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Music To Help You Fall Asleep

No, lullabies aren’t only for babies. If you have trouble sleeping, these are the best types of music that will help you drift away, right into dreamland.

Type 1: The Easy Listening Genre

There’s a specific musical genre that is designed to help you unwind, relax, and gently fall asleep. Easy listening tracks are mostly instrumental, and create a light, soft, jazzy ambience—just right for counting sheep!

Type 2: Ambient Sounds (or) Music

More a soundscape than a collection of songs, quiet ambient music is what you’d call relaxing background music. Atmospheric, comfortingly repetitive and without any clanging rhythms, this is the soundtrack to many a siesta.

Type 3: Classical Music

There is a wide range of classical music, available in a number of moods. To help yourself sleep, pick soft classical tunes or collections featuring instruments like the viola, dulcimer, or flutes.

Type 4: Bedtime Stories

Remember when tales of talking animals and birds and other such stories would put you right out when you were a kid? You can listen to bedtime stories narrated by soft-spoken storytellers.

Type 5: Sounds From Nature

You’ll find recordings of calming natural sounds, like  quiet rainfall accompanied by calming harps, strings and wind chimes.

These simple types of music should put you to sleep quite easily. If you still have trouble falling asleep, try professional help. Sleep is vital to good health, after all.


The 5 Best Fitness Inspiration Movies On Netflix Now

Hollywood has covered a lot of ground; there are movies for seemingly everyone. Which means that, when you’re looking for fitness inspiration, you can simply fire up Netflix at home and get your fists pumping with movies like these.

Fitness Movie #1: Usain Bolt: The Fastest Man Alive

Who better to get your running inspiration, than the world’s favorite sprinter? This fascinating documentary takes a look at the training and diet of the Jamaican sensation.

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Fitness Movie #2: Conan The Barbarian

Utterly quotable and full of typical 80’s over-the-top action, plus one of the most iconic bodies Hollywood has seen. If this doesn’t get you running to the nearest gym, nothing will.

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Fitness Movie #3: Kickboxer

The ultimate martial arts movie, in our opinion at least! Featuring one of the best dance/fight scenes of all time, this Van Damme action flick inspired millions in the 80’s, and still can.

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Fitness Movie #4: Million Dollar Baby

The good, the bad, and the awesome! Clint Eastwood and Hilary Swank deliver performances guaranteed to get your heart racing, and your muscles ready for a full-on fitness routine.

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Fitness Movie #5: Rocky

Because any list that has the words ‘fitness’, ‘inspiration’ and ‘movie’ in it should mention ‘Rocky’. Because this is the absolute best when it comes to inspirational sports-related movies.

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Agree with out list? Got some suggestions of your own? Let us know in the Facebook comments section.


5 Easy Home Remedies For An Upset Stomach

Remedy 1: A Rice Tea

You read that right! Boil half a cup of rice with six cups of water for a quarter of an hour, then filter the rice out. Drink this soothing ‘tea’ with a dash of honey or sugar, and drink it warm.



Remedy 2: Burnt Toast

Finally, an excuse for messing up the simplest of recipes! Jokes apart, though, burnt toast is known to help with nausea by absorbing toxins in your system. Add a dab of jam if you find it hard to eat burnt toast.


Remedy 3: Apple Cider Vinegar

Granted, this isn’t something you’ll see in many Indian kitchens. But it should be, given that a tablespoon of this tasty liquid (mixed with a tablespoon of honey) in a cup of warm water will soothe that rumble in your tummy.


Remedy 4: Probiotics Like Yogurt

There’s a reason probiotics are in every health fanatic’s fridge. The living bacteria in a cup of yogurt can ease any digestive discomfort you have. Avoid added sugar or flavors when you have an upset stomach, though.


Remedy 5: Heat

A hot water bottle soothes the discomfort you feel, by increasing blood flow to the skin surface. This reduces the pain from the inside of your tummy.


There! These simple home remedies should get you through any discomfort you feel after a particularly tasty new year party. Happy 2018!


5 Easy, Effective Diet Habits You Should Follow Today

Who says healthy eating had to be a challenge? Master the art of driving good health through a nourishing diet, simply by following these 5 easy-to-follow methods.

Approach #1: Go For Fresh Produce

Dieticians recommend getting at least 2.5 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit every day. Eat plenty of green, orange, red and yellow produce—these protect you from sickness.


Approach #2: It’s All In The Portions

Keep an eye on the size of the helpings you’re eating. Especially with high-calorie items like cheesy pizza, milkshakes and creamy cake.


Approach #3: Eat Whole Grains

Barley, oats and whole wheat should make up at least 50% of the grains you eat. The wheat germ and bran in whole wheat ensure that you don’t miss any vital nutrients.

Top view of sliced wholegrain bread on a wooden cutting board.

Top view of sliced wholegrain bread on a wooden cutting board.

Approach #4: Mix It Up

Including a wide range of food in your diet, you’ll get the disease-protecting potential of a number of food types. You’ll also avoid repetitive exposure to pesticides in any particular type of food.


Approach #5: Don’t Fret About Cholesterol

Even though the 300mg cap on daily cholesterol is popular, there isn’t enough evidence linking cholesterol in the food you eat to blood cholesterol levels. Unless you suffer from a disorder like diabetes or are already at the risk of heart disease, there simply isn’t reason enough to worry.


Using these simple diet tips, give yourself a healthy upgrade! They are all simple, practical and effective.


4 Stretches For Absolute Fitness Beginners

New to the fitness game? Want to get in shape, but don’t really know where to start?

It can be a little confusing to figure out where you want to start your ‘get fit’ routine. So many magazines, articles, friends and family members all offer their (varying) opinions. That’s why we’ve put together this list of simple stretches you can do easily, right at home.

Stretch #1: Neck Up, Neck Down, and Neck Sides

For a side stretch, turn your head slowly towards the right, and then to the left. Follow this with a back stretch, where you slowly tilt your head backwards.

For the forward stretch, tilt your head downwards to face your chest; you can assist yourself by placing a palm on the back of your head and pushing gently downwards.

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Stretch #2: Stretching The Sides

A great exercise when you’re warming up, a side stretch works the muscles between your ribs, as well as your lats and your external obliques. Standing with feet slightly apart, bend your body at the waist, towards both right and left sides.

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Stretch #3: Quad Stretching

To stretch the biggest muscles in your body, stand facing a wall. Support yourself by placing a hand on the wall. Now, bend a leg at the knee, bringing the foot upwards heel-first. Stretch by grabbing the foot, and gently pulling upwards.

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Stretch #4: A Call To Arms

To stretch your arm muscles (triceps), bend an arm at the elbow to stretch the other arm across your chest. Stretch gently by pressing the outstretched arm at the back of the elbow.

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Use these simple, easy stretches to start on your daily fitness routine. The pictures should give you an idea of how to do them!


4 Home Remedies For Aching Joints This Holiday Season

It’s that time of the year again!

If you are dreading joint and bone pains when you should be anticipating the holiday spirit and good cheer, though, this one is for you. Learn how to combat seasonal joint pains and aching bones with these 4 simple home remedies.

Remedy #1: A Warm Bath With Epsom Salts

Add epsom salts into your bathwater, and step into a warm bath. These are easily absorbed into your skin, and help reduce inflammation. You can also use the same water in a compress, and apply it directly to skin.

Hilarious Salt Bae GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Remedy #2: Get On Your Feet     

 Exercise is the best way to avoid pain like this. Granted, this isn’t the first thing you’d think of if you already have aching bones and joints. But you can still set off with a helpful brace or wrap bandage around a painful joint.

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Remedy #3: Hot And Cold

Alternate between applying a warm compress and a cold ice pack to the pain centre. Try and do this once every day, 15 minutes each time. This will bring relief to stiff joints.

Ice Cold GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Remedy #4: ‘Joint Warming’ Ginger Tea

Ginger can be as effective as medication for arthritic pain relief. What makes ginger so helpful? It is said to have been reducing pain and stiffness in the knee joint by 40% .

So why not have a ‘joint warming’ ginger tea to keep your pain away.

Lisa Kudrow Drinking GIF by The Comeback HBO - Find & Share on GIPHY

That’s about it. All of these remedies are DIY-friendly and based on ingredients you’ll find at home. Try these for a pain-free Christmas and a happy new year!


4 Simple Ways To Cope With A Paranoid Partner

Life can be tough if a loved one is given to paranoid thoughts. When your other half or some other family member tends to check your phone or accuse you of things you didn’t do, you need to deal with it smartly.

Here are 4 ways how to do so.

Tip #1: Don’t Lose Control

Staying calm and under control is key to dealing with a paranoid person. When you lose your temper, you can enable their paranoid suspicions that you don’t fully like them.


Tip #2: Get To The Root Cause

Finding out why a partner gets so paranoid about a particular issue is the only way to help them deal with it. For instance, your spouse might constantly worry about you cheating on them because of a past betrayal of trust.


Tip #3: Don’t “Admit” To Mistakes You Never Did

A number of people in relationships with paranoid partners are pushed over their line sometimes. They get fed up and simply accept mistakes they never did, only to shut up a paranoid partner.

Don’t do this; this only justifies and confirms their paranoid suspicions.


Tip #4: Seek Professional Help

As with any medical issue, check with a doctor if these simple tips aren’t enough to help you deal with your partner.


If your partner is paranoid, the key to living happily with them is trust, commitment and the right knowledge. These tips help you with the knowledge part, while the rest is up to you.


3 Great Youtube Fitness Training Gurus You Need To Follow


From gym-bound bros and incredible athletes to elegant pilates instructors, YouTube has no shortage of trainers for your every fitness need. You can pick and choose according to your preferences and requirements.

Here are 3 of the best ones that we’ve handpicked, presented in no particular order.

Guru No. 1: POP Pilates

This is the channel of Cassey Ho, a certified group fitness instructor and Pilates mat and Reformer teacher (ACE, NESTA, Balanced Body). Cassey covers pilates exercises for everyone from complete newbies to seasoned pros.

Guru No. 2: Directlyfitness

Run by weight training expert Scott Herman, this covers the basics of working with weights in the gym. Scott takes some flak for not being very entertaining, but if you want an introduction and solid instruction for the machines at your local gym, he’s the guru you’re looking for.


Guru No. 3: Jen Sinkler

Looking for a complete guide to strength training? Jen Sinkler is an Olympic lifting coach through USA Weightlifting, and certified through Onnit, Primal Move, Progressive Calisthenics, TACTIF, CrossFit, and DVRT. Her challenges and tips are sure to help you out.

There is a whole range of free fitness advice and instruction available on the largest free video platform in the world. Make use of it today to take your fitness to the next level!


5 Easy Ways To Get Rid Of A Runny Nose

Don’t you just hate having a runny nose? It can get in the way when you’re working, driving, or just trying to relax. You can easily sort this out, though. Simply follow these 5 easy methods.


  • Drink Plenty Of Water


Drinking plenty of water or hot soup will thin your mucus, meaning that your runny nose will run its course soon. You’ll be back to normal sooner than usual.



  • Get Out That Steam Inhaler


Or step into a hot shower, or inhale steam from a vessel containing steamy boiling water. This will deal with the nasal congestion, and end the runniness.



  • The Right OTC Medication


A runny nose is light enough that you don’t have to run to your doctor. Simply head to the local pharmacy, and you can get cold medicine that will set you right.



  • Use A Hot Compress


Or wet a washcloth with warm water and press it to your face throughout the day. This reduces the built-up pressure in your sinuses, reduce nasal congestion, and help with your runny nose.



  • Get Some Sleep


Your body will thank you for the rest it needs to heal from this viral infection. Plus, when you’re sleeping, you can take a break from your constant nose blowing—that’s always a plus!


With these 5 easy methods, you can throw away those tissues and get some well-deserved relief from your runny nose.


5 Easy Ways to Unwind, Relax and Recharge

It often feels like life has a certain way of creeping up on us, doesn’t it? Every day, we all deal with the stresses of work, family, doctor’s appointments and bumper-to-bumper traffic.

It often gets overwhelming. Here are 5 simple ways you can relax, unwind and recharge to face tomorrow.

1.Take Things One By One


Every evening, make a list of things you need to do. Just make sure you don’t set unrealistic goals. This may seem simple, but it keeps your mind uncluttered.


2.Pamper Yourself

An occasional cheat meal or a glass of wine is a great idea. Just don’t make it a daily indulgence!


3.Get Some Exercise

A bit of moderate exercise does you a world of good. Mental stresses melt away as you get a good workout in. Try yoga and some soothing music.


4.Unplug To Unwind

If you can’t seem to relax in the evening, switch off your intrusive phone. Watch a relaxing video, and try some meditation.

5.Get Assistance When Necessary

If these methods don’t quite help you rejuvenate everyday, get professional help. Not everyone faces the same levels of stress.


With these handy tips, you’re all set to recharge for the next day!

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