How to Make Exercise Fun for Kids

Kids are increasingly tech-savvy these days. Though technology has its many benefits, televisions, iPads and video games have made it even more difficult to motivate children to be active. Now, more than ever, parent’s need to ensure that their children stay on the move, learn about the importance of fitness and have fun along the way!
How can we help children get healthier? It’s all about making exercise fun for your kids and incorporating movement into your everyday life in fun and playful ways.
Here are some ways by which you can get your kid to stay on the move!
Spend time outside and activity will follow
Getting outside and connecting with nature is necessary and an easy way to build a healthy lifestyle. Let your kids play without an agenda. Stop by a park for 15-20 minutes on the way home from school or work, and let them just run around, make friends & play.
The family that exercises together stays together
Parents set the tone for mostly every part of their child’s life. Healthy habits are passed along from parents to children. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the adult to initiate an active lifestyle to make exercise fun for their children. Taking family walks together, riding bikes and playing at the pool are things that can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle.
Show your kids exercising is not something to dread
What do kids love the most? Games! If the weather is good or bad, there are always games that are active enough to do inside or out to get your kids off the couch and moving. Some active games include: Playing catch, balloon fights, hide and seek, flying kites, soccer or jumping on a trampoline.
Neighbourhood Fun
Encourage your children to play outdoors with kids who live nearby. Let your children and their friends run through in the park or play with a ball. The more friends they make, the more they will automatically want to get outside themselves.
Support them
Whatever physical activity your child chooses, be sure to encourage them. If they enjoy what they’re doing, they’ll do more of it
When your kids grow up learning that an active lifestyle is advantageous, they will automatically adapt healthy habits that will benefit the rest of their lives.