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7 Simple Remedies For Sore Eyes

Swollen, irritated, itchy, red and painful—sore eyes are a major source of discomfort. Most of the time, the problem is simple, and easily fixed. Read on to discover 7 simple remedies to give your peepers some much needed relief, rest and relaxation.

1: Ice For Eyes

Take an ice pack, cold compress or a packet of frozen food (anything cold, basically), put it in a cold cloth, and place it on your closed eyelids. This takes care of inflammation and irritation.


2: Tea Remedy

Tea contains bioflavonoids that protect you from bacterial and viral infections. Simply place a wet tea bag on your eyes. If you have swollen eyes, soak your tea bag in cold water.

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3: Cucumber Slices

Soak thin slices of cucumber in cold water, and then put them on your eyes. This heals soreness and swelling, and even takes care of dark circles.

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4: Aloe Vera DIY Treatment

Soak cotton balls in aloe vera gel diluted with cold water. Place this on your eyes; aloe vera can take care of soreness, and has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that fight the root cause of your sore eyes (usually a viral/bacterial infection).

5: Drink Water

This helps you take care of dry eyes, a condition that can irritate your eyes. With dry eyes, your vision might be blurry, and you might feel like you have something in your eyes. The fix? Drink water. Plenty of it.

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6: Warm Milk And Honey

Milk soothes the pain, and honey can fight bacterial infections with ease. A great remedy for conjunctivitis; simply mix equal parts of honey and warm (not hot) milk, stirring well. Then use an eye dropper to drop the solution into your open eyes; 2 or 3 drops usually do the trick.

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7: Grated Potato

Grate a potato and lay the shavings on closed eyelids. Its natural astringent properties mean that grated potato easily remedies swollen eyes.


7 Great Tips For A Hassle-Free Family Vacation

Travelling with young kids is a joy, but it isn’t always fun for you as the parent. All the hustle, bustle and hassle can get to you, so it pays to be prepared. This set of simple tips will help you prepare yourself and avoid the usual stress of a trip with your tiny tots.

Tip #1: Bring Entertainment For Layovers/Breaks

Prepare for long haul flights, layovers and other long, quiet journeys by packing books, games and other electronic devices you use for their entertainment. Even homework can work here!


Tip #2: Take Advantage Of The Magic Of Music

Download a song that all your kids love. Play it on long quiet stretches, and you’ll make fun, lasting memories that the kids will treasure for a long time.


Tip #3: Teach Kids A (Bit Of A) New Language

If you’re headed to a destination outside of your state, or abroad, chances are the locals will speak another language. Teaching your kids this is a great build-up to the trip itself: use short clips you can find on YouTube, or language tapes you can play every day leading to the trip.

Tip #4: Pack Blankets And Pillows

When kids are in alien territory (the hotel room you picked), it helps to have familiar stuff at their side. This is especially true at bedtime, hence the blankets and pillows.



Tip #5: Splitting Responsibilities

Especially if you’re travelling with another family, you’ll need to figure out which parent holds which responsibility. Schedule it to make sure all adults involved get a fair share of breaks, and that all duties are equally distributed.


Tip #6:  Equipped For Emergencies

Make sure you have all the baby wipes, spare diapers and plastic bags you’ll need. The rule of thumb is to pack a couple more than you think you need!


Tip #7: (When Flying) Pack Warm

Make sure you pack enough warm layers of kids’ clothing when travelling by plane. Even if you’re flying to a warm destination, airplanes get notoriously cold.


Using these 7 tips, you can avoid crying toddlers, restless kids and fighting siblings. Good luck on your next journey with your kids!


The Basics Of A Keto Diet

So you’ve finally gotten curious about how exactly to go on a ketogenic diet, also known as the low-carb, high-fat diet OR you’ve already decided to get started on this, one of the fastest ways to lose weight.

Either way, here are the bare essentials of the keto diet, and how to get started on it.

How The Keto Diet Works

With a normal (not keto) diet, your body relies on glucose for energy, while the fat gets accumulated. On a keto diet, you push your body into a survival state called ‘ketosis’ by starving it of glucose, by avoiding carbs.

This releases ketones, which are formed in the liver by the breakdown of fats in your body. This is how people lose weight so fast on the keto diet.weight-loss-jeans

The Benefits

Aside from the main benefit (weight loss), you also cut down unsightly visceral fat around your tummy. As a bonus, your blood sugar levels get controlled. You will also become more energetic, focused, and won’t feel hungry so often as proteins and fats are pretty filling.

You’ll also see blood pressure and cholesterol levels drop significantly. Your insulin levels also reduce, which is how the keto diet has helped a number of prediabetic people and diabetes stage II sufferers get cured completely.

Doctor making blood sugar test. Smiley face

What To Eat

If you’re a vegetarian, eat loads of leafy greens like kale and spinach. Vegetables that are grown above ground are a good bet, such as broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Most nuts are fine, even good for this diet. As far as fruits go, stick to avocados and berries alone. High fat dairy is good too, such as cheese, cream and butter.

What’s great about the keto diet is that high-fat dressings, saturated fats, and coconut oil are all allowed.

As for drinks, water, tea and coffee are all okay. Ideally, do not use sweeteners.


What To Avoid

No vegetables that grow below ground, such as potatoes and carrots.  Also avoid all forms of sugar (candy, grainy white sugar, syrups, honey, etc.). Most fruits, atypically for a diet, are off the table.

Another big no-no, especially for us Indians who are used to them: grains. No rice, no wheat, corn or even cereals! And no juice either.


The Side Effects

Common side effects of an unsupervised keto diet can include:

  • Cramps—fix by including more fluids, and salt, in your diet
  • Constipation—drink more fluids
  • Reduced physical performance—this is only temporary, during the initial stages of the keto

How To Start The Keto Diet

There is no specific process. You start by simply changing  what you eat; that’s literally it.



Learn 5 Easy Ways To Stay Positive At Work

A little complaining and murmuring about the job is something we all do. However, this can build to become a completely negative attitude to work and your workplace. You might just end up being in a permanent bad mood at work.

That’s not good for your own wellbeing. Which is precisely why we’ve put together this list of 5 simple ways you can stay positive, even happy, at work!

Method 1: Tune Out All The Negativity

You could try to develop an ability to ignore negative conversations around you (tough), or get a pair of noise-cancelling earphones (easier). Either way, if you can keep the negativity out, you will find it easier to stay positive.

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Method 2: Get Out, For Lunch

Eating at the work desk every day: okay if you’re on a deadline, not okay if it’s a daily habit. Take your lunch away from your desk, or outside if possible. This creates a welcome break from the monotony.

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Method 3: Make Some Friends

People who have quality friendships at work are more likely to stay engaged and enjoy their time in the office: studies agree. Make friends, even if you have a close circle outside of work.

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Method 4: Take A Break

Or multiple breaks, preferably. A small change in your environment can do you a lot of good, according to psychologists.

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Method 5: Random Acts Of Kindness

Not only will your coworkers like you a little better, but you’ll feel better yourself. People who do good things for people around them are generally happier overall.

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Take the time to practise these 5 methods, and you’ll feel a little better at work. Keep at them, and you’ll learn to develop a truly positive attitude, even brightening your coworkers’ days!


5 Reasons Why You Should Do Jumping Jacks Every Day

You might have tried them when you were a kid, or if you were an athlete in school or college. However, did you know throwing on a pair of comfy shoes and jumping up and down would help with your heart health today?

Whether you’re slim and trying to improve fitness, or are looking to lose some weight, this super-effective calisthenics exercise can help you out.

Reason #1: Boost Bone Strength

By exercising your muscle and bone joints, you train your body and build bone strength. As a bonus, you reduce your risk of osteoporosis.


Reason #2: It’s Good For Your Heart

Jumping jacks are a great cardio exercise, which means that they increase your heart rate whenever you perform them. This keeps your heart in healthy working condition.


Reason #3: You’ll Start Moving Better

Jumping jacks require you to exercise a certain amount of skill. As you coordinate your arms and legs in sync with jumping movements, you develop better balance, posture and timing.

Reason #4: Builds Core Muscles

Every time you perform jumping jacks, you exercise your calf muscles, your abs, and delts (deltoids, or your shoulder muscles). This builds strength, and helps tone your body.

Reason #5: You Lose Weight

Oh yes, you do! Jumping jacks bump up your heart rate, which makes you burn more calories, and reduce fat. Breathing hard enhances this effect.

Close-up of woman's feet on scale

Close-up of woman’s feet on scale

Whether you do them for fun, to keep fit, or to lose weight, jumping jacks are a great choice. Try this routine everyday for a new and fitter you.


4 DIY Remedies For Extremely Dry Feet

Extreme temperatures, age, health conditions and genetics can all cause cracks on the underside of your feet. Dry feet are no fun, but have no fear: with these 4 easy make-at-home remedies, you’ll get your feet soft and silky smooth in no time!

Remedy 1: Sweet, Sweet Relief

Take equal parts of olive oil and brown sugar. Scrub this mixture on your feet, using your hands. Pay special attention to cracked portions; once you’ve scrubbed your feet thoroughly, wash the scrub off using cool water.


Remedy 2: Jelly Legs Feet

Slather a generous amount of soothing petroleum jelly onto your feet. This is a two-fold remedy: your feet are moisturized by petroleum jelly, plus it seals the moisture inside your skin, healing existing cracks.


Remedy 3: Sensual Soak

If you have a tiny bottle of essential oil, there’s nothing like a warm foot bath. Simply add 5 drops of tea tree oil into lukewarm water, and soak your feet in there for 10 minutes. Repeat this 3-5 times each week.


Remedy 4: Cleopatra’s Secret

Take cues from the Egyptian queen, who knew the value of a milk bath for glowing, healthy skin. Nutrient-rich milk rebuilds stronger skin cells, and you can add a dab of honey: it prevents moisture loss by keeping natural moisture in.


If you’ve got dry feet, these 4 remedies should do the trick. Say goodbye to unsightly cracks, and say hello to healthy, soft feet!


Running Isn’t Always the Best Option

While running is a great exercise, it may not be the greatest choice in certain situations.

If you are in one of these situations, consider putting aside your jogging shoes. Learn how to spot these situations, and steer clear of running if you do.

Reason 1: It Can’t Counter A Bad Diet

Running is a great way to lose weight, but only when it is paired with a great diet. You can’t eat unhealthy and expect to drop kilos. If you are only running to counter an unhealthy eating habit, try a suitable healthy diet; then, even lighter exercise will do.fruit-salad-with-avocado-and-tomato_1301-7690

Reason 2: Running Isn’t Always Good For Weight Loss

When you go on a well-intended calorie deficit diet, you actually tend to lose muscle mass rather than fat. Cortisol, a hormone you secrete when running, tends to store fat and cannibalize muscle.

Reason 3: Testosterone Takes A Hit

Long daily training regimens can cause you to lose testosterone, and decrease the testosterone:cortisol ratio. When running, do not regularly overexert yourself: this is the result.

Reason 4: Hunger Is Likely

On traditional fat loss diets coupled with running programs, you are bound to get hungry. Hunger has laid waste to many such routines. If you tend to binge-eat when craving food, these routines are not for you!


Reason 5: The Niggling Risk Of Injury

37% to 56% of all non-competitive runners tend to get injuries. If that’s something that you don’t look forward to at all, maybe you should go for low-impact exercises like walking.


You’ll see that most of these are reasons to run carefully, not avoid running altogether. Exercise caution the next time you consider running, and you’ll do so without the nasty side effects just talked about.


5 Foods You Should Be Eating Raw

Since the time men discovered fire, we have got used to cooking our food. From breakfast to dinner, we pressure cook, sautée, broil, fry, boil and steam the food we eat.

But consume certain foods raw, though, and you could open up a whole range of health benefits from them. A temporary diet won’t do; you’ll need to embrace a lifestyle that includes lots of the 5 raw foods, we’ve listed below.

Raw Food #1: Coconut

The white portion of the coconut (its ‘meat’) is easy to digest. Plus, it is loaded with proteins, foliate, iron, potassium and the all-important fiber.

Raw Food #2: Fruits

Sure, they may be great in a number of dessert recipes. However, to harness the nutritional treasure in every fruit, eat it raw.


Raw Food #3: Onions

Onions are rich in allicin, a substance that helps you fight cancer and builds your immunity. They also contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant. Both of these are lost when you cook onions.


Raw Food #4: Garlic

This is down to the same component you lose in onions: allicin. You can pop a chopped clove of garlic for relief when you have a cold, so long as you don’t cook the allicin out of it.


Raw Food #5: Assorted Seeds and Nuts

Roasted nuts may be tasty, but doing this increases their fat and cholesterol content. It also lowers magnesium and iron content—both vital nutrients.



How To Easily Avoid Colds And The Flu

It’s only January, and colds and coughs are still doing the rounds. Most of us know how to deal with a cold, but wouldn’t it be so much better if we could avoid them altogether?

These are six simple ways you can protect yourself against the notorious rhinovirus.

Method 1: Drinking Tea, Breathing Steam

Simply brew yourself a cup of steaming black or green tea, with lemon (thins mucus) and honey (fights pathogens). Even inhaling the steam can help you beat germs easily.

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Method 2: Precaution And Safety

Public spaces are crawling with germs. Be careful about what you touch, you can contract a cold simply by touching something a sick person touched or sneezed around. Antibacterial wipes are a good solution here.

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Method 3: Try Some Zinc

In a season when colds and the flu are going around, lozenges with zinc do you a world of good. If you feel a slight scratchiness in your throat, start taking these to protect yourself.

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Method 4: Protect Your Nose

Often the first place a cold starts, you can protect your nose using this home remedy. Mix three parts of salt with one spoon of baking soda, and add a spoon of this mixture to a cup of cooled boiled water. Rinse your nose with a bulb syringe to clear it. Simple. Easy. Effective.

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Method 5: Flush Toxins Away

Make sure you drink a lot of fluids; you can drink clean water and juices. Aside from other benefits, these flush your lymph system, washing those germs away.

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Try these 5 simple remedies to ensure that you keep colds away this year!


How To Keep Calm During Wedding Planning

Weddings are a rush. The laughter, the excitement, and the nervousness, which go hand in hand with all the stress…

But it doesn’t have to be that way. That cliché about a bride being at her stress threshold in the months leading to her marriage? You can easily avoid it; simply follow these easy methods and keep calm during this wonderful event.

Method 1: Draw The Line

This is about all the pressure and expectation from people around you. Your wedding is yours and yours alone; you can’t please everybody. Don’t hold yourself responsible for everyone’s extra sensitive emotions too.

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Method 2: Take A Break

A lot of stress-related issues only happen when stress accumulates. Give yourself a break from everything wedding-related, and simply head out with your SO. Forget about the wedding for a while, unwind, and simply enjoy each other’s company.

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Method 3: Figure Out Time Management

When things don’t go as scheduled, there’s going to be some stress. Figure out a detailed schedule for your wedding day, and stick to it.

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Method 4: Cue Upbeat Music

Have a go-to playlist for those moments when all the planning and managing everyone’s emotions get to you. Pick some happy music, like ABBA or some early Britney!

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Method 5: Consider A Wedding Planner

Much as you’d probably love planning every last bit of your big day, the huge range of tasks involved mean hiring a planner is okay. Advisable, even. You can be as involved as you choose to be.

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With these tips,  wedding planning gets a whole lot easier, doesn’t it?


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