
Cupping Therapy | Everything you need to know

According to Chinese tradition, cupping therapy is believed to restore the “qi” (pronounced “chi”) or life energy, and therefore, help the body heal. Cupping has also been practised for thousands of years among cultures throughout the Middle East and many other parts of the world.

In the recent past, this form of therapy has been popularised by athletes and celebrities who seem to swear by this method. So, let’s dig in and find out how much of it is factual.

What is Cupping Therapy?

A therapeutic method involving the application of suction by placing a vacuumized cup or a jar onto the affected or any part of the body surface”

This is the official definition of cupping therapy, which falls under the traditional medicine bracket, as per the World Health Organization.

What are the principles of Cupping Therapy?

During cupping therapy, hot cups are placed on the skin to concentrate blood in certain areas of the body to suck out impurities with a vacuum.

How it works is the increased blood circulation relieves muscle tension and improves overall blood flow, which promotes cell repair. It also helps form new connective tissues and create new blood vessels in the tissue. People use cupping to complement their care for a host of ailments and conditions.

What are the Benefits of Cupping?

The widely known and agreed upon benefits of cupping are:

  • Deep tissue work
  • Moves stagnation and drains fluids
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Nervous system sedation
  • Breaks up and expels congestion
  • Stretches muscle and connective tissue
  • Pulls bloody supply to the skin
  • Loosens adhesions

Talk to your doctor before you start cupping or any other type of alternative or complementary medicine. And talk to your cupping therapist, too, before you try it.



Tired all the time? It’s likely adrenal fatigue

Do you wake up feeling tired? Do you feel that you need your morning cuppa to help you keep going? You could be suffering from adrenal fatigue that affects millions of people.

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What is adrenal fatigue?


Adrenals are walnut sized glands located on top of the kidneys. Don’t go by their size; they look small but they have a big job. They are responsible for secreting hormones necessary for life, including epinephrine (adrenaline), cortisol, DHEA, estrogen and testosterone.


Adrenal fatigue is a stress- related condition that results in symptoms like  exhaustion, weakened immunity, sleep disturbances, and food cravings.


How would you identify adrenal fatigue?


Take a look at the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue, and check how many of them apply to you.


After you have read them, you can learn how to treat this condition.


Symptoms of adrenal fatigue


  • If you have difficulty waking up in the morning; even after a long sleep
  • If you experience high levels of fatigue -almost everyday
  • If the slightest amount of stress leaves you feeling overwhelmed
  • If you crave salty foods
  • If you feel energetic at the end of the day
  • If you tend to overuse sugar and caffeine
  • A weakened immune system
  • If you develop dark circles under the eyes
  • If you experience frequent urination
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low sex drive
  • Joint pain and lower back pain


How to treat or prevent adrenal fatigue?


  • Follow a balanced diet

An adequate supply of nutrients are essential to keep your mind and body healthy. Eat at right times and include proteins, low GI foods and healthy fats in your diet. Include seafoods, organic meats, eggs, olive oil, and nuts and seeds in your diet.


  • Try some mind-body exercises like meditation

Regular practice improves your ability to respond to stress in the future


  • Get better sleep

De-stress before bed and follow your natural sleeping pattern. Avoid taking caffeine before bed. Make sure you have good sleep (at least 7-8 hours) to keep you going the next day.


Healing adrenal fatigue may take months depending upon its severity.  By tending to the adrenals through diet, supplementation, lifestyle adjustments, and stress reduction, adrenal health can be restored. It is advised to get it treated by an expert if the condition is severe.


Shea Butter- An all-star superfood for skin and hair!

We’ve all heard of using coconut oil to keep our skin and hair moisturized. Another commonly-found natural moisturizer you can use is shea butter! Something about the name just sounds luxurious, doesn’t it?

What is shea butter?

Shea butter is a superfood that comes from the seeds of the fruit of the Shea (Karite) tree and is naturally rich in vitamins A, E and F. It’s Vitamin E content makes this butter a good anti-ageing agent.It offers UV protection (it is SPF -6) and keeps your skin in optimal health.

Check out the benefits shea butter has on your skin and hair below!

Shea Butter

Benefits of Shea Butter for the Skin


  • Moisturizes Dry Skin
  • Treats Acne And Blemishes
  • Reduces Skin Inflammation
  • Is an Anti-Aging And Anti-Free Radical Agent
  • Provides Relief To Itchy And Peeling Skin
  • Reduces stretch marks
  • Helps Soothe Skin And Baby Diaper Rash
  • Excellent for lip carePortrait of white woman doing her daily skincare routine

Benefits of Shea Butter for Hair


  • Repairs Damaged Hair
  • Prevents Hair Loss
  • Treats Split Ends And Breakage
  • Effective Natural Conditioner
  • Keep Rebel Curls In Place
  • Soothes Dry And Itchy Scalpbeautiful-woman-shakes-her-hair-on-white-background_8353-1698


Additional Benefits of Shea Butter


  • Soothes Muscle aches
  • Wound healing
  • Treats Insect bites
  • UV Protection

Ask your dermatologist or a skin specialist before using shea butter – especially if you suffer from skin conditions. Store it out of direct light or heat, because shea butter normally expires within 12-24 months.


Have you ever used shea butter? Did it work for you? Let us know in the comments below!



Does stress cause grey hair?

Have you ever looked at photos of a president? Any president?


At the beginning and the end of their terms, have you noticed something common in all of them? — They have gone grey, haven’t they?

Part of this could be due to ageing. But could it also be due to stress? Are the two related? Let’s find out!


What causes grey hair?


As hair grows, a group of cells called melanocytes creates melanin that comes in two colors — dark brown or black (eumelanin), and yellow or red (pheomelanin) — and combines to create our hair colors.

If melanin does not get delivered to your hair, it triggers the growth of grey hair.


Does stress also cause grey hair?

Greying of hair normally happens due to ageing. The rate of this progression is largely influenced by genetics and inheritance.


However, another major cause for the onset of grey hair is due to stress. Stress hormones can impact melanocytes and as a result melanin will not deliver pigment to your hair. Stress is likely to cause hair fall and hair damage as well. Any stressful event in the body is perceived as a burden that includes physical, mental and emotional stress. Anything that interrupts your well-being or causes mental and emotional stress can cause non-pigmentation of your hair shaft.


In addition, a recent study has found that a lack of Vitamin B and the presence of grey hair is correlated. Lack of Vitamin B can be influenced by stress.


How can you prevent the premature growth of grey hair?


  • Stop stressing, start living
  • Oil your hair frequently
  • Follow a healthy balanced diet
  • Quit harsh shampoos
  • Check your thyroid levels


Try these tips to control the premature growth of grey hair and let us know if they worked for you. If you have any tips that you have used to fight grey hair, let us know by commenting below!



How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Easily

Do you have stretch marks on your body? Don’t worry, everyone gets them – models, celebrities, even Kim Kardashian posted on Snapchat about having her stretch marks removed!


So let’s have a look at what stretch marks actually are, how they are caused and how we can get rid of them.


What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks, or striae, develop when your skin suddenly needs to stretch beyond the limits of its natural growth rate. They initially appear as pink, red or reddish-brown lines on the skin. They may be raised or flat, and their appearance can vary depending on your skin tone.



What causes stretch marks?


  • Sudden weight loss/ weight gain
  • Genetics
  • Puberty
  • Certain medications


Where do stretch marks appear?


  • Thighs
  • Arms
  • Hips
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Breasts


How can you get rid of them?


1. Aloevera

Apply aloevera gel onto your stretch marks twice a day and massage.



2.Egg Whites

Whip up the egg white alone and apply to your stretch marks. Wash it off with cold water after it dries.


3.Lemon Juice

Apply lemon juice. Let it dry for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.



4.Olive Oil

Olive oil is a great hydrator to massage onto your stretch marks.


5.Shea butter or Cocoa Butter

Commonly found these days at regular stores, buy a lotion and apply it on your stretch marks daily, twice a day.



As with anything, consistency is key! Make sure you incorporate a good moisturizing regimen into your daily routine to stay one step of those hard-to-beat stretch marks – always!



What is sleep hygiene and why is it important?

Sleep hygiene is a combination of different practices and habits which are important to be able to get a good night’s sleep, and ensure full daytime alertness. Good sleep hygiene can improve the quality and quantity of sleep you get.


Sleep hygiene takes into account what you do during the day and the night, how much exercise you get, how organized you are, how you manage stress and what you put into your body.


Recommended sleep

Experts from the National Sleep Foundation have recommended sleep ranges for all age groups:


  • Newborns (0-3 months): 14-17 hours each day
  • Infants (4-11 months): 12-15 hours
  • Toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours
  • Preschoolers (3-5): 10-13 hours
  • School age children (6-13): 9-11 hours
  • Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 hours
  • Younger adults (18-25): 7-9 hours
  • Adults (26-64): 7-9 hours
  • Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours


Why is a good sleep hygiene important?

Research has indicated that lack of sleep can result in increased blood pressure, high heart rates and increased risk of diabetes. In addition, inadequate sleep has been linked with increased anxiety, panic attacks, low mood and depression too.


How do you develop good sleep hygiene?

Here’s our guide to what you can do to improve your sleep hygiene:


  • Take naps during the daytime
  • Cut caffeine out of your diet
  • Keep yourself active
  • Get your daily dose of daylight
  • Practice meditation
  • Have a regular sleep routine


What to do if you can’t sleep

If you remain awake for more than 10-15 minutes, try something different. Get out of bed, get comfortable, and try to relax. If you want to, you can listen to some calming music or quietly read a book. Avoid using electrical devices before going to sleep; they’ll make your brain think it’s time to wake up, and can make it much more difficult to get back to sleep.

So start improving your sleep hygiene today. Making the change now can help you in the long run to be more energetic, mentally aware, and stress-free.



A new mother’s guide to breastfeeding

Set every August for the first seven days of the month, World Breastfeeding Week aims at highlighting the huge benefits that breastfeeding can bring to the health of both the baby and the mother.

Breastfeeding is always encouraged by medical professionals, as it truly is the most ideal, natural food for a baby. Not only does breastfeeding provide nutrition from proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, but also contains antibodies that boost the baby’s immune system.


Many people find breastfeeding to be challenging at first, but don’t worry. It is completely normal. We have compiled a list of tips to help nursing mothers get through what can sometimes be a bumpy start:



  • It is normal for the first few weeks to be tough – Similar to on-the-job training, do not expect to be an expert immediately. Every feed will not go great, but this is normal, and not something to stress about.
  • Be comfortable – Make sure you are comfortable while breastfeeding. Learn about the various positions you can hold your baby to ensure both of you are comfortable.
  • Alternate which breast you start with at each feed. – Make sure both breasts receive equal stimulation so they are emptied. This, in turn, tells the body to make more milk. Most women put a safety pin on the bra strap of the breast they finished on to remember to where to start the next feed.
  • Don’t keep the baby on one breast for more than 20 minutes – This can cause sore/bleeding nipples which can make your next breastfeed difficult and painful.
  • Make a schedule – 8-12 nursings are required in 24 hours. This translates into feeding approximately every 2-3 hours.
  • If the baby is asleep, wake him/her up when it’s time to feed. – You need to ensure that 8-12 nursings are completed in one day, even if that means waking your baby up from a nap.
  • Make sure the baby is getting enough milk – Babies tend to lose weight after birth until they are breastfed. Keep in mind that the goal is for your baby to be back to birth weight at around two weeks of age.
  • Take care of yourself – It is important to hydrate, eat healthy and rest well while you’re breastfeeding. How you take care of yourself will translate to your baby.



You are recovering from delivery, and with all the changes your body is going through, it can be a challenging time. Consult with your doctor if you feel worried or if you need support during the stages of nursing. Most of all, be happy & grateful. After all, holding your little one in your arms makes it all worthwhile.



What’s causing my swollen feet?

What’s causing my swollen feet?

There are various factors that cause swollen feet. Generally, they are temporary, and not a cause for concern. However, if your feet are swollen, accompanied by other symptoms, it could be the sign of another health condition. Read on to learn about what causes swollen feet, as well as how to identify whether or not you need to seek professional help.


Swelling of the feet can be caused by a number of things:


  1. Edema – Edema is a condition where excess fluid is trapped in your body’s tissue which causes swelling and puffiness of the tissue directly under your skin in your feet, ankles, and legs.
  2. Pregnancy – Some swelling is common during pregnancy since your body retains more water and produces more blood and body fluids.
  3. Alcohol – If you are a frequent consumer of alcohol, and if swelling occurs in your feet,it may be a sign of a problem with your liver, heart, or kidneys. This means that you’re consuming too much alcohol.
  4. Injuries – Foot injuries such as bone injury , strains, and sprains can cause swelling. When you hurt your foot, swelling occurs as a result of blood rushing to the affected area.
  5. Blood Clots – Blood clots can form in the veins of your legs. This hampers blood flow up to your heart and leads to swollen ankles and feet. Most often it occurs on one side of your body.
  6. Medication side effects – Certain medications can cause swollen feet as a side effect because they cause fluid to collect, especially in the lower part of your body. Consult a doctor immediately if this happens.closeup-female-foot-pain-health-care-concept_53476-47


See your doctor right away if you have swollen feet accompanied by the following symptoms:


  • Stretched skin in the affected area
  • Pain and swelling that doesn’t get better
  • Leg ulcerations or blisters
  • Chest pain, pressure, or tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling on only one sideclose-up-of-woman-doing-foot-massage-at-spa_1150-3095

Now that you know what to look out for, you can be assured that you will know what steps to take in the case of unexplained swelling. If you are still unsure, don’t be hesitant to contact your doctor to run further tests and determine a diagnosis and treatment plan for you.




4 lifestyle factors that promote good health in daily life

These days, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can seem difficult among so many activities during the day. We work hard, eat what we can where we can and there is no time to rest, but maintaining a life in balance means organizing your schedules to incorporate these 4 lifestyle factors that promote good health and make you feel full and happy.

Active Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the great evils of our times. In order to maintain a  healthy lifestyle, you should include regular physical activity and exercises in your routine. On the other hand, it also has psychological benefits and improves the quality of life.



 Eating Regular Well-balanced Meals, Including Breakfast

A healthy balanced diet can keep you energetic throughout, lower your risks for the leading killer diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and cancers and also help you maintain a normal weight.


Consuming Alcohol in moderation or Not At All

Moderate alcohol consumption can still lead to lower risk of heart diseases but if alcohol is consumed in high levels, it leads to health and behavioral problems, including an increased risk for high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, some cancers, accidents or violence.

Getting Adequate Amounts Of Sleep

Getting a regular amount of sleep is important to give your body a chance to restore and regenerate. Sleeping can help regenerate old cells and repair cell damage. Sleeping less than seven hours a night has been shown to have negative effects throughout your body.

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Recognizing and Treating Wound Infection

Small hazards that lead to minor cut or injuries can sometimes be unavoidable. A cut can appear anywhere on the body. When germs get into the sensitive tissues via the cut, it is quite possible the cut may become infected. Watch out because an infection could spread any time between two or three days after the cut has occurred.

Read this blog by #SliceOfHealth to learn how to identify an infected cut, how to treat it and prevent this condition.


How to identify the cut

The skin that surrounds the cut is often red and may make you feel uncomfortable. You’ll likely notice some swelling in the affected area. As the infection develops, it may begin to discharge a yellow substance called pus.

Seek immediate medical attention if you have these signs of infection:


  • Redness from the infection spreads to other areas, often in streaks
  • You have aches and pains or a fever
  • You feel a general sense of malaise


These symptoms indicate that the infection has begun to spread.


How to treat an infected cut at home?

If you’ve only just begun to notice that your cut is looking a little red around the edges, you may be able to treat it at home.

  • Wash the infected area with soap and water
  • Use antiseptic solutions on the first day (not more than once)
  • After cleaning the wound, let it dry and apply an antibiotic ointment
  • Cover the wound with a bandage until new skin has developed over the wound

Tip- If the redness continues to spread or the wound begins to discharge the pus, seek medical attention ASAP.

See a doctor immediately if:

  • you suspect there may be a foreign body inside your cut
  • you can’t stop the bleeding
  • the cut is very large
  • the wound is caused by an animal or human bitemedical-bandage_1098-11953 (1)

Monitor your cut closely and if you find the slightest sign of infection, treat it immediately. The earlier an infection is caught, the more quickly and easily it can be treated.

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