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5 Reasons Why You Should Start Walking Today

Walking is a great exercise.

You’ve probably heard that a million times and are probably almost closing this article. But we’re going to talk about why you need to start walking today. The benefits of walking as an exercise are undeniable; here are 5 encouraging examples.

Reason 1: You Lose Weight

Forget your vehicle when you need to travel short distances, and substitute elevators with walks up staircases. You’ll see the proof in your weighing machine.

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Reason 2: Your Heart Will Thank You

Scientists have confirmed that walking is indeed beneficial to people leading a sedentary lifestyle, which is most of us. It reduces your risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases.

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Reason 3: It Improves Circulation, And Intelligence

That’s right, walking provides the brain with glucose and oxygen: both elements that help it function better. Walking also reduces the risk of getting a stroke.

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Reason 4: It Aids Cancer Prevention/Cure

Sedentary lifestyles are known to increase cancer risks, and walking directly counters this. Even if you’re in chemotherapy for cancer, walking can help with the harsh side effects.


Reason 5: You Get Stronger Bones

Walking is a low-intensity exercise, and helps improve your bone density. Bones can get weaker with age; walking helps you combat this.

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Given these reasons, it’s about time you started walking regularly. As little as 30 minutes of walking can make a significant healthy difference.


5 Healthy Breakfast Foods That Aren’t On Typical Indian Tables, But Should Be!

Starting your day off right is a great way to make sure it’s a good one. A healthy, tasty breakfast is the best way to do it.

These 5 healthy dishes are a great choice, and popular throughout the world. You won’t find them among our daily fare of dosas, upmas and kichdis, but these healthy Western breakfast items can give their Indian counterparts a run for their money!


Your daily source of healthy proteins and vital vitamin D. Plus, the whole concern about their high cholesterol content has been proven unfounded. Try them scrambled, boiled, in an omelette, or try something fancy like Eggs Benedict!



An item that actually reduces cholesterol as you eat it. Need more reasons oats are healthy? Try rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and folate.

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The dieter’s choice. If you’re trying to lose weight, grapefruit for breakfast is one of your best options. It burns fat, improves blood sugar and insulin levels, and has antioxidant properties.



As little as two teaspoonfuls of flaxseed can give you all the healthy Omega-3s your body needs. It is also rich in fiber and lignan, which helps fight breast cancer.



As high in antioxidants as they are low in calories, strawberries also contain folic acid, fiber, and your daily dose of vitamin C.


Add all of these to your breakfast arsenal, and you’ll enjoy variety, some great flavors, and—most importantly—some great healthy ingredients!


7 Easy Ways To Deal With Fatigue

Fatigue is often the reason why so many of us (desperately) look forward to the weekend. Mostly brought on by accumulated stress, constant tiredness can rob you of your happiness.

However, the good news is that these easy methods can help you get recharged and refreshed.

Method 1: See A Doctor

With fatigue, the underlying reasons are often work-related stress. However, it can also be something serious, like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis or sleep apnea.

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Method 2: Drop A Few Kilos

Excess weight is exhausting. It also puts a strain on your heart. How you go about it is up to you, but a healthy diet is often key. You’ll feel more energetic as soon as you lose some weight.

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Method 3: Try Some Stress-Busters

Listen to some relaxing music during lunch breaks and on your commute. Try whatever helps you relax: maybe a nice book, spending time with friends, or a mini-vacation.

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Method 4: Avoid Caffeine

Some days, you simply can’t get moving until you’ve had a steaming cuppa. If this is an everyday habit, try cutting down or quit drinking coffee altogether.

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Method 5: Drink More Water

This is because you might feel exhausted from simply being dehydrated. Make sure you’re drinking enough water to keep your body suitably hydrated.

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Method 6: Turn In Earlier

Exhausted all the time? You might just not be getting enough sleep. Try and sleep earlier than you normally do, and make sure you get a proper night’s sleep.

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Method 7: Understand Your Body

Some people are morning persons, while others are night owls. Adjust your schedules to take advantage of your body’s circadian rhythms, and you won’t tire yourself out so much.

Try these methods to ensure that you’re not half-asleep and extremely tired all the time. Recharge your energy levels, and your body will reward you!


5 Telltale Signs Of Depression

Over 5.5 crores of Indian people suffer from depression. That’s 1 in 20 people. These telltale signs will help you know if someone around you is going through dark times. Here’s how to find out if someone you love is depressed, so you can then help them get through it.

Symptom 1: Staying Aloof

If a friend or a loved one suddenly turns ‘anti-social’, depression may be the root cause. They may have lost interest in companionship, or feel like they might bring others down.

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Symptom 2: Increased Drinking

Often turning to alcohol to cope with their social insecurities, depressed people might start drinking heavier than usual. Starting as a coping mechanism, this can become an addiction by itself.

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Symptom 3: Constantly Changing Moods

The chemical imbalances that accompany depression can make a person go from happy to crying-aloud sad in a matter of minutes. Watch closely, though—this could simply be due to a clinical hormonal imbalance.

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Symptom 4: Getting Bored With Everything

This is easy to catch; if you see a loved one suddenly failing to enjoy something they love, chances are that they are depressed.

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Symptom 5: Suicidal Thoughts

As dark and heavy as this is, you’ll need to know. If someone starts talking obsessively about death and suicide, it’s time to step in and get them professional help.

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Watch out for these 5 signs, and you might just make someone’s life a little better.


5 Reasons Why Eating Rotis Is A Healthy Option

Made with whole grains like wheat, the roti is the quintessential healthy Indian food. A bonus is that it is so easy to make. Every state has its own take on this popular Indian bread, but the common thread is that all these tasty variations are equally healthy.

Here are five clear and definitive proofs of this fact.

Reason 1: Low Calorie Count

So long as it isn’t coated with fats-heavy ghee, a roti is one of your best friends if you’re on a weight loss diet.


Reason 2: Wheat Is Really Healthy

Loaded with vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9), minerals, potassium and more, whole wheat delivers all the right nutrients.

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Reason 3: Rotis Are Easily Digested

Two words: whole grain. This means that wheat is simple to digest, and a great choice for a light meal that is easy on your stomach. The fibre content helps too.

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Reason 4: Lowered Cancer Risks

Vitamin E, soluble fibre and selenium are all known to reduce the risk of cancer in your body. Good then, that all these are components of rotis!

Reason 5: Rotis Are Fresh

Most other breads go through a fermentation process, but rotis are kneaded literally minutes before they are roasted. Plus, the flour isn’t full of chemical preservatives.

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Aside from these healthy reasons, rotis are easy to make, and go well with a number of curries and subzis. That’s a compelling three-pronged reason to eat them, and reap the benefits!


The 5 Hidden Benefits Of Getting A Massage

Everyone knows how a massage can be really relaxing, but did you know that there were other advantages as well? Here are 5 great reasons to get on the massage table, or have a loved one give you a good rubdown.

Benefit #1: Eases Low Moods And Worry

Numerous studies of medical patients have shown that a massage can bring down stress levels. After a relaxing, rejuvenating massage, your depression and anxieties melt right away.


Benefit #2: It Can Relieve Muscle Pain

If poor circulation is causing soreness in your muscles, get out that massage oil, or head to the nearest spa. Massage therapy is as effective a method as any to combat muscle pain.


Benefit #3: It Counteracts A Sedentary Lifestyle

You’ve probably read somewhere that sitting all day is bad for your glutes (bottom) and lower back muscles. A massage can counteract the effect, meaning that it can take care of the harm caused by a stationary lifestyle.



Benefit #4: Increased Immunity

A study has found that a massage can boost your white blood cell count, thereby increasing immunity. It has even been known to help HIV patients improve immune function.

Benefit #5: You Can Beat Headaches

A massage can reduce the intensity of your headache, or get rid of it altogether for you.


These 5 great benefits make it fairly obvious that a massage is something you simply can’t afford to miss out on!


What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

Did you know there have been studies into what your handwriting says about your personality? There are behaviour patterns that analysts have linked to certain key elements in your writing style.

We’ve gone through some, and put together this easy list for reference.

Element 1: The Slant – Left Or Right?

A rightward-leaning handwriting indicates that you like meeting and interacting with new people. The opposite means you’d rather be left well alone.

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Element 2: How Clear Your Signature Is

When signing your name, a clear easy-to-read autograph means a confident personality. Private personalities may tend to create an illegible scrawl.

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Element 3: The Space Between Our Words

Large spaces between words mean you like your independence, while smaller spaces mean you’d prefer company. Letters that are crowded mean that you might be intrusive, often getting too close to people.

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Element 4: A Matter Of Pressure

Heavy pressure on paper often means a tense mind, while moderate pressure indicates commitment. Light pressure might mean you are sensitive, or that you are extremely empathetic.

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Element 5: Dotting The ‘i’s

High ‘i’ dots mean an active mind. Closely dotted ‘i’s show an attention to detail. If your dots are small circles, you might have a playful personality.

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Do you think you’re a little closer to understanding who you are? Got some other tips on how handwriting can showcase personality? Let us know in the comments!


5 Indian Eating Habits That Are Great For Health

We’ve all heard the jokes about Indian food in American TV shows and movies, but most Indians know that our food is actually healthy. In fact, from the ingredients to the cooking methods, our food and eating habits are generally on the healthier side.

These 5 habits are the proof.

Habit #1: Our Food Is Fresh

To most foreigners, cooking 3 separate meals each day can seem like too much work. However, we cook our meals afresh every time, protecting ourselves from harmful diseases.


Habit #2: Most Drinks Are Non-Alcoholic

Think about it: most of our drinks, be it summer or winter, are flavorful, tasty and healthier than drinking alcohol. In fact, masala chai, nimbu paani and lassi are all healthy beverages.

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Habit #3: Our Spices Are Mostly Superfoods

Coriander, cardamom, turmeric, mustard and cumin seeds are all renowned for their health-boosting properties.


Habit #4: We Love Chutneys, And Healthy Ingredients

Coconuts, yoghurt, peanuts, mint, and cucumbers—all these are common chutney ingredients, and all of them are beneficial to health.



Habit #5: Our Flatbread Obsession

Across the country, we eat rotis, chapatis, or phulkas—whatever you call your favorite flatbread, it is made from healthy whole grains.


If your home follows a traditional Indian diet, you most likely won’t have to worry about eating healthy.


4 Healthy Indian Foods to Keep you Fit and Fine

When you think of Indian food, what comes to your mind? Hot, spicy, greasy or heavy? Most people think along these lines. But most Indian foods have a healthy element to them, a little trait that tends to go unnoticed by the most of us. We give you 4 dishes which are not only tasty but also beneficial to your health.

Pulses or Dal

Pulses are a good source of Vitamin and Minerals.They are low in fat and are good for your weight loss regime.


Roti or Chapati

The atta or the flour used in making rotis is rich in fibre content which is good for your stomach and also being rich in carbohydrates, it will give you a lot of energy.



Let’s go down south. Idlis are stomach-filling, healthy and melt in your mouth.The best kind of a breakfast to have if you just can’t stand the sight of cereals.



When it comes to dhoklas, it just doesn’t matter if they are yellow or white. Made from fermented dal, they are very good for diabetic patients and being steamed, makes them low on calories too.


So, there you have it. Indian menus do have something to please the health conscious. All we need to do is tweak our cuisine to match our lifestyles by adding less starch, salt , oil and sugar.



5 Simple, Effective Ways To Beat Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea can be scary. This disorder is why you or someone you know may wake up gasping for air. Although it is scary, beating sleep apnea is quite easy. You don’t even have to rely on the highly inconvenient CPAP machine!

These 5 remedies, which are effective, are all home-ready.


Yes, simply munching on a handful of these tasty nuts an hour before bed can help you sleep without blocked airways. They contain magnesium, a muscle relaxant that enables sound sleep.



This delicious ingredient reduces the swelling in your airway that obstructs breathing. Drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of raw honey before bedtime.



A 1000-year-old sedative used in Ayurveda, this sweet-smelling spice can treat breathing problems like apnea. Make a delicious cinnamon tea with grated ginger and honey in warm water.


Throat Exercises

Regularly working the muscles in your throat helps you develop a degree of control. Blow three or four balloons each day, or play the kazoo (a fun instrument) for half an hour.


Epsom Salts

A fancy term for magnesium flakes, which can relax your body and reduce swelling all over. Run a warm bath with Epsom salts for a simple, reinvigorating sleep apnea remedy.


Do you have a traditional home remedy for sleep disorders in your home? Let us know in the Facebook comments!


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