Childhood Inspired Exercises

There is a reason why they say that you should go out and play as children: for if you leave that age behind, you pretty much have no point of return whatsoever, to an age of abject abandon and carefree happiness. Whether it is in the simple activity of street cricket or the monkey-like antics we adopted in climbing up trees, one’s childhood is easily a return to a beautiful time. To revive the charm of those simple days while also enjoying a good workout in the process, we have some fun activities that you can try out.
– Running Races: What childhood story is complete without creating impromptu competitions of a fraction of an Olympian scale? The Running Race is a part of almost every childhood, regardless of what geography you hail from. Set a target with a bunch of friends and enjoy the burst of activity as the wind blows in your face!
– Jump Ropes: The most amusing activity of all time, the humble jump rope was the source of much laughter and high cardio activity while we were children. Set a target for yourself, and aim to do higher than it, and watch as your body gets back in shape!
– Cycling: Cycling has become something of a revived sporting phenomenon in the recent past, what with more and more people taking to the eco-friendly two-wheeler. Make a commitment to either choose the cycle as an exercise routine in itself, or use it as your mode of local transportation so you can get around from point to point without much difficulty.
– Play outdoors! One of the most neglected activities in this day and age, regardless of what age group one may belong to, is playing outdoors. People opt to sit indoors, cooped up in the comfort of a couch and the television or the computer – and seldom spend time outdoors. Make it a point to play something or the other outdoors, and watch as you begin to feel and be healthier.
– Climbing: Whether monkey bars or trees, as children, most of us have scaled quite a few heights of our own, more literally than figuratively. The journey has been amusing to say the least – and as adults, replicating climbing a tree or monkey bars can be difficult. Replace the tree or the monkey bars with something else – perhaps a rock climbing or a stimulated environment that helps you keep your cardio levels buoyed.
After all that rigorous activity, indulge in some good, wholesome food from your childhood days. Here’s a fun recipe! Take a cup of shredded spinach, a tablespoon of low-fat butter, a small cup of chopped onions, 2 teaspoons of finely chopped green chillies, a pinch of soda bicarbonate, a tablespoon of cornflour dissolved in 3/4 cup low-fat milk and some salt to taste. Heat the butter in a non-stick pan, add the onions and green chillies and sauté on a medium flame for 1 to 2 minutes, add the spinach and soda bi-carb and cook it on a medium flame for two minutes. Add the cornflour-milk mixture and salt, and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes or till it is thick in consistency, while stirring continuously. After it cools, take two slices of bread, some mozzarella cheese, spread the mixture on the bread and bake in a pre-heated oven at 200°C for 8 to 10 minutes or till crisp.
