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What could your sudden weight gain mean?

You’re religious about your diet & exercise, but notice your weighing scale going up. What could possibly explain this?!


First things first. In order to make sure you aren’t overreacting, keep a log of everything you eat, as well as your exercise habits (including outside-the-gym activity) for about a week or two.


Once you rule out diet or exercise, you can start thinking about what other potential health issues may be messing with your waistline.


Here we give you 4 conditions that could explain your sudden weight gain!


Putting off sleep to watch just one more episode on Netflix? That hour could be contributing to weight gain. A study has found that people that sleep for 7-8 hours do not experience sudden weight gain. Sleep deprivation can also affect your decision making. Let’s say you have a choice between an apple or a cookie. When you’re tired, you become more impulsive, leading you to reach over for that cookie without a second thought!

A man with sleeping issue


Adequate hydration increases mitochondrial function—what that basically means is that it increases your metabolism rate. Without sufficient water, your cells can’t function well (namely, convert your food into energy) quickly and efficiently.

A glass of water macro shot


Research shows that as many as one in five women have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)—an endocrine disorder that throws off the balance of reproductive hormones estrogen and testosterone, and can trigger a number of unpleasant symptoms like irregular periods, facial hair growth, migraines and weight gain

Mood Disorders

Depression and anxiety can both can lead to fatigue, irritability, and a lack of focus. It is quite possible that all the three can throw you off your game when you work out or lead you to ditch the gym altogether…and pretty soon your kilos will start packing on.


Carrying extra kilos isn’t necessarily a problem, of course. But sudden gain in weight could signal an underlying health issue you’ll want to address. It could be a hormone condition, a mood disorder, or another factor altering your physiology without you realizing it. The only way to be 100% sure is to consult your doctor.


5 DIY Natural Period Cramp Cures

Raise your hand if you’re popping pain meds basically every day of your period.

If you’re looking to stop this  habit, we got your back! There are actually tons of natural period cures for cramps that can ease your pain (and save you some cash at the drugstore).

Try these tactics the next time your periods roll in.


Take a hot bath or shower

Draw yourself a steamy, hot  bath or take a window-fogging long shower— the heat reduce the intensity of your cramps. Heat regulates the blood flow to your pelvic area,  which, in turn, helps relax the muscles causing cramps in the first place.

Make sure to stay hydrated
Drinking more water can actually help lessen bloating by keeping your digestive system running smoothly. Make sure to add enough water in your diet by adding in water-rich fruits and vegetables like cucumber and watermelon. Warm beverages too can have a relaxing effect on the pelvic muscles and ease the pain.

A glass of water macro shot

Stick to a healthy diet

Following a low-carb, low-sugar diet, along with consuming more fiber before and during your period, can help stop discomfort that comes this time of month.

Take a self-care day
Booking a massage to relax or getting an acupuncture appointment can help ease aches all over – so why not try it when you’re cramping? Plus, you’ll likely leave feeling zen enough not to worry about anything else.

Unwind with a little yoga

Regular yoga practice can help with symptoms associated with menstruation. Different types of yoga, from asana practice to pranayama and other relaxation and meditation techniques can reduce the menstrual pain.

Woman practicing yoga by a lake

So with these new natural remedies, maybe it’s time for you to finally put those pain meds away! Try them out, and let us know what worked for you!



7 Natural Cures for Cramps That Actually Work


5 Breast Cancer Myths Debunked

You would have probably heard at least a few myths about the causes of breast cancer or what increases the risks of it.  A little myth-busting here can help you get your facts straight.

Prevent Diagnostic Disorder Health Illness Sick

#1  If you have a Family History, you are prone to get cancer
Sometimes women who don’t have a family history of breast cancer are surprised when they get breast cancer.  A family history is one of the many risk factors. But a risk factor is not a cause for cancer, rather an indication that you should be on the lookout. Other risk factors for breast cancer include ageing, late pregnancy, unhealthy/sedentary lifestyle or consuming alcohol.


#2  Breast Cancer Occurs Only in Older Women
Increasing age is a risk factor for breast cancer, so the older you are the more likely you are to get breast cancer, but however, that doesn’t mean younger women aren’t vulnerable. Breast cancer can be diagnosed at any age. Experts say that it tends to be more aggressive in younger women.


#3  Self exams aren’t necessary

There’s no downside to doing self exams – it’s cheap and easy to do. It’s all about being familiar with the shape of your own breasts, so you can be aware of any abnormalities at the earliest.


#4  Abortion and Miscarriage Increases your Risk of getting Breast Cancer

Though it is proven that having children before the age of 30 can reduce the risk of breast cancer, there is no research to support the idea that  miscarriage or abortion could increase breast cancer risk.


#5  Radiation From Screening Tests Causes Cancer

Although mammograms do give off a small amount of radiation, the radiation dose in a mammogram is less than in a standard chest X-ray. It is such a low level that it will not increase your risk of getting breast cancer.  Women should also know that MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging) and ultrasounds, which may also be used to screen for breast cancer in some women, contain no radiation at all.


Armed with these facts — not myths — we hope you’re better able to reduce your risk and plan your treatment if you develop breast cancer. So, be on the lookout and stay healthy!



4 healthy alternatives to water that you need to be sipping on!

“I’ll just have some water, thanks!”


Haven’t you said that a lot of times when the waiter comes to take your beverage order? Water is healthy and safe. It’s a sure bet. But what do you do when you want more options? Healthy ones!


Luckily, we have listed down several beverages that can do you one favor or another while spicing up your waterlogged palette.

Beetroot Juice

A healthy and delightful thirst-quencher you would want to indulge in. Beets are packed with healthy benefits as they maintain a healthy blood pressure, increase your stamina, increase the blood flow to the brain in older adults, and make for a healthy liver.
The only downside? Canned beet juice is a little hard to find in stores, so you may need to make this one at home or order it from a juice bar.

Hot Chocolate

Yes, cocoa has a place on this list! How is that possible? It might not have made it if  it weren’t for your least favorite monthly friend. If you’re dealing with menstrual cramps, drinking beverages with high magnesium content can help ease the pain naturally.


Make your own homemade hot chocolate with raw cocoa powder. To sweeten it up a bit, try almond milk and honey or a little bit of maple syrup.

Kale Juice

Kale, kale, kale. Everybody loves kale. It might seem annoyingly trendy, but there are reasons why so many people are in love with this stuff. The dark, leafy green vegetable is packed with vitamins and minerals that help with everything from bone health to regulating your stomach – and drinking your veggies is an great way to get multiple nutrients  in one drink!


Avoid buying bottled drinks  as those varieties tend to be pretty high in sodium. It might not be a bad idea to invest in a juicer and start making kale juice, and other vegetable juices, at home.

Infused water

Do not underestimate the power of throwing a bit of fruit into your water.

Infused water is a great way to make your normal glass of water a bit more exciting while still keeping things healthy. It’s super easy to make, and it’s seriously very refreshing.


So break out your monotonous beverage routine and try these options out. If you have any recipes to share with us, let us know!


4 Wake-Up Hacks that will help you get your Morning Workout!

Research has shown that people who work out in the morning are more likely to make exercise a regular habit. However, many of us work 9-5 jobs, and waking up early can be more difficult than we think.

Lucky for you, we’ve put together a list of ‘wake-up hacks’ that will hopefully do the trick. Let’s get started!

Get A workout buddy

Find your workout buddy  and make a pact that involves you both getting up early and working out before work. Check in with each other every morning about five minutes after you’re supposed to get up. When you share your goals with someone else you’re more likely to follow through.

Set two alarms

Treat yourself to a little bit of tough love if you are not a morning person. Pick the two most unpleasant songs from your music library for your alarms so you’ll be forced to get up to make the auditory torture stop.

Reward your wins

Change is hard — that’s why people don’t like to do it.  For every month you meet your wake-up-and-work-out goals, reward yourself. It could be anything you’ve had your eye on – trying out a new restaurant, a massage, whatever you want! Working toward a reward will get you all pumped up so don’t be stingy towards your rewards.

Pop some peppermint

Peppermint is said to be a stimulant, Keep it next to your bed so all you have to do is reach over. Eating a peppermint  first thing is a hack you can rely on to get going in the morning.


The bottom line

It’s not easy to jump out of bed all bright-eyed early in the morning. It’s a process that takes time, which is why it’s important to make sure to keep yourself motivated with things you actually want. Become a wake-up-and-work-out person with a little preparation, a great playlist, and a solid plan to help you keep going.



A Guide to Self-Health: How to stop being Self-Blaming and Self-Critical

Maybe it’s a persistent nagging or a voice in your head warning you that you better do well in that interview and not screw it up, or maybe it’s a simple, but powerful, wave of guilt that lets you know that you once again didn’t measure up.

However it strikes, self-criticism is your worst enemy – it can lower your self esteem, and keep you constantly worried and on-edge about the future.


It’s important that we learn to be self-compassionate. The best way to dismantle self-blame and self-criticism is through therapy, but there are some self-help techniques you can try:

  • Work on seeing yourself wholly – Both self-blame and self-criticism rely on reducing a person to a small number of character flaws that supposedly define him or her. Journaling can help you begin to see yourself with greater clarity, as can talking to close friends about how they see you, in all your complexity.
  • Develop self-compassion – Be kind and understanding of yourself. Be aware of painful feelings without being overwhelmed by them or overly identifying with them. Replace self-critical messages with more positive and realistic ones. Example: I am a good person and proud of what I have accomplished.
  • Mindfulness – Focusing attention on the present moment will help you accomplish this. Using meditation allows for an open and curious attitude about one’s current thoughts and a conscious awareness of the one’s feelings in the present moment. Watch videos that teach meditation for beginners and practice it.


In the end, it’s all about treating yourself the way you would ideally like to treat your own child, about getting off that train that says there are only right and wrong ways of running your life.


It’s about truly becoming your own best friend.



What Is Your Metabolism—And Can You Actually Make It Faster?

Exercise only accounts for 10% of speeding up your metabolism rate. Mind blown? Effortlessly thin people, for example, are often said to be are born blessed with “fast metabolisms”, and that the key to “boost your metabolism” is weight loss …right?


Kind of.


First things first: What exactly is your metabolism?


Basically, your metabolism is all the energy (a.k.a. calories) that you burn every day.

If you believe burning calories only happens when you exercise, your wrong. In fact, you burn calories every minute as your body keeps you alive.


When someone says, ‘I have a high metabolism’ or ‘I have a slow metabolism,’ they’re usually referring to their pace or ability to lose weight or maintain a normal weight.


All of your body’s processes, voluntary or not, contribute to your metabolism—that includes everything from digesting food, to breathing, to punching out a text message on your phone.


How to make your metabolism work more efficiently


So, yes, you can “boost” your metabolism, but it’s going to take lots of hard work, starting with your diet.


Getting adequate protein and fiber can definitely help increase your metabolism rate.


Another thing to keep in mind: Don’t let your body go into starvation mode because eating too little can actually slow down your metabolism rate.


You can turn things around by simply amping up your daily intake by about 100 calories each week, until you’re within a healthy calorie range for your body.


The other effective way to maximize your metabolism? Exercise.


Experts believe that high-intensity interval training is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise as it burns more calories in half the time as steady-state cardio, and your calorie burn may remain elevated for up to 24 hours after exercise—as many as 200 to 300 calories on average.


Remember to not overdo it.


Taking enough recovery time between workouts, and getting adequate sleep, are key as it gives your muscles a chance to rebuild and your hormones a chance to return to their normal state.


The bottom line:


There’s not a  quick-fix way to boost your metabolism. Making small changes to your daily habits to help increase the amount of calories you burn each day and will help you boost your metabolism.



All that you need to know about breast cancer!

Studies suggest that one in eight women will face breast cancer in their lifetime. That’s why it’s important to distinguish the facts from fiction.


In this article, you’ll learn about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, along with it’s known causes and how to reduce your risk of getting breast cancer.



The Burden of Breast Cancer


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers to affect women worldwide, and is increasing particularly in developing countries where the majority of cases are diagnosed in its late stages.


What causes breast cancer?


Breast cancer is thought to be caused by a combination of our genetic factors, lifestyle choices and the surrounding environment.


There are many factors that influence the risk of developing breast cancer. One of the biggest risk factors is age, as four out of five breast cancers occur in women over the age of 50.

Sometimes, breast cancer runs in the family but most of the time women with breast cancer do not have a family history or the faulty genes linked to breast cancer.

Risk of developing breast cancer can be lowered by making lifestyle changes such as drinking less alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight and being regularly physically active.

How to be breast-aware

Being breast aware simply means knowing what your breasts look and feel like normally, being on the lookout for any unusual changes and getting them checked out by your family doctor


It’s as simple as TLC…


your breasts. Can

you feel anything unusual?


for changes. Is there any

change in shape or texture?


anything unusual with

your doctor.


No one knows your body better than you do and everyone will have their own way of touching and looking out for the changes – there’s no special technique and no training is required.


Early detection


The earlier breast cancer is detected, the better the chances of successful treatment.


All women should be breast aware regardless of age as most breast cancers are found by women noticing unusual changes, taking the initiative and visiting their doctor.


How is it treated?


Most women with breast cancer will have to undergo more than one treatment. The choice of treatments – and the order in which they are given – may vary on the particular circumstances of the patient and the cancer. Women usually have surgery to remove cancerous tissue from the breast, and also from the armpit if affected.

Afterwards, they often receive additional treatments to reduce the risk of the cancer returning or spreading. These may include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and other drugs.


Key message


Early detection is essential in order to improve breast cancer outcome and survival remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control. Risk of developing breast cancer can be reduced by making changes such as drinking less alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight and being regularly physically active.

Is India Getting Fatter by the Day?

By 2025, India will have over 17 million obese children and this number will continue to rise. Children have lower health-related or medical problems compared to adults. However, obese children are at a much higher risk of developing chronic diseases later in their lifetime.


What causes obesity in children?

There are many factors that contribute to obesity in children. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these.


A child’s diet and their level of physical activity determines their weight. These days, most kids are inactive. They live a sedentary life,  the pressure at school to do well in exams is more intense than ever, and whatever little spare time they get is spent on video games, mobile phones or social media.



What diseases are obese children at risk for?


  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Early heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Bone problems


Obesity leads to a host of other health problems including hypertension and diabetes. India is on track to get the unenviable title of the diabetic capital of the world as soon as 2025 with more than 65 million Indians already suffering from the disease.


How Do I Know if My Child Is Overweight?


To determine whether or not your child is overweight, consult your child’s. He or she will determine whether or not your child is overweight by measuring their ”BMI,” or body mass index.



How Can I Help My Overweight Child?


If your child is overweight, it is very important that you allow him or her to know that you will be supportive. What a child feels about themselves is mostly based on their parents’ feelings about them, and if you accept your child the way they are, they are more likely to feel good about themselves. It is also important to talk to your children about their weight, allowing them to share their concerns with you.

How Can I Indulge My Family in Healthful Habits?


  • Be a role model-  If your children see you being physically active and having fun, they are more likely to adapt fitness into their lifestyle
  • Plan family activities that include physical exercises such as walking, biking, or swimming.
  • Try to reduce the amount of time you and your family spend in sedentary activities, such as watching TV or in video gaming.


Whatever approach parents choose to take regarding an overweight child, the purpose is not to make physical activity and following a healthy diet a chore, but to make the most of the opportunities you and your family have to be active and healthy.




4 Cardio Exercises That Deliver Huge Results

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word “cardio”? Probably running, maybe the treadmill, or even rowing? But there’s so much more to cardio than a steady-state endurance workout.


The best kind of cardio exercises are the ones that focus on multiple joints and more than one muscle group. They are the ones that improve coordination and elevate the heart rate quicker, allowing a person to get a full-body workout in less time.


So ditch your usual morning run and follow our guide instead! We recommend doing these exercises with 30 seconds of rest between each.




How to do it: Cross your right leg behind your left leg as you bend your right knee 90 degrees. Extend your left arm out to your side and swing your left arm across your left leg. Jump a few feet to the other side, switching the position of your legs and arms. That’s one rep.

Recommended sets/reps: 6-8 sets of 8 reps.


What it works-  Hip muscles and glutes




How to do it: Stay in the standing position. In one motion, sit down onto floor and roll back, driving hips and heels upwards. Roll back to bring your feet back to the ground and come back to standing position. That’s one rep.


Recommended sets/reps: 4-5 sets of 10 reps.


What it works: Strengthening your core


Burpees 180 Jump


How to do it: Start in a squat position, feet shoulder-width apart. Drop hips down and place palms on the floor, then jump your feet back and lower your body down to the floor. Bring your body up then jump feet forward back into squat stance. Jump up at the top, rotating 180 degrees. Repeat on the other side. That’s one rep.


Recommended sets/reps: 6-8 sets of 8 reps.


What it works: Shoulders, chest, gluteus muscles and hamstrings

Lateral toe taps


How to do it: Place an object between your feet to act as a marker. Begin with your left foot on top of the target, keeping your weight in your right foot. Quickly switch feet so that your right foot is on the target. That’s one rep. Continue alternating feet while lightly tapping your toes on the target.


Recommended sets/reps: 6-8 sets of 8 reps.


What it works: It works your balance and stability


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