Beat the heat and be fit this summer

The usual morning routine of walking or jogging won’t be the same when summer sets in. The humidity and scorching heat in the mornings can affect your outdoor workout. But you needn’t worry about your fitness regime going for a complete toss.
Here are five exercises that you can try at home to keep your fitness schedule intact:
1- T-stabilization pushups
Move into a plank position with your hands stacked beneath the shoulders, hips in line with the shoulders and feet, and core engaged. Lower into a pushup. As you return to the original position, shift your weight to the outside of your left foot, stack the right foot on top of the left, and reach your right arm high toward the sky. Hold this extended side plank for a moment before returning to the original position. Complete another pushup and find a plank on your right side. Continue repeating at your own pace for one minute.
2- Bicycling on the floor
Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat with your legs bent and feet flat on the mat. Flare them out to your sides and place your fingers just behind your ears. Contract your abs, move the legs in a pedaling motion, touching the left elbow to the right knee. Focus on keeping the abs contracted during the entire exercise. Do not pull your head toward your legs with your hands, as it may strain your neck.
3- V-ups
Lie flat on your back with your legs and arms stretched out. Then, as you come up, your hands and legs should meet in the middle to make a ‘V’ shape. Repeat this 10 times.
4- Side Winders
Lie on your back with your legs in a table top position. Then, slightly lift your shoulders off the ground. Move your hips side to side while your upper body stays in a neutral position. Do this 20 times.
5- Squats
Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lower yourself gently, like you are going to sit on a chair. Keep your toes behind your knees and push your weight on your heels. Straighten your legs to raise yourself back up. Keep your abs in and don’t lean too far forward as you lower yourself. For extra toning, hold weights in your hands as you squat.
These simple exercises need minimum/no equipment and can be done from the comfort of your home. Try them and tell us if they worked for you!
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