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4 Bachelor-Friendly Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Recent news has made us all well aware that a nutritious breakfast is the key to a healthy life. However, what stops most of us is that these ‘super-healthy’ recipes always seem so hard to get right.

Well, these 4 recipes definitely aren’t hard. And they’re healthy too.

Recipe #1: Non-Sweet Oats And Egg

Instead of the usual milk & sugar combo, cook oats with salt, pepper and spices of your choice. Top this off with a tasty poached egg or omelette with some cheese on the side.

Healthy and easy, all in one.

crunchy flakes with blueberries and various yogurts for healthy breakfast

crunchy flakes with blueberries and various yogurts for healthy breakfast

Recipe #2: Quinoa-Enriched Fruit Salad

Fruit bowls are healthy and tasty, and you can add an extra dose of nutrition by adding quinoa grains. For flavor, add some honey and lime juice.


Recipe 3: Yogurt And Berry Powershake

Blend some frozen berries with Greek yogurt and a drink of your choice (coconut water, milk or a juice you like). You can freeze this overnight and thaw/blend it whenever you feel like having a refreshing, health-boosting drink.

Tip: you can use other frozen fruits like bananas instead of berries.



Recipe 4: Banana Nut Butter Chia Seed Toast

Like peanut butter toast sandwiches? Pack some more nutrition into them with half a sliced banana and sprinkle some super-healthy chia seeds over this.


All of these breakfasts are a great choice if you live alone, and need a quick, easy and yet healthy breakfast every day!


3 Easy Exercises When Working Out At Home

Want to get fit, but going to the gym is not an option?

Here’s what you can do. These are 3 simple exercises that don’t need you to go to the gym, or even head out of your house for that matter. You’ll find basic instructions on how to perform these exercises here, as well as why they are good for you.

Exercise 1: The Farmer’s Walk

Hold heavy dumbbells in both hands ( or 2 buckets full of water), at your sides. Stand erect, and walk slowly, taking short steps along the way.

The farmer’s walk helps you strengthen your shoulder stabilizers, front deltoids (muscles on shoulders) and upper traps (muscles that go from neck to back).



Exercise 2: Press-Ups

Also known as push ups, this is the most popular exercise for a reason. It is simple: you simply lie face down on the floor, and then lift yourself off it propping yourself up on your palms, which you place on the floor a shoulder length apart.

Press ups develop chest muscles and strengthen your body’s core.


Exercise 3: Crunches

Lie on your back, with your legs bent at the knee. Then, with your back planted firmly on the floor, lift your shoulders off the floor, until you feel your abs tighten. Then, return to the starting position.

Crunches strengthen your abdominal muscles and, by extension, your core.



Step-By-Step: How To Make A Cold Compress

A cold compress is handy with minor injuries like swelling and cuts that bleed. It is handy in first aid, as it can both numb the skin to reduce pain, and constrict blood vessels to reduce bleeding.


With this step-by-step guide, you can make yours right at home. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Some ice cubes
  • A bowl
  • A clean piece of cloth
  • A plastic bag

Step 1

Put some ice cubes in a bowl, and add some water. The ice will slowly start melting. Set this bowl aside—you will need it later, at step 3.

Step 2

Take some more ice cubes, and fill a plastic bag with them. Tie this bag shut.

Step 3

Dip a clean cloth in the bowl with melted ice, and after a few minutes, wrap the plastic bag within the cloth to make your own ice pack.


Step 4

Use the ice pack to provide relief, by holding it against the area of injury for about 15 minutes.woman-icing-knee_0


That’s it. 3 steps are all it takes for some instant relief from a bleeding wound or a swelling!


How To Stop Eating Junk Food

Have you ever planned to eat better and get healthy, only to fail at the sight of potato chips in your friend’s hands? Junk food has a mysterious hold on all of us, doesn’t it?

Not anymore: here are 5 simple ways of getting rid of this familiar addiction!

Method #1: Load Up On Proteins

By getting more protein into your diet, you can curb your appetite. Proteins tend to make you feel fuller faster, and help you feel full longer.

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Method #2: Don’t Get (Too) Hungry

It’s not a good idea to starve yourself, if you later end up eating more because you feel ‘extra’ hungry. To make sure you don’t get too hungry, try to eat regular meals and have healthy snacks available all the time.

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Method #3: Keep Stress Away

When you are stressed, you tend to eat more. Also, you produce more cortisol, the hormone that is responsible for belly fat storage. This is especially true of women.

Take a break or two, and listen to some soothing music if your daily stress gets to you.

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Method #4: Get Some Sleep

Sleep deprivation and irregular sleeping habits can mess with hormone production in your body, causing you to feel hungry when you really aren’t. Counter this by regularly getting sleep.

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Method #5: Drink More Water

Often, we confuse our thirst for hunger and end up eating too much. If you drink a glass of water, you’ll know if it was real hunger or thirst. This way, you won’t eat more than you need too.

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Using these simple methods, you can keep junk food addiction at bay. Stay healthier and eat right with ease!



5 Reasons To Eat Chocolate Every Day!

One more reason to indulge in some tasty, tasty chocolate would be great, wouldn’t it?

Well, how about 5 great reasons you should eat chocolate every day? That’s right, read on to learn how and why eating chocolate is great for your health!

It Helps With Weight Loss


In a recent clinical study conducted by the University of California, adults who eat chocolate regularly actually had a lower BMI than those who didn’t!

Youre So Sweet To Notice Courteney Cox GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

It Could Help With Aging


The element cocoa flavanol in chocolate has been shown by recent studies to be helpful in reversing age-related cognitive issues.

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It Can Relieve Stress


A study put people in stressful situations like speaking to groups and job interviews. When people were given some dark chocolate to eat, they were less stressed than the others in the study.

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It Keeps Your Heart Healthy


Australian studies have shown that eating dark chocolate can relieve symptoms of hypertension, which is good news for your heart.

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It Can Help You Exercise


Dark chocolate can help you improve mitochondrial function, which boosts your energy and your capacity for working out.

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5 great reasons for one very tasty treat for every day!


5 Muscle Groups You Probably Ignore During Workouts

Think you know all there was to exercising in the gym? Take a look, we’ve put together a list of the muscle groups that are generally forgotten in the context of working out. Read through, and make sure you’re working out all the muscles – equally!



These muscles extend diagonally from just under your chest muscles to the pelvic region.

If you want abs and are only performing crunches to achieve them, reconsider your routine. You’ll need to exercise your obliques if you want the shredded abs look.




Since they play a crucial part in any lifting exercise, you might ignore forearm-specific exercises at the gym. However, to get stronger forearm extensors, you’ll need to attack them with reverse bicep curls.

The bonus: as your forearms get stronger, you’ll see that your lifting abilities improve as well.


Anterior Tibialis


Failing to exercise this muscle often causes discomfort in the shins, or shin splints in more extreme cases. To exercise your anterior tibialis, sit on a chair. With your heels planted on the ground, raise the front of the foot off the floor for about 20-30 reps.



Gluteus Medius and Minimus


Most people assume that the ‘glutes’ are just the gluteus maximus, and only exercise this muscle. However, the gluteus medius and minimus are essential to keeping your pelvis stable, especially when you stand on one leg.




Squats, lunges and deadlifts tend to target the quads more effectively than the hamstrings. Try prone hamstring curl machines, or standing leg curl machines.


Make sure you catch these vital muscles on your workouts from now on, and your body will be all the better for it.


The 5 Essential Items Your Medicine Cabinet Needs To Have

This isn’t an exhaustive list of items a medicine cabinet needs. Instead, you’ll find the basic medical supplies you simply shouldn’t live without. With these in stock, you won’t have to run to a pharmacy for the small but frequent mishaps!

A Proper First-Aid Kit


This should contain everything you’ll need to take care of minor cuts and bruises. Make sure it contains good antiseptic, cotton, and band-aids to cover small cuts, bruises and blisters.

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Antacid pills or syrups can help with a common medical problem we face all too often: heartburn. Whether you overate at a party or are simply reacting to something you ate, antacids can offer some much-need relief.

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Cough Syrup And Topical Relief Ointments


These are your best friends when you have a cold. Cough syrups give you relief from the constant coughing, while a topical ointment like Vicks Vaporub can offer help with nasal congested breathing and cough suppression.

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Pain Relief Medication


A number of medical problems can cause pain. If you’re in no position to see a doctor, you’ll need an ITC pain relief pill. If the pain persists, though, see your doctor.

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Heating Pads, Ice Packs


When you have a swelling or inflammation, alternating between the two of these items will give you immediate relief and speed up recovery.

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With these items in your closet, you can deal with most domestic injuries and minor medical issues on your own.


5 Stress Management Tips For The 2018 Woman

It’s so hard to stay calm in the face of daily stress today, isn’t it? Most women today balance busy schedules, home life, family time and the occasional night out. Given these, it’s rather hard to keep a cool head all the time.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! Use these 5 tips to take care of stress this International Women’s Day.

Put Pen To Paper


Or finger to tablet, or pencil to diary. Whatever your method, make a list of the things that need to be done. With this visual aid, you can prioritize and manage your time effectively, and stay stress-free.

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Take Some Time Off, Every Day


You can afford to take a 10 minute break or two every day, whatever your boss tells you. Stepping out for a coffee, listening to a favorite tune or watching a funny video—use whatever works for you and calms you down.

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Lots Of Water


Staying hydrated is more important than you might think, and water is your best choice. If you want variety, try other natural sources like cucumbers and watermelons. Avoid colas; they are unhealthy and the caffeine in them makes them ineffective hydrators.

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Getting Things In Order


Preparing ahead and organizing your day can help you avoid unnecessary stress. If you’re constantly chasing deadlines and battling backlogs, get some help and set things in order. Then use an organisational app or book to stay o top of your daily to-dos.

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Talk To Someone You Trust


As a woman, you might find it easier to open up to a close set of friends. If you’re going through stress, tell someone you trust. With someone lending a helpful ear, you can share your stress factors and reduce stress levels.

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Arm yourself with these techniques today, and have a great International Women’s Day tomorrow!


4 Health Supplements You Don’t Really Need

A number of us take supplements either in addition to our healthy diet and lifestyle, or to counter an unhealthy lifestyle. But we might not really need all of them—here’s a list of 4 popular health supplements you might not really need.

Supplement #1: Multivitamin Tablets

Women who are pregnant, senior citizens and breastfeeding mothers may all need vitamins. For the rest of us, a healthy diet is all we need.

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Supplement #2: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

In 2018, a study of 77.9 people in 10 clinical trials failed to prove a direct connection between Omega-3 fatty acids and a reduction in heart disease risk.


Supplement #3: Vitamin C

Aside from the usual suspects—citrus fruits like lemons and oranges—vitamin C is also found in fruits and vegetables like bell peppers. If you can get the recommended 7 servings per day of fruits and vegetables, you won’t need the Vit-C pills.


Supplement #4: Magnesium

Even though it has been touted as a miracle cure-all mineral, you don’t really need magnesium supplements. It’s advisable to get this nutrient naturally through foods like whole grains or green leafy vegetables. The human body absorbs 30-40% of the magnesium you eat making it easy to increase your consumption naturally.



8 Workouts That Are Great For Women

Continuing our run-up to International Women’s Day (the 8th of this month), this is the last of our 8-series. Today, we take a look at 8 simple workouts that can tone your muscles and help you look good in everything from saris to swimsuits!

Workout 1: Pushups

It gives your entire body a good workout, tightens all the right areas, and burns a lot of calories.

On all fours with your hands slightly wider apart than shoulder width, lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor. Then push yourself up to your starting position, and repeat.


Workout 2: HIIT Training

This isn’t a workout per se, but a way to modify workouts for maximum effect in a shorter time. Whatever the exercise you choose, here’s how to do interval training: Alternate between short bursts of full-intensity activity, and doing the same activity at a relaxed pace/intensity.

HIIT burns much more calories than slow endurance training.

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Workout 3: Step Ups

The recipe for toned, stronger legs that look great in skirts and fitted pants.

Place one foot on a stool or bench, or some raised platform. Now ‘step’ onto the bench. Then come back to your starting position. Now repeat and alternate legs.


Workout 4: Bridges

If you have frequent mild issues with back pain, bridges can help with that—although for heavier pain, you’re better off seeing a doctor.

To perform a bridge, lie on your back with knees bent so that your feet are on the ground. Now raise your hips so that there is a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Then bring your hips back down slowly.


Workout 5: Side Planks

A variation on the normal plank, these are designed to exercise muscles that the usual ab exercises (like crunches) cannot help.

Lie on your side with knees straight, and prop yourself on the elbow under your body. Now, slowly lift your hips off the ground and hold this position for a while. Then lower your hips and repeat.


Workout 6: Plies (Ballet Move)

If you’ve always wanted to have the legs of a dancer, plies should be a part of your daily workout routine.

With feet wider than shoulder width and toes pointed outwards, lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. If you can’t do this, lower your body as far down as your thigh muscles will allow you. Then return to the starting position.


Workout 7: Single Leg Deadlifts

With a light dumbbell in each hand, bend one knee, and lift this lower leg behind you so that your shin is parallel to the floor. Then, bend forward at your hip and lower your body as far as possible. Then, push your body back to the first position, using your glutes.

It’s a little complex, but well worth the effort.


Workout 8: ‘Superman’ Planks

This is a modified plank. On the all fours position, extend one arm forward (man of Steel-style) even as you raise your hips off the ground.



These workouts are designed to tone your legs, glutes, and chest, and strengthen your core. Include these in your workout to look better and feel more confident every day—happy International Women’s Day!


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