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What To Eat, And What To Avoid, During A Cold

A stuffy and often runny nose, a sore and itchy throat, all accompanied by bouts of sneezing and regular cough: a cold is not a fun experience. With the right diet, you can make sure your cold goes away soon, and that symptoms are minimal.

Here are a few tips on what to eat, and what to avoid.

Hot, Soothing Chicken Soup

There’s a reason why ‘chicken soup’ has come to mean comfort food. When you have a cold, chicken soup can clear nasal passages and congestion. Soup also helps with sore, inflamed throats.

Fresh, Hot Ginger Tea

You probably know that ginger tea is so good when you have a cold. But recent studies show that you’d do well to drink it all the time. Ginger may actually be able to suppress viruses, protecting you well before you get a cold.


Dairy: Milk, And Ice Cream

Until recently, experts warned us all to stay off dairy when we suffered from colds. However, there’s not much evidence to prove this So if you think an ice cream would help you relax and ‘take a break’ from your cold, then simply have one!


Coffee And ‘Happy Juice’

It’s true that you need plenty of fluids when you have a cold, but you’re probably better off avoiding these. Both coffee and alcohol can dry your system, instead of hydrating it.


Citrus Fruits

Limes and oranges are great when you are getting a cold. If you’ve got a severe infection, they can’t help much. If you catch it early, though, these citrus fruits can help you feel better and heal faster.


Knowing what to eat and what not to eat is crucial to dealing with colds. Make sure your diet is a safe one; you’ll heal faster, and get a break from all the irritating symptoms.


5 Golden Tips For Road Running

Often preferred to the plain boring experience of an indoor treadmill run, road running is as fun as it is good for your health. Here are 5 tips that will make sure you get the most out of your early morning jog.

Road Running Tip #1: Follow The 10% Rule

The main rule when you’re hitting better and better distance targets. Do not increase the distance you run by more than 10% a week. Reason? One word: injuries.



Road Running Tip #2: No ‘Foodsperimenting’ Before A Run

Your digestive system is used to a certain set of foods. It expects a certain set of nutrients. When you try something new right before a run, this can throw your system off.

Nausea - nauseous and sick ill runner vomiting. Running woman feeling bad about to throw up. Girl having nausea from dehydration or chest pain.

Road Running Tip #3: Find Inspiration, Use It

It could be a line from a book. A song. Something your trainer said. An inspirational quote or a poster that you love. But find something that challenges and motivates you, and use it to fuel your next run.


Road Running Tip #4: Take A Break When You Need It

If you experience pain for two days in a row, you need to take a break. Take a couple of days off, and see if that sorts it out. If it doesn’t, see a doctor.


Road Running Tip #5: Break Out Of Routines

Getting used to an everyday running routine is great, but habits can actually hinder your road running progress. Go on a ride in your car, and jog somewhere else! This simple switch can challenge you, and push you on.


Use these tips to take your road running game to the next level. Push your boundaries and you’ll see yourself getting better at running, and fitter and healthier.


5 Great Tips For Fast Recovery From A C-Section Delivery

Childbirth is a beautiful thing, whether it is a natural delivery or through a Cesarean procedure. However, there’s no denying that a C-section delivery is considerably more painful.

Here’s how to recover efficiently from a C-section delivery, and get to bonding with your baby a little quicker.

Tip #1: Get Some Shut Eye

Seemingly obvious, but quite tricky when you have an infant who constantly needs you. Work at this. Learn to rest when your baby is asleep.


Tip #2: Eating Right

Nutrition is as important now as it was during your pregnancy. Especially if you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need to ensure that you’re strong enough. Your nutrition will have a direct connection to how healthy your child is and how fast your recover.


Tip #3: Drink Lots Of Water

Two reasons. Breastfeeding drains your body of its fluids, and this needs to be replenished. Another common complaint post delivery is constipation; drinking water helps here too.


Tip #4: Don’t Hesitate To Ask For Medication

You are bound to feel some degree of discomfort. You don’t have to think twice to ask your doctor; they will prescribe the medication you need, according to the level of discomfort.


Tip #5: Pamper And Protect Your Body

You need to exercise caution while you heal. Keep things like diapers and food close by so you don’t have to stretch every time. If you need to sneeze or cough, hold your tummy so that you don’t strain your incision.

Happy relaxed woman resting on a couch at home with arms in the head

Do not make the mistake of comparing yourself to someone else who had a C-section. Everyone’s experience is unique. Put your health first, and use these tips to heal quick and heal well after a C-section delivery.


The 4 Best Tips To Avoid Road Rage

You’re on the way to work, driving through heavy peak hour traffic. You’re already stressed out because of all the tension getting ready. Maybe you’re worried about an interview you’re about to attend, or about a looming deadline at your job.

Then, someone swerves dangerously in front of you. You lose your temper and start screaming uncontrollably, or spouting obscene language.

That is road rage. And these are the 4 things you can do to avoid it.

Get Enough Sleep

Make sure you get the right amount of Zs before you hit the road in the morning. Adequate sleep will keep you relaxed and in control over your emotions. You’ll also be more alert to dangerous driving from fellow drivers.

Choose Your Music Wisely

Statistics show us that people listening to loud, aggressive music can prime people for angry confrontations and such behaviour. Instead, listen to a soothing pop playlist or a radio station that plays soft, mellow music such as classical, or jazz.


No Aggression On The Road

Do not take out your aggression on your car. Since a vehicle feels like an extension of you, people often tend to let out their frustration by stepping on the accelerator.

Do not do this.


Behave Like You Were Eating Out

When eating at a nice restaurant, you most likely wouldn’t lose your cool at the slightest but of provocation. Channel the gentleman in you, and play it cool when you’re on the road. Put your restaurant etiquette to good use!


These tips should keep you from getting too angry behind the wheel!


4 Important Supplements For Good Health

Sometimes, a ‘good’ diet simply doesn’t cut it.

Are supplements only for those who go to the gym? Or are they for hypochondriacs, who run to the doctor every time they see a runny nose? The short answer is: no, everybody needs them.

Here’s a look at the basic supplements you need to maintain your health.

Supplement 1: Multivitamin Pills

They don’t dramatically change your health situation, but they can definitely enhance it. A multivitamin tablet that contains vital vitamin B complex and vitamin D is your ‘safety net’ for good health.

The best time to take this supplement would be in the morning. Vitamin D, though it stabilizes your body’s systems, can inhibit your sleep cycles.



Supplement 2: Fish Oil

Our diets mostly consist of Omega-6 fats, which are inflammatory and not good for us. Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fats, though. You get a host of anti-inflammatory properties, and other benefits. A good fish oil supplement reduces triglycerides in your body, and helps with heart and brain health.

It can also help you keep diabetes at bay, and enables your body to fight fat accumulation.


Supplement 3: Probiotics

A good digestive system often means a healthy, vital body. Probiotics are generally found in cultured foods like curds, yoghurts, or fermented cheeses. With a good supply of probiotics, you establish a digestive balance.

A bonus: you won’t be troubled by frequent stomach problems.



Supplement 4: Folic Acid (Or Folates)

If you’re dismissing folates as ‘only for pregnant women’, reconsider. These are good for people of all ages. This essential B-vitamin lowers your risk of contracting Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, and heart disease.


An important fact to keep in mind: don’t think a supplement can take care of a bad diet and a complete lack of exercise. A supplement is meant to enhance your health, not build it by itself.


Two Ropes, To Fitness: 4 Fun Facts About TRX Suspension Training

If you take a look at the TRX website, it says that it is a “highly portable performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete hundreds of exercises.”

TRX is a suspension training system. It is designed to help you work out every part of your body, using no other equipment. The system uses your body weight alone to help you exercise. And if you’re thinking “maybe this limits the number of exercises I can do”, the TRX suspension system can help you do virtually hundreds of exercises.

Here’s a look at some fun facts you need to know about this workout.


  1. It’s Not Just For Fitness Pros


If you took one look at the two suspended rings and thought “not for me”, we understand. It looks intimidating. However, TRX works for everyone from complete fitness amateurs to seasoned athletes.

You can start with your feet planted wide (called a wide base stance) and progressively work your way upwards.


  • It’s Great For Cardio And Strength


You’ll be working on all your physical skills and assets: balance, coordination, speed and strength. It’s not just a cardio exercise, nor is it all-out strength training. This versatility of TRX is what has made this a popular choice.

Depending on your level of prowess, you can make even something as simple as a lunge a very effective, complex balance-focused workout. With TRX workouts, you can make things as tough or as easy as suits your body.


  • Zipping Through Levels Is A Bad Idea


A number of people get overconfident after a couple of TRX sessions. In their enthusiasm, they assume that they can take on advanced exercises like atomic push ups and so on. This often ends with disappointment and heavy medical bills.

Build your routine up slowly. Master the motion you use for a particular exercise, and only then move on to the next one.


  • It’s Easy To Set Up


When US Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick developed the first prototype of the TRX program, it was using his jiu jitsu belt and parachute webbing.

The TRX suspension trainer is lightweight, portable and easy to set up. The cables are suspended from a main carabiner that you can set up on a door or wall mount. Cam buckles and adjustment straps help you customize your setup to fit your routine, your body size and your workout type.

This low impact exercise routine is simple; you don’t even have to use weights or other complicated equipment. It is also low impact, which means it’s easy on your feet and knees. Have these facts about TRX intrigued you?

5 Health Tips For When You’re Traveling Through India

You know there’s a reason to stay alert when our country’s capital features in the name of a digestive disorder (Delhi Belly). Unsafe and hygienic practices are all too common: there’s no denying this fact.

There are a few precautions you can use to make sure you are safe when travelling through our country. Wherever you go, caution is the need of the hour!

Tip #1: Get All The Appropriate Vaccines

Make sure you’ve got the right shots (injections) for diseases you’ll be exposed to. These usually include hepatitis (A and B), cholera, typhoid, and a bacterial infection called diphtheria.

The key to getting your vaccinations right is making sure you get them done in time. Some vaccines may need to be injected as much as half a year before your trip, while others need a regular course over a period of time.

Make sure you see your doctor regarding this, before you head for your trip.

Vaccination protection influenza, injection for the prevention of flu

Tip #2: Wash Your Hands

This is pretty important, especially when you’re exposed to so many germs in the air and on uncleaned surfaces like greasy window ledges and restaurant tables. When your hands get exposed to such microbes, it’s a bad idea to (say) wipe the sweat off  your brow, or dab your lips.

These actions could transmit infection causing agents to your face, putting you at risk. The solution: soap and water. Washing your hands helps you avoid a number of unnecessary infections.


Tip #3: Avoid Tap Water At All Costs

Most of us know to steer clear of tap water across India, but a number of us still don’t realize the importance of this choice. We often compromise when we’re faced with (say) slightly expensive price tags on bottled water.

Especially if you’re unsure of the safety measures used on the tap water, always go with the bottled variety.

Pro tip: for the same reason, avoid ice in your drinks, unless you’re reasonably certain safe water has been used.


Tip #4: Eat Probiotics, To Protect Your Digestive System

Eating a bowl of yoghurt isn’t going to instantly shield your stomach. Make it a habit to include probiotics like yoghurt or curd in your diet. Eat them regularly in the months leading to your trip, and get a traveller’s pack if you’re heading somewhere you won’t get them.


Tip #5: Carry Medication

You’ll need to carry medication for common issues like upset stomachs, nausea, and small aches and pains. If you have allergies, make sure you have your prescriptions and appropriate medication. Rural areas in India, while great for a holiday visit, often lack the necessary medical infrastructure.

Another reason to carry prescriptions: if you may need drugs that aren’t sold without a doctor’s filled-out prescription.






The Beauty Of The Mental Detox: 4 Simple Tips

Ah, adult life. Where we’re all in command of our emotions, and we’re too grown up to let stress get the better of us, and work is entirely manageable without getting on our nerves.

If only it was that simple!

But real life isn’t simple, or even easy. We all deal with mental stress from a number of sources. It can be getting ready for work everyday, it can be the chaos of managing work, family and fun, it can be dealing with screaming kids, and it can even be dealing with bosses who scream like kids!

This is why we need the mental detox. Here are 4 tips on how to do it.

Step 1: Embrace Positivity

Specifically, this has to do with the thoughts that go through your head. Pay attention to the ideas and thoughts you constantly dwell on. If a particular thing has a negative effect on your mood, try and stay clear of it.

When you fill your mind with positive thoughts, you tend to have a more positive outlook. This is a crucial part of the mental

Step 2: Let Things Go When You Can’t Control Them

There really is no point holding on to something you simply have no control over. When you stress and stress about such things, you only store up negative energy.

When a particular situation is out of your control, don’t let it get to you. Moping won’t change things, and will only add an unnecessary mental load. Let it go—it’s not worth losing your happiness over.


Step 3: Express Thoughts You’ve Bottled Up

Open up to a trusted confidante. When you try and stuff everything down or ‘sweep it under the carpet’, you add to your internal stress. There is only so much you can handle. Get in touch with how you really feel.

Voicing out your frustration can be a cathartic experience. Deal with your true feelings, and you’ll loosen your load. Just make sure you confide in someone truly trustworthy.


Step 4: Stop Living The Digital Life

Are all digital devices inherently stressing? Technically, no.

But consider this: in an effort to stay ‘in the know’, we are constantly hooked to a drip feed of digital news, updates, and societal pressure. Experiment with a device-free time just before bed and when you wake up.


Use these tips to start clearing up all that mental clutter you’re carrying around. Let go of negativity and stress sources, and your mind will free right up!


The Detox Cleanse: Necessity or Fad?

Detoxes are popular, there’s no denying that. People in the health and fitness world are seemingly always talking about the latest detox diet, ‘master’ cleanses and juice fasts. The pressing question, though, is “are all of these really necessary?”

Let’s take a closer look at detox diets, and whether we really need them.

How Do These Work?

Detox diets come in all shapes and sizes. Some, like juice fasts, require you to double down and survive on juices alone. Some others require you to abstain from eating altogether, or limit your choices to a few fruits and/or vegetables.

These are typically short term efforts that are advertised to help cleanse your system of the toxins in it. They are also known to get rid of abdominal bloating and the water weight that you’re holding.


Detox Diets Are Hard To Maintain

Most detox diets cut down the number of items on your ‘can eat’ list, limiting you to a few choices. The repetition can bring you down you, as can the significantly reduced calorie intake levels.

You’ll feel tired most of the time, as your body isn’t naturally used to such low food consumption.


Hard Talk: Do Detoxes Work As Well As Advertised?

There are two goals that detoxes are claimed to help you reach: weight loss, and cleansing your system.

As for weight loss, the general consensus is that you will indeed lose weight. Going on a short term detox diet will help you drop water weight. This means really fast weight loss; you may lose up to 3 kilos in as many days. However, once you resume your normal diet, it’s bound to come back. Also, when you shed weight so quickly, you also lose muscle mass.



Yes, detox diets and juice cleanses can flush out toxins, especially when you overclock your digestive system and make it work overtime. But here’s the thing: your body does all this for you.

Doctors advise us to take up only those detox diets that cut out processed, high-fat and sugar loaded foods. When you go on a clean eating-based detox plan, you can rest assured that it will work for you.

tasty-cold-fresh-drink-lemonade-with-lemon-mint-raspberry-ice-and-lime-in-glass-on-wooden-table-closeup_1220-1337 (1)

So, Do You Even Need Detox?

In general, no. Detoxes are known to cause more harm than good. Do them under the right conditions and for the correct reasons, and only rely on them rarely. And, when you do, go for a clean eating diet instead of a supplement-fueled extreme one.


Gym At Home: 4 Exercises You Can Do Without Any Equipment

When you think exercise, you probably picture a gym with treadmills, dumbbells and big, heavy weight training equipment. However, you can still exercise effectively without an expensive gym membership. Simply try these easy exercises; they help you use your bodyweight to build muscle and lose weight.

Exercise 1: Squats

We just spoke about using body weight to burn fat and build muscles, and nothing does this better than good old squats.

Standing with feet about a shoulder width apart, you lower yourself as if sitting on an imaginary chair. This works the muscles of the thighs, hips and buttocks, quadriceps femoris muscle (vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris), and your hamstrings.

Squats also help you build essential core strength.


Exercise 2: Push- Ups

These are assigned to soldiers in the army both as an exercise as well as a form of disciplining, and it’s easy to see why. Pushups are the best bodyweight exercise for the upper body.

You rest facedown on the floor, and place your palms on the sides of your shoulders. Keeping your body rigid, you push yourself off the ground. Then, you slowly come back to the starting position. That’s one pushup.

Pushups work your chest muscles, deltoids (shoulders), triceps (the back of your arms), abdominals (abs), and “wing” muscles under your armpit. They are a little tough: you can make them easier for yourself by kneeling (knee pushups).


Exercise 3: Jumping Jacks

They are fun to perform, you don’t need any equipment, they elevate your heart rate, and exhaust you really quickly. This makes jumping jacks one of the best cardio exercises you can do at home.

Do note that, if you’re extremely overweight, you might strain your knees and/or ankles. Consult your doctor before trying jumping jacks if you are on the heavier side.


Exercise 4: Running And Walking

Nature’s best cardio exercise.

Going for a walk or a jog may not seem like much, but the effects speak for themselves. Runners and athletes don’t do a whole lot of other weight training exercises. They are all about the cardio, and running works great for this.

If running puts too much strain on your ankles or other joints, switch to walking. It has its own benefits.


Use these 4 workouts, and you can build muscle and lose weight right at home. And you wouldn’t have to buy so much as a dumbbell, or a treadmill.


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