Blood Type Diet for a Healthy Living

All of us almost always associate blood group discussions to blood transfusion or donation. Here’s a different angle to it.
Have you wondered why one person remains thin despite the amount of food he/she eats and there’s another person who eats minimally yet puts on weight very easily? Have you seen a bunch of people falling sick every so often and the other lot that stays healthy all the time? There is research that shows that it all narrows down to one concept which is your blood type. Each blood type has a composition that is unique – just like a fingerprint. This is why different people’s bodies react differently under different situations. Knowing your blood type and having a fair understanding of its response to different foods, susceptibility to diseases and other natural reactions is very important. The biochemical compounds in the blood decide what your body actually requires the maximum and what it needs in moderation. Hence eating right based on your blood type is very important.
Based on scientific research, we have explained how each diet should be modified based on your blood group.
1. Type O: It is considered the most Original blood group and everything else is believed to have evolved with time. It carries the antibodies of A & B and strikes a brilliant balance which is why it is considered a universal donor. Here are a few things to note about Type O:
· Eat a lot of protein (especially from lean meat) and fat
· Limit the consumption of grains, beans and legumes
· Stay away from wheat, beans, cruciferous vegetables and anything packed with carbohydrates
2. Type A: This is considered the Agrarian blood group since their diet requires a semi-vegetarian approach. It is a far better approach for people with this blood group to eat raw vegetable and fruits.
· Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, tofu , seafood, grains , beans and legumes
· Limit your intake of wheat, red meat and dairy products
· Fruits like pineapples and melons are good for watching your weight
3. Type B: This type emerged when Type O people moved to the mountainous terrains and started leading a Nomadic life, domesticating animals and living on meat and dairy. They naturally have a tolerant digestive system and generally have good assimilatory properties.
· Eat plenty of lamb, grains, beans and legumes
· Corn, peanuts, buckwheat and sesame have to be avoided
· Greens, eggs, meat liver and tea aids in healthy weight loss
4. Type AB: This is the newest blood type and is the rarest. They are considered to be universal acceptors and share traits with blood types A&B. This Modern blood type has a sensitive digestive track.
· Eat a lot of seafood, turkey, figs, cherries and grapes
· Corn and buckwheat are difficult to digest and hence have to be had in moderation
· Stay away from sugar, alcohol and caffeine, especially when you are stressed
References: od-type-diet/16865/