
11 Effective Remedies for Heartburn

Almost all of us would have experienced a burning sensation in our food pipe at some point of the other. Heartburns are not a serious problem but can develop into a more serious condition called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease which is a chronic problem and has to be treated with medication. In most cases, the cause of heartburn can be very easily identified- it is mostly a reflex reaction to the kind of food you eat. So it is always advised to watch your diet and most importantly your posture after you eat since putting pressure on your abdomen after you eat can stimulate heartburns.

Following are some interesting tips that you can follow to get rid of heartburn.

1.       If you have to start your day with tea, brew the tea leaves instead of boiling it in hot water as boiling it releases strong acids that can cause heartburn.


2.       Don’t sleep as soon as you finish your meals. Give your body at least an hour’s time before you decide to lie down (also remember to sleep on your left side).

3.       Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight, especially the ones that feel tight on your abdomen like belts.


4.       While eating, make sure you chew your food slowly and drink very little water while you eat.

5.       Say No to fried items for dinner. Choose nutritious foods like fruits, oats, nuts and eggs.


6.       Avoid adding too much spice to your meals.

7.       Some people may be allergic to one particular kind of food. If you’re able to identify the cause, it is better to stay away from it.

8.       Chew tulsi leaves or have lemon water with 7-8 soaked raisins for immediate relief.


9.       For some people cold milk works like magic and can provide instant relief.

10.   After a meal, pop a chewing gum and chew for 30 minutes to ward off heartburn.


11.   Avoid smoking and alcohol as they are very commonly associated to heartburn.




13 Things that Just Can’t Sit in Your Fridge

How many of you’ll feel that your fridge is a dump yard? You buy groceries, you dump it in; you order food, you dump the leftovers in it; you bake, you dump it in; you feel like throwing away some food, you still dump it back in (Yes, such people exist!). Refrigerators are definitely blessings in disguise but you must also understand that they are a curse for a few. Perishable foods like meat, eggs, poultry, seafood and all dairy products are definitely the ones that have the ticket to go in. Again, it is not advisable to stock things inside the fridge for days or even months (years sometimes?). Refrigerating certain foods can actually reduce their flavour, nutritional quality and may sometimes also accelerate the spoiling process.

Here is a list of things that should never be refrigerated:

1.         Sauce: Sauces are naturally packed with preservatives and mostly have a shelf-life of 3 years or more. It is always better to check the label for expiry date and store it outside in a cool, dry place.

2.       Bread: The breads available in the market usually come with a shelf-life of about a week. And they stay in a consumable condition even if not stored inside a refrigerator.


3.           Nail Polishes: Almost 70% of women are known to refrigerate their nail polishes while some also keep other beauty essentials (like creams & serums) inside. In most of the cases, the fridge tends to decrease the life of such cosmetics and you may end up with hard, dry products that cannot be used.


4.             Batteries: We don’t know why, but there is a common misconception that batteries tend to drain their stored-up energy when they are kept outside at room temperature. While this is true to a certain extent, there’s definitely no way one could preserve this stored power by keeping them inside the fridge.

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5.       Coffee Beans: Both the fridge and the freezer are known to induce the condensation process. This can highly affect the flavour of both coffee beans and ground coffee. Store it in an airtight container outside the fridge to lock its aroma and flavour.


6.       Whole Tomatoes: Tomatoes are generally kept inside the fridge in almost every house. They tend to become mushy when done so. Instead it is better to keep them outside in a paper bag. The ripening process will happen naturally and they will stay for 3-4 days. (Note that if you’d like to store tomatoes after cutting them, there’s no better place than a refrigerator)

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7.       Nuts: Ziplocs are what they should be in!

8.       Potato: Potatoes hate moisture. When you store them inside the fridge, there tends to be too much moisture affecting its texture and flavour. Like tomatoes, store them in paper bags in your kitchen and they’ll be fine.

9.       Onion/ Garlic: Find a cool, dark spot (mostly a corner in your kitchen) away from potatoes. The gases released by potatoes tend to rot the onions. When kept inside the fridge, the moisture tends to make it mouldy.


10.   Oil: Keeping the oil inside the fridge will give a butter-like consistency to it. You certainly wouldn’t want that!

11.   Pickles & Jam: These are generally loaded with a lot of preservatives. The last thing you’d want to do is to let these glass jars occupy space in your ‘cool’ box unnecessarily.

12.   Honey: Natural honey never dies! Never!

13.   Spices: Air tight containers are where they should live. Moisture and spice never get along well.

Reference: articles/lifestyle/12-foods- you-should-not-put-the-fridge. html home-organizing/organizing/ organizing-kitchen/not- refrigerate/coffee


8 Tips for a Happy Pregnancy

Giving birth to a tiny, little being can be one of the best memories a woman can have in her life. The kind of labour a woman would have is almost always unpredictable until the D day arrives. Doctors say that maintaining good health right from when you think about conceiving is very important. A healthy mother means a healthy child; one would not want to take chances when it comes to the fine development of the baby’s features and its overall health. Apart from giving up smoking, drinking and other junk food, here are a few other tips that might ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy for you.

1. Get all the Folic acid: Most of the doctors these days prescribe folic acid to all the mothers-to-be since folic acid, a synthetic form of Vitamin B9 plays a major role in the proper development of the spinal cord and the nervous system of the baby. There should be no compromise on folic acid.

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2. Read and Learn: Even if you think you know everything about pregnancy, it is imperative to read articles and books that will prep you up for the days ahead. This is especially true in the cases of women bearing their first child. It helps clarify a lot of doubts about pregnancy and helps decrease any kind of fear that one might have.

3. Practice Kegels: This helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and thereby paves the way for an easier delivery of the baby. All you have to do is practise squeezing your pelvis as though you’re controlling the flow of urine when you’re peeing. Hold this position for 3 seconds and relax. Repeat for 10 times. You can do this anywhere, anytime.

4. Watch what you do: It is imperative to refrain from doing strenuous actions like lifting weights, climbing ladders, jumping, etc. The first trimester is for you to relax and let the foetus grow at its own pace. Also avoid standing near the cooking stove or washing your clothes for long hours.

5. Pets can be risky: Exposure to your pet’s litter might be harmful for foetus development because of the bacteria that can harm you and your baby.

6. Weight gain is a must: For anyone with a normal BMI, an increase in weight of anywhere between 10 and 15 kgs is ideal and healthy. Limited weight gain is normal and a must during this period.

7. Time to buy shoes: A woman’s feet grow bigger due to fluid accumulation during pregnancy. It is better to avoid squeezing your feet into those old shoes and instead do some shopping for your feet to be happy.

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8. Avoid travelling: There a specific months when one should avoid travelling, especially long distance travel. When you’re planning to fly, consult your physician and carry the essentials without fail. While going by car, always remember to wear your seat belt.

While you follow these tips, also remember to get good sleep and keep your mind always calm. Follow a nutritious diet and enjoy bonding with your baby.

References: cy/my-body/nutrition/healthy-p regnancy-tips/ for-a-healthy-pregnancy-275310 2

5 HIV Myths Busted

The number of people diagnosed with HIV has almost doubled in the last ten years. We celebrated World AIDS Day yesterday to tell the world that around 34 million people have HIV across the world and the number is alarmingly rising. For all those who’ve been thinking HIV and AIDS are the same, we’ve got to enlighten you. HIV is basically a virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus that tends to stay and live in the body. As a result of HIV, the person’s immune system weakens and becomes weak in a way that the body stops fighting off pathogens, which it otherwise does. So HIV is a virus and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is an illness that makes people vulnerable to a range of other diseases.



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Here are a few misconceptions about HIV that people often tend to believe.

1. HIV can be cured: This might sound disheartening but the truth is that it can’t be completely cured (as of date). There are medications available to suppress the activity of the HIV in infected individuals which in turn can increase their lifespan by a few more years. There are no medications available to completely eliminate the virus out of the body.

2.  HIV can spread through toilet seat: HIV cannot be transmitted without blood or certain other body fluids (direct contact). Casual contact like using the same plate, toilet, hugging, shaking hands or even kissing have no risks associated. One often tends to hear rumours like how a mosquito can spread HIV or even a drink infused with HIV virus. It is not true! HIV can only be transferred through unprotected sex, blood transfusions or from a mother to a child during pregnancy.

3. Women with HIV shouldn’t get pregnant: Although pregnant women may transmit their HIV to the foetus, there also have been cases where the new born baby is born completely healthy and free of the virus.

4. It’s okay to have unprotected sex if you and your partner have HIV: Most of the people are not aware of something called HIV ‘superinfection’, which happens when an HIV infected person is affected by a second strain. It mutates and makes the situation more critical. Using condoms is the best way to keep things at bay.

5. If you’re on treatment, you can’t spread the virus: Remember that HIV is a very strong virus and antiretroviral drugs can only suppress their effect. The medications you take don’t give you a green card to have unprotected sex or share razors/needles.


References: ipt/main/art.asp?articlekey=19 039 hiv-aids/hiv-facts-and-myths-q uiz.aspx

6 Tips to Quit Smoking Naturally

It might surprise you that India is home to almost 12% of the world’s smoking population and close to 9 lakh people die every year in India because of smoking! This is quite an alarming number and has to be viewed seriously since smoking kills not only the smoker but also the people around.  It can be quite a challenge to come out of the addiction but it is necessary to atleast try for the sake of yourself & your loved ones around you.

Here are a few big facts about smoking which might make you want to say NO.

·         Tobacco is the second leading cause of death globally after hypertension

·         One in 10 people die due to smoking

·         Each cigarette has 5000 toxic chemicals of which 70 have known to be carcinogenic

·        15 billion cigarettes are being smoked worldwide everyday We know it’s not easy to quit!

But you can try some of the following simple & natural remedies at home and kick the habit for good.

1. Sweets for once is OK: Research has shown that about 30% of the people who crave a cigarette get satiated when they indulge in sweets. Pop some of your favourite candies or buy some sugar-free candies but don’t go overboard.

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2. Announce to the whole world: It is believed that when you share things to people you wish to achieve or do, the efforts you put in for it is more. So use social media or your favourite whatsapp groups to tell people that you’re quitting smoking. Try pulling in a few of your other friends and do it as a team- it’s more fun!


3. Reconsider dieting: If you’re in that phase of dieting where you say NO to every yummy food you see, you’re doing a mistake. Trying to quit smoking and getting in shape at the same time can do more harm than good. You may sometimes gain a few kilos while trying to quit smoking simply because you tend to indulge in other stuff but you can always lose them in two months or so with a proper diet & exercise. So go easy on that diet!

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4. Drink lemon juice:  Lemon juice has high drug-resisting properties making it ideal for clearing the toxins out of your blood after smoking. Drink 4-5 glasses of lemon juice and flush those toxins out of your body.


5.  Massages: A good massage has proven to curb the cravings of a smoker.  You can massage your hands or ears by yourself to reduce anxiety and improve your mood.

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6. Avoid the triggers: You might always feel like smoking after doing something specific. Find that trigger and avoid it. It may be alcohol, coffee or even a particular food. Chew sugar-free gums instead if needed!


References: ess/quit-smoking/

7 Diabetic-friendly Tips

Did you know that around 371 million people are affected by diabetes globally and half of them are undiagnosed? The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) has predicted that around 552 million people will have this disease by 2030 which is quite a significant number. Today being World Diabetes Day, it is imperative for each and every one of us to be aware of this disease which is the seventh leading cause of death in the world.


Diabetes if not treated properly can lead to a lot of health complications including stroke and heart disease.   To tackle diabetes – follow a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.


Here are a few diabetic-friendly tips to stay happy and healthy:


1. Do not skip meals: Diabetes mainly occurs due to an increased blood sugar level in your body and it is a reflection of what you eat. When you skip meals, the insulin production will decrease thereby making it difficult for the body to metabolize sugar.


2.  Curb your craving: Binge eating is also not good for people with diabetes. Keep track of your psychological hunger and think twice before giving in to cravings.

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3.  Identify the GI: Glycemic Index (GI) can be found on food packaging. Low GI foods cause a lower and slower spike in your blood sugar level.


Here’s a small guide to help you decide:


·         Low GI (55 or less): Legumes, lentils, oats

·         Medium GI (55-69): Cookies, brown rice, fruit cocktail, wheat spaghetti ·         High GI (70 or more): White bread, rice, carrots, honey, pasta, popcorn, alcohol (except red wine)


4. Know your fruits:  Fruits like ripe mangoes, jack fruits, bananas, melons, pineapple and raisins should be avoided at all costs since they are rich in sugar levels.


5. Bitter guard juice: Beat the sweet with bitter. Drink bitter guard juice at least twice every day and see the difference in your blood sugar level yourself.


6. Watch your feet: Your feet become very sensitive when you have diabetes and can show various warning signs based on the blood circulation level. Make sure you watch your feet every day and check for its sensitivity and blood circulation levels.


7. Stay Active: Exercise can never be compromised when it comes to diabetes. One needs to boost the body’s metabolism level by exercising for at least 30-45 minutes a day. images (43)


References: home-remedies/15-ways-to-keep- diabetes-under-control.html well/get-informed/12-ways-to- keep-diabetes-under-control

7 Easy Eye Care Tips

Imagine being blindfolded for one whole day. This is the best way to make anybody go crazy especially when you’ve been naturally gifted with good vision. Eyes are definitely a prized possession that should not be taken for granted. Your eyes are naturally capable of protecting themselves but when they are subjected to an unfavourable environment; they might start giving you trouble. Hence protecting your eyesight, especially as you age is an essential part of your healthcare.



Here are 7 easy tips to help you guard your vision:

1.  Avoid direct AC: However sweaty or hot you may feel, avoid directing the cool air from the AC towards your face and especially your eyes. This may result in drying of the cornea, since the air from the AC is capable of ripping the natural moisture off your eyes.


2.  Wear sunglasses: Did you know that the harmful ultra violet rays from the sun speeds up ageing of your eyes? This results in early cataract formation and other such complications. By wearing quality sunglasses, you will be able to guard your retina which is primarily responsible for vision. Ensure that you buy sunglasses capable of 100% protection from UV-A & UV-B rays. Use safety eye wear when you have to get into the swimming pool.



3. Take care of your lenses: If you have been using contact lenses for a while, make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. Never sleep with your contacts on. Also, refrain from using saliva (gross, right?) or water as a solution. Contact lenses should not be used if they have crossed the expiry date or have been damaged due to external wear and tear.

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4. 20-20-20 rule: These days, a lot of people sit in front of the computer as part of their everyday job. Follow the 20-20-20 rule – look up from your computer screen every 20 minutes at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Always keep a safe distance from electronic screens and gadgets.

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5. Eat fish regularly: Eating fish once every 3 days gives you enough omega-3-fatty acids that serve as a nourishment to the eyes. If need be, in consultation with your doctor, you can pop vitamin pills to give the adequate amount of vitamins that your eyes require.


6. Foods to eat: Red onions, carrots, oranges, spinach have the necessary nutrients to keep your eyes healthy. Also, avoid using too much salt in your food; instead use herbs and a little less salt. As we always say it’s high time you give up smoking and alcohol.


7. Never share a towel: For hygiene reasons, we advise you to say a loud NO when someone asks for your towel. Keep a towel for yourself which you wash once every 3 days at least.


References: tips-prevention/top-10-tips- to-save-your-vision-2 over60/ways-to-protect.htm

10 Quick Tips to Tackle Migraines

Most people suffer from headaches, but only a few are able to distinguish between a headache and a migraine. A headache usually occurs when the blood vessels alternatively constrict and dilate thereby releasing inflammatory substances that stimulate pain. When headaches prolong for a longer period of time and are accompanied by any of the following symptoms, you can be more than sure that it is a migraine:


·         Nausea


·         Stomach upset


·         Fever


·         Dizziness & Fatigue


·         Blind spots or blurred vision (this phenomenon is called aura and is usually the starting sign of migraine)


·         Cluster headache (an intense headache which may appear 1 or 2 times a day and may last for 2 or 3 months)  


Headaches usually are triggered by fatigue, stress, allergies, alcohol, drugs, poor posture, low blood sugar, hormonal imbalance & nutritional deficiencies. Here are a few natural ways to relieve you of such debilitating headaches/migraines.  


1.       Replace painkillers with magnesium by intravenously or orally consuming 200-600 mg of magnesium a day. Dietary source of fibre includes fibre rich foods, whole grains and vegetables like broccoli. best-magnesium-supplement-e1394649529700



2.       Make use of natural oils like coconut oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and aromatic oils like lavender oil that act as mood stabilizers and sedatives to give you immediate relief from pain. Indulge in a soothing massage if possible. download (49) 3.       Herbs like butter-bur and fever-few have properties of easing the tension in muscles. These are available in the form of tablets too which can be consumed after consulting a qualified physician. getty_rm_photo_of_assorted_herbs 4.       Sometimes, fish oil seems to work when ingested in small quantities because of its rich omega-3-fatty acid composition. You can mix it with orange juice if you can’t stand the smell. gty_fish_oil_ll_130628_33x16_1600 5.       Play around with hot and cold bags to see which one works for you. Usually if you constantly have dilated blood vessels, a cold bag treatment will help constrict those vessels and the vice-versa. e0ea32ce47103a87252b8ec26d2517a4 6.       If you don’t mind the strong flavour, munching on ginger has a very good effect during times of pain. images (35) 7.       Say no to chocolates. nochocolate 8.       Get into a nice hot water bath with diluted aromatic oils. shower-is-a-mini-massage 9.       Constantly keep a check on your posture while you sit at work. Do breathing exercises and muscle stretches often to prevent muscles from becoming rigid. download (50) 10.   Last but not the least, drink a lot of water. Girl-Drinking-Water References: che-remedies ache-remedies-relief/

12 Must-know Tips for Post Mastectomy Care

Mastectomy is the process of removing tumour affected breasts when the proliferation of the tumour cells is very high. Sometimes, it is also done as a preventive measure in women who are at a high risk of getting breast cancer. Mastectomy is either done on both breasts or on a single breast and may be either a complete or partial removal of the breast. Mastectomy definitely doesn’t promise you of a cancer free life after that. If proper care is not taken, the carcinogenic cells may bloom again and start killing the healthier cells around them, eventually leading to tumours.

Here are a few things you need to keep in mind after undergoing this surgery.

1. Never skip the medicines prescribed by your doctor. If you notice some allergic reactions, contact your healthcare specialist.

2. Don’t discontinue your medicines abruptly unless advised by your doctor.

3. Never use antibiotics that were prescribed for some other illness.

4. Dizziness is a common phenomenon that you could experience. So always remember to sit on your bed and relax after you wake up instead of immediately getting out of your bed.

5. The sutures on the breasts should not be touched or meddled with. While bathing, it is better to gently pat the area with a sterile towel soaked in warm water (bathe only 2 days after the surgery).

6. Avoid going for the monthly breast exam during your periods.

7. If you feel uncomfortable while sleeping, place a small pillow under the armpit without disturbing the sutures.

8. Do not remove the dressing or sutures by yourself.

9. A low fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit is common the day after the surgery but if it persists, make sure you get help from your doctor.

10. Stay away from doing strenuous activities like cardio exercises, heavy lifting, etc, at least for two month.

11. Drink 10 glasses of water a day and avoid fatty foods.

12. Watch out for lymphedema, a symptom where the arm on the side where you had your breast removed, swells up and retains a lot of fluid. It is prevalent among 25% of the patients undergoing mastectomy and can usually be cured with prescribed medications.

References: ondition-article/0,,20188879,0 0.html cation/mastectomy_instructions _after_surgery/

Breast Care Tests to Consider this National Mammography Day

Last week we broke some myths and explained the facts about breast cancer and today, on National Mammography day get ready to be enlightened about breast cancer tests that every women has to necessarily undergo with respect to her age. It was in 1993, that the importance of breast cancer awareness was felt by the world and initiatives were taken to dedicate the month of October every year to spread awareness. If you’re asking us if Breast Cancer Awareness is still an issue even after 20 years, the answer is yes. Most are aware of the concept of Mammography but not many know when and how often they should get it done. Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the second most deadly cancer after lung cancer? If you’re a woman over the age of 40, it is imperative to schedule your mammography test right away.

Here are the tests every woman should consider based on her age:

Age 20- 40: Clinical Breast Examination & Mammostrat Test The American Cancer Society (ACS) claims that these tests have to be done once every three years by women aged between 20 and 30. Mammostrat test is a genome test that measures the level of breast cancer cells that are present. Also, there are a few self examinations which can be made at home like touching your breasts and looking for unusual lumps, spots, contraction or expansion of the nipple, etc. While doing this every month you will be able to differentiate any abnormality that may occur eventually since you’ll then be familiar with the look and feel of your breasts.


Age 40 and above: Mammogram, MRI & MBI It is recommended that every woman above 40 should get a mammogram screening every year. It is better to visit a qualified physician and discuss your risk factors and lifestyle choices so that they can then devise a time-table for your screening tests depending on your family history and other factors. Sometimes, women who have been treated for breast cancer before or those who have had their breasts removed might have to get breast MRIs or Molecular Breast Imaging done regularly. Usually a qualified physician will be able to guide you through this. It’s now your turn to spread the word and keep the women of our Earth healthy and protected!


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