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Paleo Diet: 5 Key Elements Of The Caveman Menu

A number of people are walking the caveman path to get leaner and healthier.

People in the stone (Paleolithic) age were much tougher and healthier than modern man. The Paleo diet works on the principle that, if we eat the same way that people in these times did, we’ll be as tough and healthy as they were. But this means that your diet changes considerably.

Here are 7 key elements of every Paleo diet menu.


  • Going Green: All The Veggies


Wild-growing vegetables were usually the order of the day when early men failed to hunt an animal. They would depend on the gatherers in their clan.

This means that you can eat the A-Z of healthy veggies. Think artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, carrots, celery, eggplant, and so on, all the way up to zucchini. Salads and other preparation that don’t involve cooking the veggies help you stay close to prehistoric meals, and thereby the Paleo diet.

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  • Hunters’ Bounty: Various Kinds Of Meat


This is the primary kind of food that stone age men survived on, and that’s why most paleo diets revolve around meat.

Beef is the quintessential Paleo diet meat, considering it’s an easily available meat today and was likely the meat hunter-gatherers were likely to pick. You can also eat chicken: all the parts are okay, so you’re fine eating chicken wings.

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  • Fresh Catch: Seafood


Most species of seafood are a great choice as well, including delicacies like salmon, sardines, shrimp, prawns, clams and lobsters.

Stick to one kind of meat, though. It makes sense that cavemen would likely eat whatever they killed on a particular day. Eating multiple meats at one sitting was highly unlikely, so you can skip things like surf and turf.



  • All-Natural Dessert: Fruits


A fairly easy assumption to make: early men probably relied entirely on fruits to satisfy their sweet cravings. Fruits like apples have a well-rounded nutrient profile, meaning they satisfy your body’s needs for a number of nutrient types.

Other fruits like bananas, avocados, and berries probably made for great snacks. Which means they would fit right into your paleo diet, when you need something to hold you between meals.

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  • Fat, The Good Kind: Nuts And Seeds


A reason why the Paleo diet is considered so effective is that it meets all of your body’s nutrient needs, which includes fats. That’s where nuts and seeds fit into the Paleo diet: supplying vital healthy fats.

Include nuts like almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts in your diet. You can also use oils such as coconut oil, olive oil and almond oil in your Paleo diet.

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There, this should give you a broad idea of what to eat on your Paleo diet. Tread the ancient path to health and fitness today!


5 Great Reasons Why You Should Give Crossfit A Shot

5 Great Reasons Why You Should Give Crossfit A Shot

You might have heard of Crossfit: the fitness sensation that’s sweeping across the globe. Using a combination of Olympic weightlifting, gymnastics and core-strengthening exercises, Crossfitting has truly revolutionized our approach to fitness and strength training.

Boxes (Crossfit gyms) are being set up all over the country.

Is there a reason behind the craze, or is it just another fitness fad that comes, impresses and then fades into nothing. We think Crossfit is certainly here to stay: here are 5 reasons why.

Reason #1: You Build Cardiovascular Fitness

It’s 2017, and most of the world is busy clogging their arteries with junk food and an appalling attitude to fitness. If you’re a part of the minority that have dedicated their lives to better health, Crossfit is definitely an option you should consider.

Research shows clearly how high-intensity Crossfit interval training sessions are much better than traditional endurance training.



Reason #2: Results Come Faster

That’s right: with Crossfit’s high intensity training programs, you’ll see results a lot faster than with traditional low or moderate intensity exercises.

What’s more, studies have shown that you’re much more likely to enjoy a group-based program like Crossfit. You’re more likely to keep at it too. Especially considering that you’ll see improvements in body composition much quicker.

Female showing how much weight she has lost by wearing her old jeans that are sizes too big

Reason #3: Crossfit Builds Confidence

Imagine yourself doing your first pull-up. If you haven’t already done it, this is a great boost for your confidence.

A number of Crossfitters recall the first time they were able to perform a particularly difficult or challenging movement. This gave them all some solid motivation to keep at their Crossfit journey. A motivated person is obviously more likely to hit results faster.


Reason #4: You Achieve Measurable Results

Crossfit is a modern fitness phenomenon, and that means it has a lot of fun experiences to offer you. Consider the benchmarks: they’re mostly named after girls, for some reason!

A benchmark workout called ‘Cindy’: a set of five pull-ups, ten push-ups and 15 squats. The goal is to do as many rounds of ‘Cindy’ as you can in 20 minutes. As a beginner, you might wheeze through 2 or maybe 3 sets.

A year down the line, you’ll be pulling off more rounds with ease. That’s an improvement you can measure!

Reason #5: You Perform Better At Your Sport Of Choice

Crossfit programs are designed to improve your overall fitness, strength and performance ability. This means a markedly improve performance in any sport you choose.

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The list of reasons to try Crossfit is much longer than this short list, but this should give you a good idea of the benefits it offers.


4 Ways That Telemedicine Is Affecting Healthcare

We’ve achieved major advancements in the field of telecommunications recently. It makes sense that we make the most of these breakthroughs in key areas, like healthcare.

Enter telemedicine.

Using the latest technology from the communications field, doctors can now diagnose and treat patients without even having to be in the same building.

Let’s take a look at 5 ways telemedicine is making healthcare better today.


  • Monitoring Patients In The ICU (Intensive Care Unit)


Telemedicine has made it possible for hospital staff to monitor a number of patients all at once. Aside from the technicians and bedside staff, you can have what’s called a tele-ICU.

This is a remote or centralized team that supplements the bedside team.

Tele-ICUs take healthcare to the next level: they improve critical medical care by providing extra eyes on your vital signs. This improves the reaction time to when a patient’s clinical condition deteriorates.



  • Aiding The Treatment Of Stroke Victims


Telestroke networks are set up across a number of hospitals for one reason: to expedite care to stroke patients, who desperately need it.

These networks bring specialized stroke diagnosis and treatment plans to regions where this may not be easily available, especially in rural areas with minimal healthcare infrastructure.


  • Dealing With Cardiovascular Disease


Heart disease is no joke.

Patients need to be in constant touch with their heart health specialist, regularly monitoring their diet, exercise routine, and medication. This often means a number of visits to the doctor.

With telemedicine, patients can comfortably exchange vital data with their heart doctors, getting advice and treatment plans on the go.



  • Helping You Deal With Chronic Health Conditions


By their very definition, chronic health conditions are those that people live with for a long time. This means that there is good scope for self medication.

If you’ve got occasional breathing problems or digestion-related chronic issues, you are a good candidate for telemedicine-provided solutions. These make for better patient management from the perspective of your healthcare provider.

For you, this means a smaller number of dreaded inpatient hospital visits.


This is barely scratching the surface of telemedicine-enabled improvements in patient care. With new technology like the Internet of Things (IoT), we’re living in a world where healthcare is getting better and better!

Think you have better examples of telemedicine in healthcare? Let us know!


Schizophrenia: 3 signs of the broken mind

The name Schizophrenia derives from the early observation that the illness is typified by “the disconnection of the psychic functions.”
It can turn into a serious mental illness if there is stress which itself can be a major trigger. Schizophrenia affects about 1 percent of the population.The disease typically appears in adolescence or early adulthood, it claims many more years of healthy life than conditions like leukemia and HIV. Suspecting or diagnosis of you or someone you love with schizophrenia can be a painful and an emotional experience. This can be managed and the first step to it is to recognize its signs and symptoms.

Here are 3 early signs of the disorder that help you recognize the disorder:

#1 Depression and social withdrawal:

This is the preliminary sign of the disorder. This can result from a number of problems but they are a cause for concern. People often tend to become reclusive and show a general indifference to (18)

#2 Flat and expressionless gaze:

This is yet another attribute of it. An individual can find it difficult to figure out what is real and what is not. Also, they tend to stare at people or objects without any expression.


#3 Strange way of speaking:

A schizophrenic individual tends to move from one topic to another, in a nonsensical fashion. Some of them even make up their own words or sounds, rhyme instead of talking normally and even repeat words and ideas.

When out of the ordinary behaviour is bothering you or the life of your loved one, immediately seek medical attention. If schizophrenia is the cause, getting early treatment will help.




4 Wearable Devices That Are Changing Things

Wearable technology is one of the latest tech trends to take our world by storm. You probably own a fitness band yourself, or know somebody who does.

But wearables can offer so much more. Some devices (like the fitness bands) help you monitor vital physical signs, while others perform key functions of vital body parts. There’s even a wearable that can help you quit smoking!

Here, we take a look at 4 wearables that are revolutionizing the world of healthcare.

Wearable Device 1: Your Own Personal Diabetes Monitor

Diabetes can be a pain to live with. Having to rely on blood glucose monitors certainly doesn’t help, proving painful and inconvenient.

The Freestyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System, on the other hand, works through a patch in your skin. It is fixed conveniently on your upper arm, so you won’t have to prick your fingers. The ‘reader’ device gives you an update in a second whenever you need one.

You simply hold it next to the patch on your arm.

closeup of a hand of a young woman showing a reader after scanning the sensor of the glucose monitoring system beside the sensor placed on her arm - focus on the reader

Wearable Device 2: Your Own Pancreas Replacement

That’s what the MiniMed 640G Insulin Pump with Smartguard does for you: become your stand-in pancreas, providing the insulin you need in the right quantity, at the right time.

Controlling blood sugar levels is key for diabetes patients, and that’s where the Minimed helps.

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Wearable Device 3: Drug Free Pain Relief

The Quell Wearable Pain Relief Device provides relief from chronic pain, and does not involve the use of a single drug.

Sounds too good to be true? Then maybe you need it.

This device is worn using a strap around your calf, and works by stimulating sensory nerves. By sending “neural pulses” that block pain signals to the brain, Quell helps you get some much-needed relief from aches and pains.


Wearable Device 4: Keep Tabs On Your BO Levels

Nope, not talking about Body Odor.

For patients of asthma, and those at risk of congestive heart failure or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), the WristOx2 from Nonin Medical is a heavensend. It can be used to remotely monitor your heart rate and oxygenation.

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With more such wearables hitting the market everyday, healthcare is getting a lot better. With one of these devices helping you out, your hospital experience gets a convenient upgrade!


5 Simple Activities That Make For A Great Morning

Waking up against your will. Brushing because you have to. Dressing up, and dragging yourself to work. Grabbing that cup of coffee you so desperately need.

Sound familiar? Because that’s the same ‘Monday blues’ tune everyone seems to be singing- regardless of the day of the week.

What if we told you that you could change your tune, so to speak? There are a couple of simple activities that make sure you start your day well! Embrace these, and you’ll slowly start looking forward to the day.

Activity 1: Making Your Bed

“But how could something as insignificant like that change my morning?”

Making your bed is definitely a small step, but here’s how it can help. It’s easy to do, and one task completed successfully. This can build momentum for more successful activities throughout the day.

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Activity 2: A Cold Shower

No, we didn’t just pick that one out at random.

Cold showers have been recommended by Ayurveda for centuries. They can boost circulation and work wonders on your skin. More importantly, they’ve been known to help with anxiety and depression as well.

Plus, they help with any painful inflammations you may have.


Activity 3: Take A Hike!

Not feeling so good? Get a pair of shoes on, and go for a walk. It can clear your head, helping you get rid of mental clutter. Leave everything (figuratively and literally) behind, as you treat your mind to a much-deserved short break!

The physical activity releases your feel-good hormones, as do the sights, sounds and smells of an early morning.


Activity 4: Controlled Breathing/Meditation

An activity that helps you focus, calm down, and beat depression.

Experts suggest practising deep diaphragm breathing for about twenty minutes in the morning. Aside from its mental health benefits, controlled breathing also helps your heart function well, and boosts immunity.


Activity 5: Put A Smile On Your Face

You might feel a little silly trying to smile while looking at yourself, but embrace the absurdity of it all. There’s a good reason: smiling has been known to help make you actually happy.

Reason enough, we think.


Practise these simple activities, and you can gear up for a brighter start to the day. With just a little bit of help, you can fight the morning blues away.

No more dreaded sleepy mornings!


Bringing Back Forgotten Tamil Recipes

You daily meals are the main source of your nutrition, but with growing modernization, a lot of the traditional ways of cooking are being given up. There is an ever widening gap of nutrient intake vs. requirement which has led to increasing demands in medicines – both modern as well as traditional.


India is known for its rich and diverse culture and traditions. Out of these, Tamil traditions and foods have found their way to the spotlight because of the scientific and nutritive values behind them.


Here are 4 age-old Tamil recipes that are nutritious and can help us lead a healthy lifestyle:


#1  Angaya podi:

This is a rice mix in Tamil Nadu, the knowledge of which has faded across time. This rice mix is rich in minerals and has many a medicinal value. It helps cure indigestion, vomiting, loss of appetite and so on. It is one of the main items in food that is known as `pathiya sappadu’.


#2  Kambu sadam:

Also known as Bajra rice, this was the staple diet of the majority of the rural population. Bajra is a reserve of vitamins and minerals and is absolutely fat-free. India is the largest producer of Bajra, however it has all but disappeared from mainstream cooking.


#3  Kambu koozhu:

It is an offshoot of the above dish and was a popular summer drink along with buttermilk. Traditionalists are making attempts are made to make this drink popular again.



#4  Ellu sadham:

Also known as ‘Sesame rice’ where the key ingredient of sesame is said to be one of the oldest products cultivated and the oldest seasonings used. Sesame seeds are rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals.


It is ironic that we are constantly told to not forget our roots by our elders and yet we end up forgetting them. On a positive note, it’s better late than never. Try adopting these foods into your diets and lead a nutritious and a healthy lifestyle.

7 Ways To Build Up Your Stamina

If only there was a way you could push yourself just a little beyond your limits, that would be great, right?

But that’s a big if!

Well, the good news is that there are ways you can increase your stamina, and go beyond your current peak. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to get in shape, prepare for a marathon, or take things up a notch in the gym.

These methods work for all these purposes.

Method #1: Get Some Carbs In

If that sentence immediately raised some red flags, we understand. It does go against a number of weight loss mantras. However, loading up on some quick-to-digest carbs can give you the energy you need in your fitness routine.

Instead of packing on calories around your midsection, a bowl of whole wheat pasta or a multi-grain cereal can boost your workout routine, allowing you to push yourself a little further!


Method #2: Get Enough Rest!

That’s right. In an article about increasing your stamina, we’ve talked about eating pasta and sleeping—in the first and second points, no less!

Because rest is as important as a good exercise routine. Sleep boosts energy levels, and refreshes you. This means you perform better at physical activity.


Method #3: (For Pros) Reduce “Down Time” Between Workout Sets

In a workout setting—whether it’s cardio, weight training, or athletic training—reducing the breaks you take between bursts of activity can improve stamina.

Normally, we take anywhere from half a minute to 90 seconds. The goal is to pause workouts only when you absolutely have to.

Method #4: (For Newbies) Take Up A Sport You Like

If you’re just getting into exercise and fitness, here’s a tip: instead of heading to a gym right away, try getting into a sport you like. You’ll be doing something you like, and burn a lot more calories when you’re not consciously forcing yourself into movement.


Method #5: Water, Water, Every…day

Drinking water is key to much more than losing weight and looking good, actually enriching your cells and keeping them healthy. Hydrate throughout the day, and your muscles will be refreshed, healthy and enriched.

And that’s key to maintaining stamina levels.


Method #6: No Smoking, Please

Two words: healthy lungs.


Method #7: Keep Yourself Motivated

We often overlook the mind factor when it comes to fitness, but keeping yourself in a good place (mentally) is pretty important.

Use music that gets your blood pumping. Work out with a partner. Whatever it takes to keep yourself motivated and working out even when situations aren’t ideal.


These 7 simple ways should help you boost your stamina, and take things to the next level! Got any of your own? Let us know in the comments section on Facebook.


The 5 Things Nurses Wish You Knew

If only hospital corridors could speak!

Nurses might just be the unsung heroes of the world of hospitals and healthcare, but chances are that you won’t even know it. We turn the tables, and bring you some of the secrets nurses wish you knew, but aren’t encouraged to tell you.

Secret #1: Your Nurse Probably Needs A Break

Hospitals notoriously force more patients onto nurses than they should be expected to handle. Unless you personally know a nurse, this is probably a surprise to you. That’s the reality, though: most hospitals are understaffed.

Cut your nurse some slack.

They are often overwhelmed, but trying their best to give you the care you need.


Secret #2: They Are Fighting For You

Very often, when your nurse isn’t caring for you, she is fighting for your best interests.

Nurses fight against doctors’ orders. A lot. This isn’t a matter of rebellion, though. They often have to go toe-to-toe against doctors and other superior health care professionals, just for your benefit.



Secret #3: Bringing You Your Medicine Is Actually Complicated

Nope, this isn’t a simple matter of browsing through shelves, and bringing you the right pills.

Your nurse looks at your prescription, and makes sure she knows what each pill is for. It’s her job to look for any contradicting medication, effects of interplaying medicines, and to watch out for potential side effects.

Your nurse might try to make this look easy, but it certainly isn’t!


Secret #4: The Variables In Your Discharge Time

When your doctor gives you a discharge deadline like “tomorrow morning”, your nurse often knows that this is unlikely. Variables include: your doctor finishing his/her rounds, your vital signs and lab results, and other doctors consulting on your case.

Yet another secret nurses have to keep from patients!


Secret #5: You Might Be Disturbed Through The Night

Thought you’d get a night’s peaceful sleep before a surgery the next day?

That might not always go the way you expect it to. Especially with large hospitals, synchronizing the various departments can be tricky. Someone might wake you up for a blood sample at 11PM, and someone from the X-ray department might wake you up half an hour later, just when you’ve gone back to sleep.

The secret fix: get your doctor to write a note preventing such disturbances.


Armed with these secrets, you might have a different experience the next time you visit a hospital.


Creative Anxiety is a thing: 9 Expert Quotes

Did you know that a number of creative people tend to feel anxious very easily? That’s right. If you’re an artist/creator yourself, you’ve probably felt the weight of anxiety yourself.

There is a connection between the gifted artist and feelings of crippling anxiety.

These quotes aren’t magic pills, but they can help the unease.

Somehow, the knowledge that it’s not just you going through anxiety can help. These quotes come from renowned psychologists, authors, motivational speakers and others who know what they are talking about.

#1: On Priorities

“I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety, and fear.”

Steve Maraboli, Bestselling Author and Behavioral Scientist


#2, #3: On The Nature Of Anxiety

“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”

Arthur Somers Roche, Writer

“Worrying is carrying tomorrow’s load with today’s strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”

Corrie ten Boom, Watchmaker who helped many Jews escape Nazi Holocaust in WWII

#4: On Letting Go

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go.”

Hermann Hesse, Poet, Novelist and Painter


#5, #6: On Dealing With Anxiety

“Smile, breathe, and go slowly.”

Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist Monk and Peace Activist


“Don’t try to steer the river.”

Deepak Chopra, Author, Public Speaker, Alternative Medicine Advocate

#7, #8: On The Matter Of Perspective

“Anxiety is one little tree in your forest. Step back and look at the whole forest.”


“Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.”


#9: One That Sums It All Up

“You’re not going to die. Here’s the white-hot truth: if you go bankrupt, you’ll still be okay. If you lose the gig, the lover, the house, you’ll still be okay. If you sing off-key, get beat by the competition, have your heart shattered, get fired…it’s not going to kill you. Ask anyone who’s been through it.”

Danielle Laporte, bestselling Canadian author, inspirational speaker, entrepreneur, and blogger


We couldn’t have said it better ourselves! Someone you know might need these quotes today. Spread the message, and you might just gift someone a calmer day.


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