
Benefits of Aromatheraphy

The science of aromatherapy suggests that different smells and fragrances can be uplifting to the mind and body, and can help regulate one’s stress and other issues just through the administration of a small dose of the fragrance. Aromatherapy helps break the pattern of cyclical thinking that keeps you in a perennial state of stress, even when nothing can be done about a given situation. The human mind is wont to be anxious, prone to worry and remain upset when things don’t go a certain way.
To this end, Aromatherapy can be helpful. A mild and simple therapy, there is no intervention, and all one has to do is to inhale the fragrance of a given oil. These are volatile plant oils and essential oils that help one with psychological and physical well being. Essential oils are pure essences from plants, and provide a lot of benefits to people when used correctly and safely, and administered appropriately.
The right way to enjoy aroma oils is to dribble a few drops of the essential oil on moist cotton balls and to leave them around one’s space. You can also mix a few drops into a pot pourri mix, or perhaps in a water fountain that you will be cleaning later. Some other options include incense sticks in aromatic fragrances, candles and even soaps and bath salts for personal use. You may also use creams and moisturisers to help yourself to some of these oils.
Some common oils that you can make use of to keep stress at bay include the likes of Clary Sage, Orange, Bergamot, Lavender, Lemongrass and YlangYlang. Clary sage is one of the best oils that can be put to use to calm the nervous system. Lavender is more an all round aroma oil that helps heal ailments and also de-stresses the individual with a sense of clarity in thinking. Bergamot is said to bring in freshness by helping lift one’s spirits and mood instantaneously. Lemongrass is more of an active aroma oil, as it invokes fresh energy within one’s body and encourages a sense of dynamism. Orange has a zesty and fruity fragrance, and works like magic to lift one’s spirit. YlangYlang is the perfect solution for any kind of mental stress, as it helps get rid of feelings of anger, tension and nervous irritability, relaxes the body and mind, and also helps one unwind without any sense of carrying baggage.


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Reduce Eye Strain

Most of our work is visual – sitting before the laptop or the computer, and while we’re off work, staying glued to our tablet screens and phones, our eyes have no respite whatsoever. Keeping your eyes healthy and well nourished can go a long way in making you work comfortably. We tend to ignore the health of our eyes and neglect the nutrition they need more than any other part of the body. Here are a few things you should be following to ensure that you reduce the burden of strain on your eyes:
– Go for regular checkups to see if your eyes need medical attention, supplements or nutrients, or perhaps if there are any changes in power so that there are changes in spectacles accordingly.
– Protect your eyes from pollution to the best of your ability. Wear shades, and keep wet wipes that help you get rid of any irritants from falling into your eyes. Make sure to keep your hair off your eyes as well.
– Avoid overworking your eyes as much as you can. If you can help it, unplug from computers and digital screens after work. If you cannot avoid it, make sure to take breaks suitably to relieve your eyes.
– Eat healthy and make sure that you get the right resources in the form of vitamins, minerals and nutrient rich food. Vitamin C is very important for your eyes. Avoid foods that are too rich in oil and fat. Snack healthy if you can help it.
– De-stress with your eyes and as much as possible, do some calming exercises to help ease the burden on your eyes. One exercise is called palming, where you have to rub your hands together for a few minutes until slightly warm, and then place them on your closed eyes lightly. Another thing you can do occasionally is to repeatedly blink to reduce the strain on your eyes. Whenever possible, keep your eyes closed for a good many minutes so that you can resume work with a less negative impact and strain. Every now and then, focus on a distant object for a few seconds and allow your vision to strengthen itself with the ciliary muscles gaining some respite and some of the stress being knocked off. Another useful tip is to roll your eyes in circles a few rounds every now and then, and then close your eyes, focus on your breathing and relax for a bit.


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DIY to Save Environment and Your health

Climate change, pollution and environmental denudation are a very big threat for the future of the world. The environment around us changes constantly and there is an increase in the amount of redundancy it faces, given how much we impinge on it for our every need. With these negative impacts that the environment around us faces, there is an automatic spill-over effect into our health, as we derive our main sources of sustenance from the environment around us. It is a real threat to us in every sense of the term, that the environment continues to sustain damage because of all the over exploitation and pollution that we’ve been indulging in. Here are some ways in which you can stay healthy and keep your environment healthy, too!
– Conserve energy and turn off all the lights and appliances around you when you don’t use them. This will ensure that you also remain free of any radiation or harmful rays.
– Avoid using plastic, and instead, opt for cloth and recycled paper, so that your own environment is free of any harmful substances, so you remain healthy, too.
– Use eco-friendly transportation – either walk or take to bicycling – that way, your health remains in order and the environment is protected without unnecessary pollution.
– When you have whey – or stock, from chicken, rice or other boiled foods, reuse it in your cooking as it is full of nutrients from the substance you boiled in it in the first place.
– Collect the water you use to wash your fruits and vegetables and use it to water your plants and garden.
– Reduce the use of air conditioners to the best extent possible. While doing so will protect the environment by reducing the wastage of electricity and energy, it will also ensure that you are not dehydrated from prolonged use of air conditioning.
– Instead of using air fresheners and purifiers that use chemicals, use aroma oils and dried flowers with natural and woody scents, or even natural incense sticks. This will also keep you free of allergies and infections of every kind, and will not pollute the environment around you.
– Opt for organic food when it comes to choosing your fruits, vegetables and grains. It might be a little more expensive, but it pays off because you won’t have to pay frightfully high bills to hospitals and medical centres to remedy your health.


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Ways to improve digestion

With erratic work schedules and the lack of time, most of us wind up ditching the apron and ordering in or swinging by a fast food joint that’s closest to us and grab a bite. While this is every bit the perfect short cut that saves you time and effort, it is also as much a dangerous thing for your health and digestion, given that most fast food is processed and cooked in ways that are unhealthy and bad for your digestive health. It is important to keep your digestion in order, and to detoxify from time to time. Here are a couple of reasons why you should be detoxifying yourself from time to time:
– Your digestion depends on a strong lining of epithelial cells in your digestive cavity. These cells are made to digest strong food such as fibrous and nutrition enriched food – but even they have their limits. Constantly eating processed food or food that is filled with preservatives can damage the lining of your alimentary passage, and that can hamper digestion.
– The digestive environment has a certain kind of balance in the acidity and alkalinity which makes it suitable to digest the food that is ingested. This automatically means that your stomach has to remain in that state of balanced equilibrium to suitably digest food and give you the nutritional effects and elements from what you eat. But eating processed and fast food winds up sending this balance for a toss, and gives you either too acidic or too alkaline an environment that harms your digestion.
– Digestion requires the secretion of enzymes in appropriate measures so that the food is broken down. But when there are complex fats and unhealthy food in the stomach, the enzymes so secreted are not able to manage the burden of having to break down these foods, and this puts your stomach in trouble, too.
When it is inevitable that you must eat out, it is imperative that you set aside some part of your schedule – perhaps a day each week or a day each fortnight, to completely detoxify. How does one detoxify themselves? Here are a bunch of tips:
– Eat fermented foods, which are rich in good bacteria and can help restore the lost balance in the gut.
– Indulge in a lot of fibrous food so that your body gains back its digestive strength.
– Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices to help your body reclaim all its lost salts and hydration.
– Give yourself a break from the routine and indulge in some de-stressing so that your digestion gets back in order.


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Tips for Keeping Kids’ Eyes Healthy

Eye care, particularly for children, is extremely important because they are at a formative age where their eyes are both vulnerable and in need of sufficient nutrition and attention. Be they allergies or infections, your children’s eyes could wind up with anything from soreness, redness, conjunctivitis and even changes in power. We have some simple tips for you to follow to make sure that your children’s eyes are protected and taken care of:
– Ensure that your children get a good dose of vitamins and minerals, especially in the form of raw vegetables and fruits, so that their eyesight is not in any way disadvantaged by the lack of nutrition.
– If your child is a swimmer, make sure that they use goggles to avoid contracting eye infections and allergies from the water.
– Make sure that their eyes are never rubbed or cleaned with unclean hands. If your kids are outdoors, in public places, or have just returned from public places where they held onto different things, make them use hand sanitisers to wash their hands to get rid of infections before they touch their eyes.
– Never splash water inside their eyes, because this affects the tear film by washing it away. It is a protective layer for the eyes, so one should be washing their eyes only when dust gets in, or foreign particles enter them.
– Make it a point to make your children wash their face and hands every time they are back home from outside. The pollution makes them vulnerable to contracting infections of every kind, so you need to make sure that nothing from outside – dust, grime, germs, allergents or infection, enter their eyes and leaves them with allergies.
– When your kids have a tendency towards allergic reactions, avoid using perfumes and cosmetics around them or on them, and avoid going around spaces that have dust, pollen, mould and even smoke. If they do wind up with an allergy, you can spot it by looking for signs of redness, itching, burning and puffiness. They may or may not be related to nasal allergies, so the best thing to do is to get in touch with your doctor.
– Another common occurrence is the accumulation of dead cells and germs, which results in bacterial infection, causing sties in children’s eyes. The key to avoiding sties is to ensure that you have good quality eyelid hygiene. How can you do this? Gently exfoliate their eyelids once in fifteen days in order to get rid of dead cells. Avoid using heavy cosmetics or cosmetics past their expiry dates, dirty towels and contaminated hands on their eyes.
– Take your children for regular eye checkups to keep an eye on their power, so that they can use corrective glasses at the earliest.


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Benefits of Breastfeeding

With the world becoming progressively more inclined towards breastfeeding babies, regardless of the time of day and the spatial setting – for the demands of maternity cannot be neglected – it is imperative that mothers make informed and conscious choices to give their babies the healthiest option there is. Children grow up exposed to food that is not necessarily sustainable for their long-term health and wellbeing, and therefore, it is imperative that they start off on the right foot with breastfeeding. Here are a couple of advantages of breastfeeding for you and your baby:
• Your baby starts off on the right food and is much healthier. Science shows that breastfed babies grow up with a strong degree of immunity and have a reduced incidence of pneumonia, colds, viral infections and even gastrointestinal infections such as diarrhea and indigestion.
• Breastfed babies are strengthened enough to keep their health in order, so as to stay away from suffering chronic conditions such as type 1 diabetes, celiac disease and even Crohn’s disease. Breastfeeding helps babies process the healthiest food, and therefore they tend to grow up stronger.
• Women who breastfeed their children tend to have stronger bone health, and synthesise calcium better. During pregnancy, when a woman is lactating, her body absorbs calcium more efficiently, which helps strengthen the spine and hips. There is a lower risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
• Breastfed babies are also less vulnerable to sudden infant death syndrome by about half the rate.
• Women who breastfeed are less likely to become obese, and the babies that are breastfed are also less likely to gain weight in their growing years, as well. The BMI, or body mass index remains in order. Breastfeeding is, itself, a calorie burner, and helps sweep out excess calories of the body.
• Breastfeeding is also exceptionally helpful in healing and addressing post delivery needs and recovery. Oxytocin that is released when the baby feeds and nurses will help the uterus contract, therefore reducing the amount of blood loss, and also helps the uterus return to its normal size quickly – at six weeks post partum, which would otherwise take 10 weeks if you don’t breastfeed.
• By breastfeeding, women are less vulnerable to cancer. It lowers the risk of premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer, which is a rather deadly disease that is on the rise. Since breastfeeding helps the circulation of bodily hormones after pregnancy and during lactation, it is also exceptionally useful in creating a body memory that will help keep the hormones in circulation comfortably and keep cancer at bay.


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Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

High blood pressure brings a lot of symptoms with it, and can, if left unchecked, be damaging to your heart as well. The excessive force in the blood against the arterial walls can result in heart diseases. Reversing high blood pressure is, therefore, important. Blood pressure is essentially the amount of blood that the heart pumps, and the amount of resistance to the flow of blood in the arteries themselves. When the heart pumps more blood, and the arteries are narrow, the blood pressure rises. Here are a couple of things that can help you keep your blood pressure in check:
– White meats: Certain kinds of fish and poultry such as chicken can help you keep your blood pressure within the normal limits. The best way to eat them is with vegetables, so that your health remains in perfect shape. Stay away from red meats, though, because they are bad news!
– Garlic works like a charm to help you keep your harmful cholesterol in check, and thereby, having a ripple effect on your blood pressure. All you need to do is to either incorporate garlic in your everyday cooking, or, to have a sliver of garlic everyday to keep your blood pressure within accepted parameters.
– Onions, which are pretty much from the same family as garlic is, works very well as an additive against high blood pressure. You can include onions in your diet regularly, and for rapid and assured results, also have it as a concoction as onion juice with some honey.
– Curry Leaves are a great remedy to help keep and regulate your blood pressure. Since they have a lot of nutritive value, drinking curry leaf water can make your body stronger and your heart pump the right amount of blood.
– Spinach and Carrot work in combination to help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and to keep the blood pressure within the appropriate range. Always make sure that you stock up on carrots, for the pigmented vegetable is full of resources that can keep you in good health.
– Reduce the amount of salt in your intake, and try not to exceed 1,500 milligrams (mg) a day so that your blood pressure remains on the normal side of the scale.
– White beans, or lobhia, help strengthen your arterial linings to withstand volumes of blood as they are pumped into them. A single cup of white beans gives your body 13% of the calcium, 30% of the magnesium, and 24% of the potassium you need every day, to keep high blood pressure at bay.
– Bananas and Kiwi Fruits are incredibly rich in nutrients such as potassium and magnesium, which helps your arteries fortify themselves suitably to increase the amount of arterial strength. This helps your body withstand sudden rushes of high pressured blood flow, and in turn, keeps the blood pressure lower.

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Healthcare Tips for Busy Moms

The busiest people in the world are mothers: right from taking care of their families to providing for their little ones’ every need, from juggling their own job, to ensuring that they are always around for their families round the clock, there is simply no respite. It is often easy – and quite often true as well – that mothers seldom put themselves first. This tendency can be damaging to their health and fitness, and requires remedying pronto. Here are a couple of pointers for busy mommies to ensure that they remain on track to good health!
– Always make time for physical activity or a fitness regimen in your daytime schedule, and devotedly stick to it. By doing so, you ensure to work around this schedule with all the other obligations you take on.
– Divide up your activity throughout the day, and ensure that you stay active and spread out your movement through the day. Quick 10 minute workouts, walking and jogging can all be factored in comfortably.
– Ensure that you do not neglect your health, and eat on time. If you know that your schedule is going to be askew, restructure your mealtimes in such a way that you have many small meals in a day, and that way, fill your stomach while also keeping your meals healthy.
– It is common for busy mothers to binge or resort to fast food as an easy refuge in the face of a very busy schedule. To this end, avoid snacking on unhealthy food – carry a box of nuts or a couple of celery or cucumber sticks to snack on, so that your health remains in order.
– Delegate responsibilities without too much hesitation. The more help you get, the better it is for you, as stress can mount and be damaging to your own health and wellbeing.
– Avoid biting off more than you can chew. Leaving your kids to be independent when they are of the right age is necessary – do not be a shadow parent, for your child himself can gain a lot from your hands-free parenting style. This will, therefore, leave you free of stress.

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Prevent Hepatitis

The Hepatitis group of diseases can be quite dangerous to your health and wellbeing. Hepatitis A, B and C are the three divisions under the ambit of the overall family of diseases. If you have been recently diagnosed with Hepatitis, especially Hepatitis C, there is a real scare that you maybe passing on the virus to those around you. But, Hepatitis C is not easy to catch. Here are some precautions you can take to ensure that you don’t pass on the disease to anyone else:
– Hepatitis C is spread through contact with exposure to the blood of an infected person. Avoid contact or exposure to the blood of an infected person.
– Hepatitis C does not spread through coughing, sneezing, hugging, kissing, breastfeeding, sharing utensils and glasses, casual contact and even sharing food and water. However, in all these activities, make sure that there is no direct contact with the blood of the infected person.
– Avoid sharing razors, toothbrushes, nailcutters, tweezers and anything else that may have blood of the infected person in it.
– Always make sure that the infected person’s wounds, if any, are covered.
– Any bio waste such as sanitary napkins, tampons, tissues, used bandages and cotton and cloth or anything else that may have one’s blood on it should be disposed off carefully.
– Those infected by Hepatitis C should avoid donating blood, organs, tissues and even semen.
– Sexual contact should be protected, so always use condoms and practice safe sex.
– Caregivers who assist people who have or are infected with Hepatitis C should be especially careful and sanitise themselves after attending to the patient. Never work without gloves, and make sure that you use antiseptic sanitisers to clean up after you work with the patient.



Quick Home Remedies for Skin Allergies

Skin allergies are very common especially where there is tremendous pollution and chemicals that irritate the skin. They manifest themselves in the form of burning sensations, changes in skin colour, acne and boils, rashes, dryness and scaling up of the skin. Allergens can be internal or external – with the internal ones being a result of medications, certain foods and certain eating habits, and the external allergens being particular cloth materials, pollution or even cosmetics. Here are a couple of home remedies you can use to ensure that your skin remains in order.
– Aloe Vera is one of the best known remedies for skincare. Pure, gentle and filled with nutritional goodness, Aloe Vera comprises anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal qualities that do wonders for the skin. They help cool the skin down and reduce the redness in the rash, while also getting rid of the scarring, acne and irritation in the skin.
– Baby oil: One of the softest oil compounds that help keep the skin moisturised and supple, baby oil helps the skin heal from allergic reactions and rashes without much difficulty. It is gentle on the skin and has next to no chemicals.
– Olive Oil is another useful home remedy to recover from skin allergies. Rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants that promotes skin healing and renewal, olive oil is exceptionally useful when mixed with honey, and used on rashes. It keeps itching at bay and helps heal the skin condition easily.
– Ice helps get rid of the most difficult part of skin allergies – itching, redness and the burning sensation. Using either a cold compress or a couple of ice cubes in a napkin or plastic bag directly on your skin will speed up the healing process.
– Mint leaves when ground into a fine paste work like magic to reduce the redness and itching associated with allergies. Leave it on your skin until dry and then rinse it off for a wholesome effect.
– Cream from milk is also a useful remedy for skin with allergies. Use fresh cream from cold milk on your skin directly and allow it to cool your skin down and calm the redness and itching considerably.
– Sandalwood paste is a very useful remedy for skin allergies, especially since its cooling effect is not superficial, but goes to the very base of your skin. While it cools your skin, its antiseptic and healing properties helps keep the allergy in check.
– Apple cider vinegar is a fantastic ingredient that can be used to contain allergic reactions in the skin, and reduce the redness and itching. It needs a few applications, at first, but the rashes settle down soon enough.


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