
How to Make Natural Homemade Hand Sanitizer

For the times when soap and water are unavailable and your hands need to be cleaned,  make sure you keep a homemade hand sanitizer handy always. On this blog by #SliceOfHealth,  learn how to make hand sanitizer that is non-chemical and naturally scented. Our version of hand sanitizer can be made right at home with powerful essential oils and a few other ingredients.


Here are the go-to hand sanitizer recipes!


1.Gentle Hand Sanitizer Recipe (safe for kids)




  • ¼ bottle of aloe vera gel
  • 20 drops of germ destroyer oil (kids safe)



  • Mix all ingredients and store in a reusable tube
  • Use when needed to naturally remove germs from hands.

2.Strong Hand Sanitizer Recipe



  • 1 tb Aloe Vera
  • 2 tb Alcohol
  • ½ tb Vitamin Oil
  • 16 drops of tea tree oil
  • 8 drops lavender essential oil

Combine all ingredients together in a bowl. Store it in a small jar or a squeeze tube

Arm yourself with those natural hand sanitizer recipes. Tell us if you have ever made your own hand sanitizer! If yes, how did it turn out?




Can You Use Tea Tree Oil for Skin Tags?

Tea tree oil and skin tags

Tea tree oil is an essential oil for skin that is derived from the leaves of the Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). It has been proved that tea tree oil dehydrates skin tags, causing them to dry up and fall off. Skin tags are not harmful but they can be unsightly and uneasy when they grow in delicate locations such as on your face or armpits.

You can find tea tree oil in any leading cosmetic stores or online shopping sites.


Dehydrating effects of tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is also an effective treatment for acne. It helps kills bacteria and helps dry up pimples. It’s possible that tea tree oil could also help dry up skin tags.

How to use tea tree oil on skin tags

  1. Use a tea tree oil solution:
  • Soak a cotton ball in tea tree oil
  • Use a bandage or a piece of tape to secure the cotton ball to your skin tag
  • Let it sit overnight
  • Repeat nightly until the skin tag falls off.

Tip- Discontinue if you experience any kind of irritation.

  1. Use a combination of 100 percent tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar:
  • Soak a cotton ball in the apple cider vinegar and add a few drops of tea tree oil
  • Use tape to secure the cotton ball to your skin tag.
  • Leave in place for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Rinse the area with soap and water and repeat thrice a day625-skin_625x350_71446192979

Tip- Never use this vinegar mix near your eyes.

If you have skin tags, try these two effective DIY methods to get rid of your skin tags and tell us if they worked!


Hypoglycemia and Diabetes: Is there a link?

About Hypoglycemia


Blood sugar main source of energy. When a person has an abnormally low blood sugar level, their body’s ability to adequately function may be impaired as a result. This condition is called hypoglycemia, and it’s officially defined as a blood glucose level of below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).


Very often, hypoglycemia occurs in people who suffer from diabetes. Let us understand the link between these two.

Hand holding a blood glucose meter measuring blood sugar, the background is a stethoscope and chart file




  • anxiety
  • heart palpitations
  • hunger
  • sweating
  • Blurred vision


It is important to measure your glucose level if you have any of these symptoms to know if they are caused by a blood glucose problem or another condition.



If you have diabetes, you may take insulins or consume drugs that will help your body lower your blood sugar level. In the event you take too much insulin relative to the amount of glucose in your bloodstream and experience a blood sugar level drop. This can cause hypoglycemia.




Ignoring the symptoms of hypoglycemia can be dangerous. A lack of glucose may shut your brain down or leave you unconscious.

Untreated hypoglycemia can lead to:


  • loss of consciousness
  • seizure
  • death




The solution to preventing a future problem like hypoglycemia is first by understanding what caused the issue in the first place and then carefully following your diabetes management plan.


If you’re a caretaker for someone with diabetes who begins experiencing symptoms of hypoglycemia, seek emergency help immediately.


Easy DIY Hair Detangling Spray You Can Make At Home


If you have long hair, then you would know the battle of the brush all too well. Save your energy for other, more important battles. We have all had long and wavy hair at various points over the years..  How do we make it work? Only with a good detangling spray!girl-combing-tangled-hair_23-2147798554


There are detangling products on the market, but this will hardly even cost you anything because it is made with stuff you already own! And it works!


You Will Need


  • Empty spray bottle
  • 2–3 Tbsp. regular conditioner
  • Hot (not boiling) water
  • Essential oil of your choice (Optional)




  • Put 2–3 tablespoons of your favourite conditioner in your squirt bottle.
  • Fill up the bottle the rest of the way with hot water. This helps the conditioner to melt into the water quickly.
  • Add 2–3 drops of essential oil for scent if you like.
  • Shake!
  • Spray on dry hair to untangle and comb through. You can also spray on damp hair to use as a leave-in conditioner. Both options will leave hair silky, soft, and shiny.woman-doing-hairstyle-for-client_23-2147769860

Didn’t know about this DIY One-Minute Detangling Spray until now?  Make your own today and tell us if this worked!

4 Superfoods that can boost immunity


You have heard countless times about superfoods, and we think it’s worth getting to know some of them.


What are Superfoods?

Some foods due to their heavy amount of raw nutrition, low-calorie content and high antioxidant activity are health promoting. Since they are loaded with immunity building supplements, they may be fighting disease, delaying the ageing process, promoting cardiovascular health, beneficial in weight loss etc.


Slice Of Health introduces you to four Superfoods that will give you a health boost.

1.Chia Seeds-


Chia means ‘strength’ in the Mayan language. Chia seeds are one of the most popular superfoods for many good reasons. They are virtually tasteless, easy-to-digest (when prepared properly), super nutrient dense, and full of energy-boosting power. Chia has also nicknamed “runners’ food” because runners used chia seeds as fuel to run long distances. Did you know that just 1 spoonful of chia could sustain them for 24 hours?

Chia seeds (salvia hispanica). Chia seeds benefits include promoting healthy skin, reducing signs of aging, supporting the heart and digestive system.




This dark yellow powder is referred to as potentially the most powerful plant on the planet in its power to fight and reverse disease. Liver issues, skin conditions, cholesterol regulation, and mood stabilization can also all be cured by the power of turmeric.




Moringa tree leaves, also known as  ‘Drumstick tree leaves’ have various healing properties, health benefits. Back in the day, this miracle tree used to treat a variety of ailments including: edema, swelling, stomach disorders, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, thyroid disorder, anaemia and sickle cell disease, and bacterial, fungal, viral, and parasitic infections.




Blue-green algae, known as spirulina, is truly the earth’s biological gift to vitamin supplement takers everywhere.

Spirulina is packed with protein, fuels our metabolism as well as promotes heart and hair health. Antioxidants are also important for anti-ageing effects. So think of the glowing, young looking skin you’ll get as a result of taking spirulina, as a bonus.


4 Foods that lower blood pressure naturally!


Did you know that one in three Indian adults suffer from high blood pressure?  World Health Statistics 2012 report shows that in India, 23.10% of men and 22.60% of women above 25 years are likely to experience hypertension.

Most risk factors for high blood pressure are out of your control, such as age, family history and gender. But there is one factor you can control- your diet.


Read on to learn which foods can help you fight high blood pressure.



Tomato paste, juice, and sauce deliver the most lycopene, an antioxidant that has long been studied for its heart health benefits, including reducing inflammation and possibly lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow.



Sweet Potatoes

One medium sweet potato contains 11 percent of the daily recommended amount of potassium. The lack of potassium leads to high blood pressure.




A research found that strawberries and blueberries three days per week had a 32 percent reduced risk of heart attack as they contain powerful antioxidant anthocyanins.



Virgin Olive Oil

Four tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil per day for a year had much better HDL function, meaning better plaque removal and more relaxed blood vessels.



The bottom line

Making healthy eating diets is the most effective guideline when it comes to fighting high blood pressure. Through a heart-healthy diet, you can reduce your risks for hypertension, promote good health and make yourself stress-free.

How Can Exercise Reduce The Risk of Heart Failure In Men?

If you want to live longer, exercising is a great way to improve your heart health. Regular, aerobic exercises are one of the best things you can do. Walking, biking and swimming are also the best workouts for your heart. Read this blog for tips that will help you enhance your cardiovascular health.


What type of exercises can I do for a healthy heart?

Any exercise that makes your heart beat a bit faster counts. Fortunately there are some exercises that can keep your arteries clear. We have listed down a few for you:


  1. Walking- It is a great exercise for a healthy heart. It is enjoyable, safe, inexpensive, and easy- going to fit into anyone’s busy day.
  2. Biking- The pedalling motion of the large muscles in your legs is a fantastic aerobic exercise for your heart. Either a road bike or a stationary bike will work for this exercise routine.
  3. Swimming-  Two and a half hours of swimming a week will give you all the heart health benefits you need. It can also be beneficial if you’re starting out to shed some kilos.
  4. Tai Chi-  Also known as ‘ moving meditation,’ Tai chi is an ancient Chinese form of exercise based on the martial arts. It uses slow rhythmic body movements combined with deep breathing and concentration.content-brunette-in-white-doing-tai-chi_13339-97234


How often and how long should I exercise?

It is recommended that one does at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week or at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week.

Researchers found getting the recommended amount of exercise over a span of six years during your middle-age may cut the risk of heart failure.




How hard should I work out?

Consult with your doctor on the intensity of your exercise. It’s much better to start out easy and work up to more challenging workouts. You can discuss the best exercises for you and what your target heart rate should be during activity.



How can I find my ideal heart rate?

To get the heart health benefit from any exercise, aim to reach between 50 and 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. To find your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220.



If you have been sedentary for most of your life, beginning to workout to maintain your activity levels may lower your heart risk. Take care of yourself, get active and exercise safely.




The ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ and its many benefits!


Vitamin D, also known as the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’ is a unique vitamin your body can make from the sun.

The body produced naturally when exposed to sunlight. Despite the capability to get vitamin D from food and the sun, it is estimated that 40%-75% of people have a deficiency of Vitamin D.


Is Vitamin D really that important?

Vitamin D is an essential compound that promises great advantages to health, yet most adults fall short. Let’s look at a few advantages that Vitamin D provides:



  • Cancer- It is estimated that cancer risks can be prevented by 75% by adequate consumption of vitamin D.
  • Calcium Levels – Vitamin D maintains calcium and phosphate levels in the blood and contributes to the bone development and bone strength.
  • Your Immune System – Ever heard of those “t-cells” that protect your body against germs and diseases? Vitamin D is vital in their creation and function.


How much Vitamin D does your body need?


The recommendations for adults up to age 69 rose to 600 IU/day, and to 800 IU/day for adults starting at age 70. Senior people need more vitamin D because as they age, their skin does not produce vitamin D efficiently.



How to get enough Vitamin D?



  • Spend a safe amount of time in sun
  • Use a sunscreen for long sun exposure


  • Get blood levels of vitamin D tested
  • If necessary, use supplements . Make sure to consult with a doctor.




Does Water Expire?

Did you know that your bottled water has an expiry date? Does this mean that water goes bad over time, and can become unsafe for drinking?


Well, not exactly. Stored properly, water has the potential to last indefinitely. However, different factors can affect certain attributes of water.


Exposure to Air


Since water does not contain sugars or proteins, microbes do not consume it. However, exposure to air/dust does bring your water in contact with bacteria. Since commercially sold bottles of water contain small amounts of chlorine, exposure to bacteria will only be a problem after about a day or two.


The chemistry of water can also change slightly when exposed to air, as it absorbs CO2. The resulting chemical change causes the pH level of the water to reduce. This can change the taste of your water but is not necessarily harmful to you.


Exposure to Sunlight


Even if you are storing water in a closed bottle, make sure you do so away from sunlight. Certain plastics release the hormone disruptor bisphenol A (BPA) when they come in contact with heat.


So next time you go pick up a bottle of water, don’t let the expiry date stress you out. Just make sure you store your water safely and stay hydrated!

How to Cope with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Sometimes, living in India, we take our sunshine and vitamin D for granted. We forget that most of our time is actually spent in the office during daylight hours, and we are probably not getting the amount of light exposure we need. In fact, exposure to the right kinds of light throughout the day is crucial for sleep patterns, energy and your overall health. A lack of it can even lead to a condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


People are generally diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder when they exhibit recurrent periods of depression that seem to coincide with seasonal weather patterns.


What causes SAD?


There are multiple factors that can influence the onset of Seasonal Affective Disorder in a person.


  • lack of light – this generally leads to vitamin D deficiency which is linked with SAD
  • genetics – people with family members with a history of SAD are more prone to have it
  • gender – women are 4 times more likely to have SAD than men
  • stress – though there is not a clear causality between the two, stress has been found to be linked with cases of SAD)portrait-of-happy-beautiful-happy-youngwoman-relaxing-in-park-joyful-female-model-breathing-fresh-air-outdoors-and-enjoying-smell-in-a-flower-spring-or-summer-garden-vintage-tone_1423-707


Natural Remedies for SAD


We don’t have much control over our genetics or gender, but we can do something to control our light exposure, monitor our vitamin levels, and maintain our stress levels.


Light Exposure – Make it a habit to spend time outside in the morning before work. Go for a walk or even just sit next to an open window in the house where you get ample sunlight.



Vitamin Levels – Though sunlight is the main source of vitamin D in your body, some people have trouble processing it within their bodies. Consider taking a supplement, and discuss your options with a doctor. Vitamin B12 has also been linked to cases of depression, so eat foods that will help you meet your daily requirement (pastured eggs, shellfish, salmon, trout, etc.)



Stress & Mental Health – Make it a habit of spending time with friends, exercising, and doing whatever it takes for you to relax. If you’re mentally fit, you can take on the world!



So stay cool this summer, but make sure you stay happy as well! Depression is an extremely complicated topic, and should not be treated lightly. If you or anyone you know exhibits signs of depression, take the time to consult a doctor and find out what you can do to help.

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