Fatty acids.



Don’t: Say You’ve Given Up


Taking care of a depressed loved one who often lashes out at you is no joke. But don’t let the frustration get to you. A single “I can’t deal with this anymore” from you can send them spiraling back to where they started, negating all the progress made since then.

Your words carry quite some power; use them to build up, not break down. Speaking of which…


Do: Validate Irrational Thought When Necessary


Someone going through a state of depression may live in their own version of reality. Instead of arguing rationality, show that you’re there to listen and provide unconditional support.

Logic comes later.

Do: Encourage Them To The Things They Love


Even though you can’t force someone to actually have fun, you can encourage them to get out and do things they used to love, before depression hit. You’d be surprised at how much this simple change of environment can help.


Follow these simple do’s and don’ts when helping a loved one make it out of depression. Do not lose your patience or belittle the horrible experience they’re going through, and you’ll help them deal with it better.


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