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Health Benefits of Onions

Onions are best known for two things: causing bad breath and tears. Right? Well, did you also know that they are important for health and offer unique benefits?


In fact, medicinal properties of onions have been recognized since ancient times when they were used to treat ailments like headaches, heart disease and mouth sores. Let’s take a closer look at why onions are so popular despite making you cry!


  1. Good for the heart
    Onions have strong anti-inflammatory properties that also can help reduce high blood pressure and prevent formation of blood clots.

  2. Contain cancer-fighting compounds
    Eating vegetables of the Allium genus such as garlic and onions can offer protection against certain cancers, including stomach and colorectal.

  3. Helps control blood sugar
    Research suggests that onions may have a hypoglycemic effect for people with diabetes, and can therefore potentially help people control their blood sugar.

  4. Good for digestive health
    Onions are a rich source of fiber and prebiotics, which are necessary for optimal gut health and can ease the digestion process.

  5. Prevents tooth decay
    Raw onions may make our breath stink, but they can actually improve our oral health? Simply chewing a raw onion can strengthen teeth and eliminate bacteria that causes tooth decay.

The health benefits related to onions are quite impressive. What’s more, they’re versatile and can be used to  flavor of any savory dish. So add more onions to your diet because an onion a day can also keep a doctor away!

Diet for Hypothyroidism- What to eat, what to avoid

We have touched upon the basics of Hypothyroidism and oils that can treat its symptoms; in our previous article –

In this article we will be listing down the good and bad foods for hypothyroidism. So, let’s find out what these are:

Foods to avoid:

Avoid eating processed foods, as they usually contain more calories. Here is a list of foods you should avoid completely:

  • Millet: All varieties
  • Highly processed foods: Hot dogs, cakes, cookies, chocolates, chips
  • Supplements: Selenium and iodine supplements should be avoided unless prescribed by a health professional.

Foods to eat in moderation:

These foods have goitrogens or are known irritants if eaten in large amounts.

  • Soy foods: Tofu, beans, soy milk, etc.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, kale, spinach, cabbage, etc.
  • Certain fruits: Peaches, pears and strawberries.
  • Beverages: Coffee, green tea and alcohol
  • Foods that contain Gluten: Bread, pasta, cereals, beer, etc.Sandwich and a cup of coffee on a table

Foods to eat:

There are plenty of food options for people with hypothyroidism, including the following in your diet:

  • Meats: All meats, including lamb, beef, chicken, etc.
  • Fish: All seafood, including salmon, tuna, shrimp, etc.
  • Vegetables: All vegetables are fine to eat. Cruciferous vegetables can be consumed in moderate amounts.
  • Fruits: Include berries, bananas, oranges, etc.
  • Gluten-free grains and seeds
  • Dairy: Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.
  • Beverages: Water and other non-caffeinated beverages.grilled-pork-steak_36082-132

Bottom line:

Following a thyroid friendly diet and maintaining healthy weight can go a long way and help you minimize the symptoms of hypothyroidism.


Why sitting down for meals is good for you?

Sometimes we get caught up in our work that we barely make time to sit down and eat. The result – we end up eating at our desk at work or grabbing a coffee while driving or glancing though our Facebook news feed.


But why is that such a bad thing? Let us investigate the effects of eating while standing up and we will also tell you why actually sitting down for meals is best.


Standing may lead to over-eating

Eating while standing up may increase the speed at which you are eating. Many of us would tend to overeat and consume more calories. The few extra calories we burn while standing probably won’t be enough to compensate.


Your body posture’s effect on digestion

Your posture has influence over how quickly the food gets digested. Digestion is slowest when you’re lying down and quickest when you’re standing up and moving. However, make sure you sit down and eat your meal and then get moving.


Why should we sit down for a meal?

  • Distancing yourself from distractions and focusing all your senses on the meal can promote mindfulness.
  • Sitting down for a meal ensures proper supply of blood to the digestive system.
  • The nutrients get absorbed by the blood once the food is digested



Sitting down for a meal with a calm and stress-free mind is essential . So start enjoying your meal wholeheartedly as it has a positive effect on the entire body.



Essential Oils for your Thyroid Hormones

Hyperthyroidism is a condition that arises when your body produces an excess amount of the thyroid hormone. Few symptoms may include weight loss, anxiety, heartbeat irregularities, and muscle weakness. The biggest threat to your thyroid health is the stress that you allow into your life.

How can you deal with it? Try some self-care routines; using essential oils are a great place to start. Essential oils may not prevent your body from producing too much thyroid hormone, but may help you de-stress and improve the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism.

Lemongrass oil has been considered for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. If you have a swollen or inflamed thyroid area, applying lemongrass oil can provide immediate relief.
If you experience anxiety caused by hyperthyroidism, consider using lavender oil. It helps you relax and feel good.


Sandlewood oil is known for its anti-anxiety properties. Apply a few drops of sandalwood at your pressure points, or diffuse sandalwood oil through an aromatherapy diffuser to help treat anxiety caused by an overactive thyroid.


Essential oils can be used to treat some symptoms of thyroid conditions. If you are not sure if you have a thyroid condition, consult your doctor, and get tested and before you try any type of home remedy.

What is BPA and Why is it Harmful?

BPA is a chemical that may find its way into your food and beverages. Experts believe that it is toxic and must be avoided. If you want to learn more about the negative effects of BPA, this article provides a detailed outline of BPA and its effects on health.

What is BPA?

BPA (bisphenol A) is a chemical substance that is added to many commercial products, including food containers and hygiene products. It is found in many plastics, as well as in the lining of canned food containers.

How does it enter your body?

You might have never thought that this chemical could enter your body through your diet, but in fact packaged and canned foods are by far the biggest source of BPA.  Babies fed formula from BPA-containing bottles also are exposed to high levels of BPA.

Is it bad for you?

Due to its estrogen-like shape, BPA can influence the estrogen levels in one’s body and influence bodily processes, such as growth, energy levels, and reproduction. Also, several studies show that BPA can negatively affect both male and female fertility.

How to minimize your exposure?

  • Avoid packaged foods
  • Drink from glass bottles
  • Don’t microwave plastic
  • Stay away from products that contain BPA

Bottom Line

Take very little effort to safeguard your health. In this, a little can go a long way. So swap your plastic containers for BPA-free ones right away. If you aim to eat fresh, whole foods, you’ll automatically limit your BPA exposure.


How To Deal With A Negative Internal Voice

How do you deal with negative emotions that surface when you’re stressed or hurt? This is a common problem that many people face. Well, we can tell you one thing for sure – suppressing your emotions is not the right thing to do.

It’s important to attend to these emotions and then take steps to let them go. Here’s what we suggest.

Understand Your Emotions

Look within and try to pinpoint the situations that are creating the stress and negative emotions in your life.

  • Identify where your negative emotions can come from; a triggering event – an event from the past; maybe your workload, for example.
  • Negative emotions are also the result of our thoughts surrounding an event; the way we interpret what happened can alter the way we respond to it.

Change What You Can

Defend yourself from stress triggers because you are stronger than you think. You’ll find yourself feeling negative emotions less frequently.

Find an Outlet

Making the right changes in your life can help you cut down on negative emotions. You will also need to find healthy outlets for dealing with these emotions.

  • Regular exercise can provide an emotional boost whenever you need it.
  • Meditation can help you find some mental space, so you can better process events.
  • Finding opportunities for having fun and getting more laughter can help lift your mood so you have the momentary strength to deal with situations.

If you’re feeling angry or frustrated too frequently,  this can be a signal that something needs to change; and if you don’t, it will affect your emotional health.

Find a few outlets that will help you overcome these emotions, and you’ll feel less overwhelmed when negative emotions do arise.


Oats Pongal – Breakfast Recipe

Most of us love indulging in our favourite festival foods – I mean, what else are festivals for?! But soon after, we tend to regret overeating when the excess calories start showing up. Well don’t worry! This festive season, we bring you a mouthwatering Pongal recipe that’s low in calories and great for your health!


Oats is a popular grain with several health benefits and is also easy-to-make. It is said the fibres and nutrients found in oats help lower cholesterol, reduce high blood pressure and also reduce the risk of certain types of cancers. So this year, try this healthy Pongal recipe instead for the perfect balance of flavour and health!


Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook Time: 15 mins

Ingredients needed


  •  Oats – 1/2 cup
  •  Split yellow moong dal/pasi paruppu – 1/4 cup
  •  Cashew nuts – 3 (break them into tiny pieces)
  •  Salt for taste
  •  Ghee  -1 tsp


For the seasoning


  •  Ghee/ clarified butter – 2 tsp
  •  Ginger finely chopped – 1 tsp
  •  Whole black pepper – 1 tsp
  •  Cumins seeds/ jeera – 1 tsp
  •  Curry leaves – few




  • Soak moong dal in warm water for 10 minutes and cook until soft.
  • Fry cashew nuts in 1/2 tsp of ghee till they turn golden brown.
  • Fry oats in 1/2 tsp of ghee for 2 minutes at a low flame.




  • Cook oats in half a cup of water. Add salt to taste.
  • Add boiled moong dal to oats, and cook for some more time until well-blended. Check for salt.
  • Heat 2 tsp of ghee, add pepper and jeera seeds, when jeera sizzles, add ginger, curry leaves, saute for a second and pour it over the cooked oats and dal mix. Blend well.


Tip: Garnish with cashew nuts and serve hot with chutney or sambar.


Herbs and spices that can boost your immune system!

Adding herbs and spices is an easy way to create variety and expand the flavours of your meals—but did you know that they load up the immune-boosting properties of your food, too?

Here are a few herbs and spices that will take you meal to the next level —and your immune health too.



Cinnamon originates from the dried bark of tropical varieties of the evergreen tree grown in Asia. It helps prevent infection and may boost your immune activity, making it a welcome and tasty addition to your collection of immune-boosting herbs and spices.



A powerful antioxidant herb, oregano is effective in treating some fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections, making it a great immune boosting herb to keep in hand. Were you aware that oregano has more antioxidant properties than apples, oranges, or blueberries?



The highly aromatic needle-like leaves of rosemary contain substances that increase circulation, improve digestion, and are anti-inflammatory. Some studies suggest it may reduce the severity of asthma.

Bunch of fresh rosemary on an old wooden chopping board


The slightly bitter, bright yellow-orange turmeric root contains curcumin, a main ingredient in curries. Used for its intense yellow colour, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can help calm your cough.


From a practical perspective, eating foods that boost your immune system while enjoying it at the same time can be an effective way to take care of your health.



3 Brilliant Ways To Burn Calories On Your Morning Commute!

If you find it hard to squeeze in a workout or make it to the gym after a tiring day at the office, you might want to take advantage of your morning commute and maximize your activity level.


Whether you’re in a car, walking, biking, or on the train, there are ways to make your morning commute worth your while. Here are three ways to turn your morning commute into a mini-workout session:

On your walk to work

Not too long a commute? Don’t worry. There are still some exercises you can do during your short walk to the office.  Add 1 minute of lunging into your commute; they need not be deep lunges. Even half the depth or ¼ of the depth of a full lunge is great.  Also, if there are stairs on the street, or in your building, use them instead of taking the lift. This is a great way to activate more muscles to burn more calories.


In the car

It’s hard to imagine you could get a workout in while sitting in a car, right? Well, there actually are a few moves you can do to improve your muscle tone. Strap on some arm weights and try to keep both hands on the wheel at all times. This is probably the safest exercise you can do in the car without getting distracted. This will increase the number of calories you burn and continue to burn throughout the day.

Man driving a family car

In a train or a bus

Make that ride a little more bearable by keeping yourself busy with a workout. First off, don’t sit. Give that seat up for someone else. Do calf raises while you’re standing. Time each set for one minute, relax for 30 seconds and repeat 5 times. This one is great for packed trains when you don’t want to draw too much attention to yourself!


So, make every bit count when you’re looking to burn calories and stay in shape. You will actually start seeing a difference if you’re consistent and aware!



Type 2 Diabetes: How Often Should You Test Your Blood Sugar?

Monitoring your blood sugar is extremely important if you suffer from diabetes. It’s crucial to test your sugar levels consistently, keep a record and manage your food intake accordingly. But before you grab your meter and check your blood sugar level, ask yourself this: Is this really the best time to check my levels?

What is the best time to test my blood sugar?


Experts recommend that people newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are encouraged to check their fasting blood glucose levels. There are many times when you can test your blood sugar, such as an hour or so after you eat, when you’re sick, after you start a new prescription, or when you’re under a lot of stress. Some usual blood sugar checkpoints include:

  • fasting
  • before meals
  • after meals
  • before bed
  • during the night

    Don’t forget these important times to test!

    Keep Track Of and Learn From Your Blood Glucose Tests


Record your glucose level in a form that’s convenient for you. Perhaps you like writing your results in a record book. Or maybe you prefer using a mobile app that’s available. Find what works best for you, and stick with it.


Try to modify your eating, exercise, and treatment regimen and monitor your sugar levels on a regular basis.


So, check your blood sugar when required and keep track of your results, observe them, and be ready to discuss them with your provider at each visit.



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