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Women’s Day | Women’s Health

On the 8th of this month, we celebrate International Women’s Day, a commemoration of the women’s rights movement and a celebration of womanhood.

This set of simple tips is written for women, and is a collection of great tips on keeping yourself… well, fit and healthy!

Water, Water, Water


Water is an indispensable part of our lives; it simply has no equal when it comes to hydration and replenishing fluids in your body.


It’s Diet And Exercise, Not One Or The Other


Don’t pick one of the two, and ignore the other completely. The key to health is a combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise. If you mess this up; it’s okay. Simply start your diet-and-exercise again.


Don’t Completely Avoid Any Food Group


Make sure your diet includes lean proteins, calcium and healthy grains. Also add 1 fruit or vegetable per meal.


Checkups: Twice A Year


Make sure you visit your doctor once every 6 to 8 months, and get a full body health checkup done. Women-specific tests include pelvic exams, breast exams, and pap smears.


Break Your Fast Well


Think skipping breakfast is a good idea? Think again. Skipping breakfast is mostly never a good idea; eat fresh, organic food and stay away from processed foods.


Hit The Gym


Weights and lifting exercises aren’t just for men. With strength training, you can build some healthy muscle mass. Plus, lifting just puts you in a great mood; try it to find out!




Do this with a conscious approach: inhale, hold your breath, and then slowly release it, all the while focusing on what you’re doing. Repeat ten times to relax, unwind and freshen your mind.


Make Sure Finances Are In Good Shape


You might think what finance is doing in a piece about health and fitness; well-maintained finances ensure that you feel secure, unhassled, and in control of body and mind.

Successful business man with piggy bank holding thumbs up in office

Successful business man with piggy bank holding thumbs up in office

There you go! This 8th of March, embrace health and fitness with these 8 simple tips, trick and methods. And happy women’s day in advance!


6 Reasons to Avoid Steroids For Bodybuilding

Steroids are a hotly contested issue: whether you want to use them or not is entirely your decision, but make sure you know what they are all about. In this brief guide, we’ll take a quick look at the disadvantages/side effects of steroid use.

Steroids are miracles of modern medicine, but a lack of knowledge causes a lot of bodily risks, such as the following:

Aggressive Behavior


Commonly known as ‘roid rage, steroids have been known to cause spikes in testosterone levels, and subsequently aggressive behavior. High doses have been known to cause anxiety too.

Angry Classic Reaction GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Hair Loss


Male pattern baldness is a common side effect, observed in male and female steroid users. This is because testosterone gets quickly converted to DHT, which causes hair to shrink and eventually fall.

The Office Disguises GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Heart Disease Risks


Most users will ignore this risk till they face a cardiovascular risk. Steroid users often see an increase in bad cholesterol (LDL levels), and a drop in the good kind (HDL). Blood pressure levels also increase with steroid use, increasing the risk of heart issues.

Heart Attack Bar GIF by Originals - Find & Share on GIPHY

Men Develop Breasts


Known as ‘gynecomastia’, this is a common effect of long-term steroid use. Beginning as lumps on the lower chest, men can start developing breast tissue.

Shirtless Capital Pride GIF by Capital Pride | Have Pride 365! - Find & Share on GIPHY

Bone Damage In Younger Users


Teenagers and men in their early twenties who try steroids can prematurely close their epiphyseal growth plates. This means they don’t grow to their full height in adulthood.

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Blotchy Skin And Acne


Steroids can affect users’ skin pores and cause roughness on the skin’s surface. Red blotches and acne start showing up on the back and the face.

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Green Tea or Black Tea? Which one is better for you?

It is fascinating to know that both green and black tea are extracted from the same plant, though the process of extraction of both the teas may not be similar.

In the case of green tea, their processing levels are lower while black tea undergoes a whole process of oxidation by fermentation.


Let’s begin with green tea and the whole range of benefits it offers.


  • Green tea is an antioxidant that helps fight cancer
  • It is extremely beneficial  for weight loss
  • It is good for the skin and also increases immunity
  • According to a study by National Cancer Institute,  green tea helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease.


Now you might be curious about what black tea offers:


  • It enhances blood flow to the brain
  • It helps elevate energy level
  • It enhances focus and concentration
  • It helps prevent Parkinson’s disease (a progressive movement disorder).


Both types of tea make a healthful choice which is very good for the human body. It is always recommended, no matter which tea you favour, it must be consumed in moderation. You can limit your tea intake to 4-5 servings daily.




5 Great Reasons To Eat Spicy Food

Spicy Indian food gets a bad rap: we see so many jokes about it on TV. But every Indian cook worth his/her salt knows that it’s about the best kind of food there is!

But there’s more to spicy food than tastiness. Eating masala-packed goodies actually gives you a host of health benefits. Read on to see what these are, and you’ll have more reasons to reach for that spice rack everyday!

Reason #1: They Boost Metabolism

Most spices have the ability to raise your metabolic resting state. Turmeric, a common ingredient in so many of our recipes, has actually been known to suppress fat tissue growth!


Reason #2: Spicy Food Is A Micro-Workout

Did you know that, just by eating spicy food can actually help you burn calories. Thermogenic (heat-generating) properties of chillies can burn calories for up to 20 minutes after a meal.


Reason #3: Fights Cancer

Capsaicin, a component of chillies, actually helps your body fight cancerous cells. Turmeric is also known to slow the spread of cancer, and reduce cancerous tumors.


Reason 4: Improves Heart Health

Studies have repeatedly proven how cultures that eat a lot of spicy food (like ours) tend to have lower heart attacks and strokes. This may be because capsaicin (see reason 3) can reduce the effects of LDL, a bad cholesterol.

Korean instant noodles Spicy instant noodles

Reason #5: You’ll Feel Good

Even as you’re eating delicious spicy food, your body produces higher quantities of feel-good hormones like serotonin. No wonder your mood is so good when you eat some delightful biryani!

mutton biryani-620

That wraps it up, 5 absolutely great reasons why you should keep eating finger-licking, lip-snacking spicy food. Just exercise common sense with the quantities, and you’ll reap the benefits alone.


Developing Patience, In 4 Easy Steps

Life moves much faster today than about 10 years ago, and one thing that we all run short of is patience. Once a valued quality, today we hardly have the time or capability for patience.

In a world of instant coffee and blazing fast internet speeds, how does one develop true patience? Well, these 4 steps are a great place to start. Learn how to develop your own inner zen through easy, simple methods.

Step 1: Break The Instant Gratification Habit

Today, a lot of our impatience is built from one thing: we’re too used to getting the things we want, right when we want them. You want to see a movie? You can book it on your phone in a sec. Thinking about a trip? You can book flights, hotels and activities in two minutes.

Consciously break out of this mode: the next time you’re craving ice cream, walk to a shop instead of ordering it. Wait for your next salary before buying those shoes you really want, instead of swiping your credit card.

With delayed gratification, you’ll develop a solid amount of patience.


Step 2: Recognize Your Impatience

Learn to watch how you react to people, circumstances, and things that test your patience. Impatience starts with discomfort in a situation, or with a person. When you learn to watch for this, and teach yourself how to avoid losing your patience, things change.


Step 3: Taking Deep, Long Breaths

Deep breaths are very, very effective. Don’t dismiss it before you truly try it.

The next time you’re stuck in line behind someone who is acting like the sloths from the movie Zootopia, do this: slowly count to 10 in your head. As you do this, breathe in and out. Be conscious of your breathing, and focus on it.

Your impatience and building irritation will fade away.


Step 4: Think Before You Blab… Er, Speak

In most irritating circumstances, we’re all most likely to shoot off our mouth, with little regard for the outcome. Developing patience here is training yourself to think before you skills

This is easier said than done; the trick is to constantly watch yourself.


Use these simple techniques to slowly develop control in trigger situations, and improve your patience. Don’t worry, it takes everyone some time to develop this control; don’t give up till you see a change.

It’s good for you—and everyone around you—in the long run.


Workout @ Work: 4 Easy Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk

Modern life, especially when we work, revolves around sitting. We work sitting at our desks, we travel seated on cars, buses and trains, and when we get home, we… that’s right, we sit on the couch to unwind and relax.

We need to get up off those chairs, and start moving. Here are 5 simple exercises you can pull off right at your workspace!

Exercise 1: Pushups At The Desk

Teammates left the room for a quick meeting?

Time for desk push ups, where you place your hands a shoulder width apart on the edge of your desk. Then, leaning against your desk, do what you would in a normal pushup.


Exercise 2: Punching An Invisible Opponent

Rock from foot to foot in this fun exercise, and alternatingly punch to the left and right. Don’t fully extend your arms, though; you might end up hurting your elbows that way.

Just don’t use this as an opportunity to settle a workplace score!


Exercise 3: Jump Squats

10 jump squats would burn more calories than any other exercise on this list. They seem deceptively simple—you jump, land, go into a squat, and repeat—but are pretty tough to execute.


Exercise 4: Hamstring Curls

To do a hamstring curl, simply lift one leg behind your back, bending it at the knee. Raise your foot towards your rear. Make sure nobody‘s behind you, or you might end up kicking someone!


With only a few moments—and little to no equipment—required for these exercises, you can prevent that sedentary lifestyle from creeping up on your health!


How to Fix your Back Problem

Did you know that four out of five people suffer from back problems? Caused by a number of reasons, back pains can make your life hell.

So it helps to know what causes these nasty aches, spasms and catches. Here, we’ve put together the most common causes of a backache, and the ways you can counter the pain.

Cause 1: Being A Couch Potato

Bending over small mobile screens, work desktops and the living room TV, we spend over 9 hours slouched in front of a screen every single day. This is no good for our backs.

Take regular consciously planned breaks, and stretch your neck to the front, back, left and right.


Cause 2: Sleeping On Your Belly

Turning over and sleeping face down can seem comfy in the moment, but this places unnecessary strain on your joints and muscles.

If you can’t sleep any other way, place a thin pillow below your waist whenever you lie down in this position. This lowers the load on your ligaments, muscles and spinal disks. Alternatively, go for a medium or medium plush mattress.


Cause 3: Smoking

You know it can be hell on your lungs and the entire respiratory system, but here’s another reason to kick your nico-habit. Nicotine also restricts blood flow to your vertebrae and their disks. Smoking also hinders your ability to absorb calcium, which can lead to a weaker back and disorders like osteoporosis.

The fix: kick your smoking habit. That’s all it takes!

Cause 4: No Core Exercise

No, we’re not talking about a six-pack. The core is actually your abdominal, side, pelvic, back and buttock muscles. This system is what supports the rest of your body and keeps things in place.


Add some exercises like crunches, squats, lunges and planks into your workout routine. If you don’t have a workout routine, do your back a favor and start one today!

Back aches are no small issue; take care of yours before it gets out of hand. Use these cues to correct any flaws in your lifestyle that may be causing your back all that pain.


6 Quirky Stress Busters Your Work Desk Needs

All work and no play makes Jack and Jill dull children indeed. But you can’t just pack your cricket kits and start setting up a wicket in the middle of a conference room!

These small, quirky stress busters won’t get you in trouble like office cricket definitely will, though! Most of them sit quietly on your desk at work, and add a bit of levity to rescue you from all that stress.

A Mini Buddha Board

Instead of doing some Zen chanting in the middle of a quiet room and startling everyone around you, get one of these doodle boards. You draw on it with water, which evaporates soon, leaving a clean, fresh board you can doodle on again.


A Light Bulb-Shaped Stress Ball

For those moments when you’re squeezing out an idea, and it’s simply stressing you out, this is what the doctor ordered.


Henry Vacuum Cleaner

For those obsessed with clean desks, this is like Christmas arriving early! Merry Clean Desk! Oh, and it’s really cute as well.


Scalp Massager

A portable massage. If you’re wondering how good this can be, ask someone who has used one. Their face will tell you how good it is.


These simple stress busting toys are a great source of some light relief at work. Grab one for yourself, or gift your colleague some peace of mind.


5 Scientific Ways To Lose Weight, Aside From Starving And Exercise

“Starvation and exercise are too much; I just wish there was some way to lose weight without having to run around or completely avoiding the food I love!”

Have you ever felt this way? Then read on, as SoH takes a look at the various ways of losing weight that aren’t dieting or exercise!

Method 1: Drink Water Regularly

Especially if you make it a habit to gulp some down before meals, water can help you lose weight. The details: drink half a liter of water before every meal; this reduces your appetite, helping you lose weight.


Method 2: Put That Phone Away!

And your tablet, and your iPad, and your laptop… every electronic distraction makes you lose track of how much you’re eating. If you don’t switch these off, you can eat up to 10% more than you would normally.


Method 3: Cut Out The Colas

Arguably the one worst item on diets today, sugary and aerated ‘cold drinks’ load up a massific number of calories. Avoid these, and you’ll see a huge difference.


Method 4: Sleep Better

Inadequate sleep and too much stress can wreak havoc on your health. Regular sleep ensures the supply of hormones ghrelin and leptin, while stress produces cortisol. All 3 hormones increase your appetite.


Method 5: Eat More Proteins

Whether you get them from daal, murgh (chicken), eggs or healthy nuts, proteins are a great way to lose weight. They can reduce calorie consumption per day by 441 as much as calories, boosting weight loss.


All these hacks are easy, simple ways to lose weight. A healthy diet and exercise may be the most straightforward path to fitness, but these methods can help just as well!


Understanding Cooking Oil Options

Every self-respecting Indian cook knows gingelly and sunflower oil. But aside from coconut oil, we don’t really know much about the other oil types that are gaining popularity these days.

That’s what this simple, easy-to-read guide is: a short intro to the so-called ‘new’ types of cooking oil you’ll find in supermarkets today.

1: Light Olive Oil

Also called ‘pure’ or ‘regular’ olive oil, this suits cooking better than the more popular extra virgin olive oil. With a high smoke point of about 240˚C, it suits high-heat cooking. If someone tells you that olive oil isn’t great for cooking, you can tell them that light olive oil actually is!


2: Canola Oil

Made by pressing and crushing seeds from the rapeseed plant, canola oil is practically identical to vegetable oil in usage (sautéeing and frying), flavor and color (neutral) and smoke point (204˚C).


3: Refined Corn Oil

It’s great for frying, with a smoke point of 232˚C. Refined corn oil has a neutral flavor, and is commonly used in commercial establishments because it’s available for a cheap price.


4: Grapeseed Oil

This light green oil is popular among chefs, because it works well with other flavors, and has a high smoke point of 215˚C.


Get familiar with these new flavors, and you can bring a host of variety into your kitchen today!


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