
5 things you should never do after a workout

We invest a lot of time and effort into working out – however it is not just the pre-workout and the workout that is important, it is also what you do after! There are some things that people tend to do after a workout but these are complete no-nos and negate the value of a good workout.

Here are the top 5 habits that you should avoid after a workout:

1.Not giving importance to stretches

Warm-up and cool down is as essential to your workout as your workout itself. Unless you stretch well and give enough importance to your cool-down you are setting yourself up for a bad workout the day after. Ensure that you include as a part of your routine, a good cool-down schedule.


2. Eating Junk

Everyone feels like they deserve a treat after a workout – ensure you don’t go overboard! People have the tendency to gorge on food and overeat after a workout. However, make sure that you don’t negate the effects of a good workout by over indulging.


3. Not eating enough

The opposite holds good too – in an attempt to diet, don’t limit your food intake! You need a good amount of nutrition to stay fit and healthy and it is essential you eat this to be ready for your next workout. Ensure you include an optimum mix of healthy foods in your diet.


4.Not drinking enough water

Drinking optimum amount of water is critical – there is a host of health benefits that water brings to us but the most important one has to be that it keeps us hydrated. While working out, your body loses a lot of water and it is essential that you replenish your body with adequate water.


5.Not getting enough sleep

This is something most people ignore – in a rush to get up and work out and get things moving we forget that adequate sleep, in fact, is a very important aspect of a good lifestyle. If you are compromising on sleep to get enough workout, you are doing it wrong! Getting enough sleep is critical for your lifestyle and is something that will help you perform better at your workouts and stay fit.




Travel-Friendly Workout Plans

Travel is often one big reason for people to slack from working out. Ask anyone why they missed a workout, forgot to diet or did not go for that early morning run, they would cite travel as a reason.

The thing about travel is that it is not just during the days when you are travelling, it is also on days before and after your travel that people tend to become inactive. However, travel does not have to hamper with your fitness routine. Here are 5 quick ways in which you can exercise while you are travelling.

1.Make Time For Workouts

While planning to travel somewhere, there are a lot of things we plan in advance. Why shouldn’t workouts be one of it? When you are planning your itinerary, make sure that you consciously include some time for your fitness goals.

2.Checkout Local Fitness Classes

Many places have the option of attending fitness classes for a day or two or even a week. Depending on your schedule, choose something that the place you are travelling to is known for. It could be yoga or a Zumba class that the city is known for – make sure you make the most of it!

3.Working out in the hotel

Many hotels have excellent facilities for you to work out – Whether it is the hotel gym or a spacious hotel room, you always have the option of working out first thing in the morning. Head to your hotel gym or simply carry a yoga mat with you and do your exercises in the room.


What better way to see the new city you are in than going for a run? Not only is it a great way to stay fit during travel but you also get to go around a new city at no cost!

5.Stay Motivated

Let’s face it – with travel, there are a million different things to do and it is very hard to make the workout a priority. Ensure that you set some ground rules for yourself. It could be something as simple as making a commitment that you will not go without a workout for more than 2 days at a stretch. These kinds of simple commitments help you stay on track and also helps keep your motivation in check!

How to become an early morning workout person?

The biggest constraint most people have with exercise is that they just cannot wake up early. It is often difficult to work out in the evenings; there are things that stop you from working out – traffic, work stress, laziness or just simply because you have a social event to go to. The best way to tackle this is to keep exercise as the first thing in the morning and make it a routine.

However, if you are someone who reaches out for the snooze button even before the alarm goes off, here are a few things that can help:

1.Sleep early

This is a no-brainer! If you want to wake up early, you need to sleep early and ensure that you are not awake late. Staying up and using gadgets tires you and inhibits you from having a fresh early start. Try to switch off all your gadgets and sleep at least an hour earlier than you would.


2.Pack your workout clothes the night before

Ensure you pack your workout clothes, water bottle and anything else you might need for a morning workout well in advance. This helps your mind to adjust to the fact that you have a class to go to. What is even better? You don’t have to pick out your clothes in a half sleepy state!

3.Set two alarms

Set two alarms and keep them away from the bed and away from each other! This is some serious work for anyone who refuses to wake up in the morning. If you keep your alarm near your bed, you have the tendency to hit snooze and go back to sleep. However, getting up and walking to your alarm gives you that extra chance to wake up and get on with the day.

4.Keep breakfast ready

For most people, it is not just about waking up but it is also about the list of tasks they have to do once they wake up. By keeping breakfast ready, you have something to look forward to when you wake up and you know that one of your tasks is already done. Keep your pre-workout smoothie ready and in place to give you that extra motivation to jump out of bed!



Simple Workouts To Get Toned Arms

Who does not want to get toned arms? Ask anyone who is exercising or joining a fitness program and their main concerns would be to get either a flat belly or toned arms. However, just because everyone wishes, it is not necessarily a very easy thing. Getting toned arms

Getting toned arms requires one to do specific exercises along with their usual cardio or strength training routine.Remember that by just doing these exercises you will not encourage spot reduction but by adding these exercises to your routine, you give yourself a great shot at getting toned arms.

Before starting your arm exercises always do simple arm circles that will give you a quick warm up. Stand with your feet apart and extend your arms on both sides Make sure you are relaxed and keep your shoulders down as you do 20 small backward circles. Now repeat this with forward circles.

Once you have done this, you can follow the exercises below.

Here are 3 simple exercises that will help you get toned arms.


1. Shoulder press

  • Stand similar to how you were standing for the arm circle, except this time hold a dumbbell.
  • The weight of the dumbbell depends on what you are comfortable with.
  • Now bring both your arms together above your head and then bring the arms back to the sides.
  • This is called the overhead press and make sure your elbows are bent when you are doing this to promote comfort.


2. Bicep Curl

  • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your knees bent.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms straight to your sides.
  • Contract your bicep to bring the right dumbbell up and then repeat this with the other hand.

3. Plank

An exercise done without the help of weights, this one is great for getting toned arms.

  • Position your body horizontal to the ground like you would do for a push-up and stay in the same position for as long as you can.
  • Since your arms are the muscle you use to stay in this posture, it is a great workout for getting toned arms.


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What to do when you are not working out?

Are you someone who workouts regularly? If you answered yes to that, you have already done most of the task right. However, sometimes, in the excitement to be working out, people often forget that they need to give their bodies a break.

Our bodies are a lot like machines and overworking them is as bad as not using them at all. This is why most places recommend that you take one day from your workout off to relax and rejuvenate.

When people take a day off from their workout, they often end up feeling guilty and negative – DON’T!

These breaks from your workout are something you most definitely deserve and needless to say, there is no need to feel guilty!

Here are a few other things you can do on your rest days to help you prepare better for your workouts.

1. Plan

What better than going back to the drawing board on the days you don’t have to work out? This day can be the perfect day to assess your plans, see where you are lacking and plan well in advance for the week ahead.



Maybe you are not stretching enough during your workout days – now is the perfect time to stretch and devote time to help your body get better!


3.Foam Roller

On rest days, using a foam roller to help relax your tight muscles can really make you ready for the next few days ahead.



A break from workout means pampering your body – it could be a professional massage or a simple hot tub treatment! Do whatever makes you feel alive and kicking for the next workout.



A rest day is meant to give you a break from strenuous exercise – this does not mean that you cannot do ANY exercise. Do go for a simple relaxing stroll to keep the momentum going.



Not working out is not an excuse to cut out on the good nutrition or water. Ensure you drink enough water and follow your healthy diet to compensate for not working out.


This is the perfect day to catch up on all the sleep you might be missing because of your workouts. Ensure you get enough sleep so that you are awake and rejuvenated for the next workout day!

6 Bad Habits That Ruin Your Workout

Are you someone who is fairly committed to your workout routine? Do you exercise regularly or miss only a few classes? Do you find that you are not seeing the results you should be seeing given the effort you put in?

If those are things you relate to, here are 6 things that people like you commonly do that can ruin a good workout plan and our suggestions on how you can work around them:


1.Not having a clear vision

It is important to know exactly what it is that you are working towards – General fitness? Weight loss? Muscle building? Defining your goals and not treating exercise as random movements on a daily basis will go a long way in defining your workout.


2.Eating too much after a workout or eating too little in general

It is a given that you will be hungry after a tiring workout – however, eating too much and gorging on food and especially junk food after a workout can completely negate the good effects a healthy workout will have. Ensure you are very conscious of your pre and post workout eating routine to make the best of your workout!

The same way if you are on a “diet” thinking that it is the best thing you can do while working out, beware because even eating very little can be detrimental to your fitness goals. Ensure you eat enough and you eat healthy to supplement your training in the right way.


3.Not drinking enough water

Water has a huge impact on your performance levels and surprisingly it is not just about being dehydrated; water also aids weight loss! Ensure you drink enough water through the day!



Those who are enthusiastic about training often make this mistake – over-training! Ensure that you are giving your body enough rest to recoup from training because this is very crucial for your body to actually experience the good effects of training.


5.Not including variety

Doing the same routine over and over again will kill your workout! It is important to include a good mix of cardio, strength training, and different exercises to ensure your workout gives you maximum impact.


6.Being distracted during a workout

Whether it is your phone or it is just you thinking about office while you are doing your reps – they are absolute no-nos during your workout! Being fully present mentally at an exercise class is as and if not more important as showing up.




Mid-Year Workout Motivation Goals

Time does fly quickly and before we know it, 6 months of 2017 has gone by!

In the beginning of the year, we are super enthusiastic about the fitness goals we set for ourselves. In January we take out our cheque books and enrol for fun fitness classes. We are enthusiastic and like everyone who wants to jog at the beach we are convinced that this is the year our life will turn around and we will finally get fit.

However within a few months, the motivation drops. This is why it is even more critical to do a mid-year review of where your fitness goals are and how you have progressed!

Here are a few things you can do to keep the enthusiasm intact and continue your fitness journey:


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  • Do an honest review

Take stock of how this year has been – how many classes did you miss and why? Analysing your reasons and understanding what the reasons are can help you fix your schedule accordingly to eliminate these excuses. For instance, if you are a morning person, there is no point doing an evening fitness class!

  • Is your current workout helping you?

What were your fitness goals at the beginning of the year and how much progress have you made? Taking stock of this will help you understand if you are progressing in the right direction or if there is another way that you have to take.



  • What should I be doing different?

After sticking to an exercise routine for 6 months, it is the perfect time to think about what it is that you could be doing different. Perhaps you need to eat differently or you need to get more sleep or reduce your stress! Adding other lifestyle changes at this point can help you get the most out of your exercise routine.

  • Plan the rest of the year

We seldom plan the second half of the year with the same enthusiasm as the first half! However, going back to the board and chalking out plans again is equally important. Think of this as a fresh start and start planning how your workout routine would look for the rest of the year.


  • Keep going irrespective of how you have done

Did you stick to every fitness goals you have? Did you slack and not do anything? It doesn’t matter! Now is a good time to say that I can still make the most of the year if I start right now. So, keep that enthusiasm intact and start over again or use the enthusiasm to keep the momentum high.

4 Dumbbell Exercises For A Full Body Burn

It does not matter whether you are at home or traveling – with a pair of dumbbells, there are a whole bunch of exercises that you can do which will give you a full body workout.

We often believe that to exercise, we need sophisticated equipment and fancy routines. The power of simplicity, however, is that exercise has nothing to do with the equipment you own!

Here are 4 exercises that you can do with just a pair of dumbbells and still get a full body workout!


Hold the dumbbells to the side of your body, bend your knees and ensure you are comfortable with the weight. Now imagine you are sitting in a chair and have to go all the way down for it. Do this until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Make sure your knees are relaxed because you don’t want to be too stiff for this exercise.



2.Lateral Rise

This exercise is really simple – you just have to hold the dumbbells and lift your arms up until they reach your shoulder height and then drop your arms down. While doing this, you have to ensure your knees are not stiff but slightly bent. This is important so that you don’t hurt yourself in the process!



3.Bicep Curl

With a dumbbell in each hand, stand up straight. Exhale and curl the weights while you contract the biceps. Now keep raising the weights until the dumbbells are at shoulder level and your biceps are fully contracted. You can do variations of this exercise while standing up or sitting down on a bench!



4.Overhead Press

Stand up straight with your feet apart and knees comfortably bent. Now lift the dumbbells and place them above your shoulders. Once you have done this, lift your hands all the way up to above your head. Get back to the starting point and ensure that you do all of these moves in a controlled manner while breathing normally.




Why Bodyweight Training Is Better?

When it comes to training, the first thing that gets us all excited is the new stuff we can buy. Whether it is the brand new equipment that promises to get you in shape or the shiny new pair of dumbbells, there is something about shopping for fitness that makes us feel good.

However, did you know that bodyweight training which barely requires you to do any shopping for fitness is one of the most effective ways to train?

Here are a few reasons why body weight training can be so much better for you.

1. Requires no equipment
Unlike any other exercise, body weight training requires you to have no equipment! Whether you are traveling or heading to the park where there is just a bench or even in the comfort of your own room, these exercises can keep you fit. This not only means that it is much less effort to prepare but also means that you have no excuses!



2. Save Money
With no equipment and the comfort to work out from just anywhere, body weight training is one of the most affordable ways to keep yourself fit. Actually, it requires no money at all!



3. Helps your body move
Body weight training which is basically training without any equipment promotes functional movement in your body – this means that your body moves exactly the natural way it is supposed to! What better than this to keep yourself fit?



4. Improves your mood and helps maintain cognitive function
Exercising helps your body release endorphins and also biologically reduces stress and promotes well-being. This helps you get that natural high! Not just this, strength or body weight training is linked to better cognitive health which means there is a high likelihood that disorders like Alzheimer’s, dementia etc. can be prevented by regularly indulging in strength training.



5. Keeps you injury free
Muscles and workouts are often talked about– what about joints and working out? Body weight training keeps your joints fit and prevents you from injuries! This is very critical especially as one is growing older.


6. Builds muscles
Although you might think that building muscles without weight training or fancy equipment is not possible, body weight training can help you build muscles. From push-ups to squats to a hard pull-up, these exercises really promote strength, make you stronger and most importantly help you build muscle.




5 foods that help in muscle growth

Muscle growth is usually a gradual process that takes a lot of dedication to achieve. It is not just about trying to get those bulging biceps like all those body builders who are probably your inspiration; besides, trying to ape their fitness routines and diets may lead to a quick burn out. Ditch those exorbitantly expensive protein shakes and supplements and try some naturally available foods that are sure to help you with your fitness goals.

Here is a list of simple, no-fuss foods that can get you from flat to fab:

1. Quinoa

A good source of carbohydrates, a 100 grams serving of Quinoa also packs 14 grams of protein along with essential amino acids. This gluten-free food is also easy to digest and is high in fiber, magnesium and iron.

White quinoa seeds on a wooden background

2. Almonds

Just 1/4 cup of almonds contains nearly 8 grams of protein — that’s nearly 2 grams of protein more than your typical egg! Almonds are also an excellent source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and magnesium. Magnesium is specifically known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.


3. Paneer

Just 1/2 cup of low-fat cottage cheese packs a whopping 14 grams of protein in only 80 calories with less than 2 grams of fat. The protein also breaks down slowly, leaving you feeling fuller for a longer time.


4. Banana

Bananas have three types of sugars. Fructose, sucrose and glucose, these sugars are prime for pre/post training. Bananas are fat and cholesterol free, extremely portable, and nutrient dense.


5. Olive oil

The monounsaturated fat in olive oil helps prevent muscle breakdown and protects joints. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats. These good fats are heart healthy. Olive oil is anti-inflammatory and helps with muscle pain and inflammation, aiding recovery, making it a perfect muscle building food.

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